Results for 'Kiyoung Kim'

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  1. The graduate law degree holders in the legal education market.Kim Kiyoung - 2016 - Beijing Law Review 7 (4):371-399.
    Given that the law is helpful, essential and non-separable with our lives, we surely would like to know the people that make laws and who practice in the legal profession. This query is the recent theme we have pursued in this and other related projects. The investigation has revealed a knowledge economy (savoir-faire) that has entwined law and the actions of law people, which growingly became edged to explain their behavior and moral and professional conduct. The expectation has been that (...)
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  2. A Legal Education and Judge Selection System in South.Kim Kiyoung - 2017 - Korean Studies Journal 29 (3):1-50.
    Korea maintained a dual system of legal education since it imported the American style of legal education under the influence of Japan. The public had conceived it a kind of nerd or dude that had to be engrafted with the national needs as any solution in the face of globalization challenge. This led to a monopoly of legal education in Korea that disturbed the interest holders, those whom are lawyers, law professors, law schools and department of laws and the interested (...)
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  3. A Life and Days.Kiyoung Kim - 2022 - Seouk: Bookk.
    그동안 많은 전문서적을 출간한 경험을 가지고 있지만, 이번 출간하는 법과 생활은 생활 현장에서 느낀 바를 진솔하게 담고 있어 독자들이 쉽게 읽을 수 있게 하였다. 항상 법이 무엇인가를 생각하면서 단조로운 일상을 살아야 하는 변호사, 법학교수로서, 우리 주변의 이야기는 빈곤한 사고의 저변을 넓혀 준다. 조선대학교 법사회대학에서 학생들을 가르치는 백면서생이지만, 서울과 광주를 오가면서 한국 사회를 객관적으로 바라볼 수 있는 시간을 가질 수 있었던 것은 본서 출간을 가능하게 한 동인이었다. 본 서는 정밀한 법이론이나 사례 분석, 또는 판례에 대한 학술적 비평을 담고 있지 않다. 다만 (...)
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  4. Collection of Poems with a Glory of Spring.Kiyoung Kim - 2023 - Seoul: ePurple.
    춘래 불사춘이라 ‘봄이 왔지만 봄 같지 않다’라는 선현들의 말씀이 남의 일이 아닌 요즘 세상이다. 혼탁한 정치와 메말라가는 인간들로 우리 사회는 양들의 침묵 같이 감성이 메말라 버리고 우리의 사회 생활은 사하라 사막 같이 황량하고 무미 건조하게 되어 가고 있다. 과학 기술의 발전으로 페북이라는 작은 표현의 장을 얻어 남기고 싶은 느낌들을 시로 긁적거리기 수년이 지났다. 페북의 빈 페이지는 마치 사막의 오아시스처럼 잠시나마 생각을 표현하고 이를 지인들과 공유할 수 있게 한다. 본 시선 1집은 2020년 경 페북 시들을 모아 본 것이다. 시라고 하지만 무엇이 (...)
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  5. Collection of Poems with a Deep Greens of Summer.Kiyoung Kim - 2023 - Seoul: ePurple.
    여름은 가을의 풍성한 수확을 위하여 땀 흘리는 계절이다. 김기영 시모음 제 1권에 이어 여름의 풍성함-내맘대로 세상이라는 제목으로 제 2권을 펴내게 되었다. 모쪼록 더위에 행운과 건강이 함께 하길 기원하면서 엉터리 사마천 같은 우리의 시간 기록과 함께 삭막한 세상의 반려가 되었으면 하는 바램이다.
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  6. Collection of Poems with the Fall leaves.Kiyoung Kim - 2023
    버리고 비우는 일은 결코 소극적인 삶이 아니라 지혜로운 삶의 선택이라는 법정 스님의 말씀이 새삼 가슴에 사무치는 가을입니다. 우리는 버리고 비우지 않고는 새것이 들어설 수 없다는 지혜를 알고 있습니다. 가을은 나눔의 계절입니다. 오늘은 나눔의 날입니다. 내 마음에 가득 고인 고마운 마음을 이웃과 나누고 싶습니다. 보잘 것 없는 생각의 편린들이지만 나도 나눌 수 있다는 것이 고맙습니다. 가을의 풍성함과 쓸쓸함은 인생의 진리인 듯 합니다. 들판의 곡식이 다 내 것이 아니고 나무의 열매가 다 내 것이 아니지만 추수의 계절은 우리에게 감사한 마음을 가져다 주고 모든 (...)
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  7. The Humans, Society and Law.Kiyoung Kim - 2023 - Seoul: Kyobobook.
    법을 공부하고 법을 가르치는 법학도나 법학 교수, 그리고 현실 사회에서 법과 정의를 구현하기 위하여 묵묵히 자신의 책무를 수행하는 일선 법률가들을 생각하며 조금이라도 도움이 될 수 있는 글을 써 보겠다는 마음으로 페북에 글을 올리기 시작한지 어언 5년 가까이 되고 있다. 우리 법률전문가들은 세상의 진실에 눈을 감고 진리를 왜곡하는 곡학아세의 길을 걷는 것을 항상 경계하여야 한다. 특히 좌우 정치가 자리를 잡아가면서 법률가들 마저 파벌을 이루어 법을 생각하기 앞서 자파의 이익을 생각하는 현실을 부인하기 어렵다. 이는 우리에게 양심의 회복을 질책한다. 무매한 민중을 호도하고 국가의 (...)
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  8. A Teacher and Researcher: A Scratch on the Science Community and Meaning of Evaluation with the Research Doctoral Programs Ranking.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):34.
    The epistemology and phenomenology of contemporary society tend to be deepened, and the philosophical challenges never are minimal that we may be called to face with the kind of post-modern chaos from the rapidly changing phenomena of the global community. The ballast held on the identity of faculty members as a teacher and researcher now turns due so as to be recast with our intrinsic of routine performance. I considered their quality as bent on the intellectual strife on the method (...)
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  9. The Relationship between the Law and Public Policy: Is it a Chi-Square or Normative Shape for the Policy Makers?Kiyoung Kim - 2014 - Social Sciences 3 (4):137-143.
    Oftentimes we consider how the law and public policy were interwoven one another for any fine appeal to the constituents and global public. Nonetheless, we are fairly never definite to suggest any hard picture of their relationship. It rather involves an issue of meditative process of philosophy, humanity and social justice as well as a wider of public contention from the purview of temporal and spatial evolution. The paper, in the face with this difficult conundrum, attempts to highlight some of (...)
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  10. The Constitution and Tripartite System of Government: From the Mutiny for the Limited Government Through the Interbranch Subtlety.Kiyoung Kim - 2014 - International Journal of Advanced Research 2 (9):392-401.
    The modern form of government resort their legitimacy to democracy and Republican concept. In any viable way, the political power no longer entertains the dynasty or any divinity from the religion. Then who are responsible to make us fateful if we are any kind of citizen in a polity. Often it is true that the government has to be an amalgam of power elites, and divided for a limited government. The modern democratic constitutionalism considered this aspect any most in primacy (...)
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  11. Concerning the Research and Science.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    What is the research for in the society? We may imagine the professionals engaged in these activities, shall we say, university professors, researchers in the public and private institutions, and even the lay inventors at home or in the neighborhood. The research is related with some of knowledge or ideas, which, however, should be creative and original. It is the main function of those professionals, and can develop in dissemination of the findings produced by research. It frontiers the knowledge of (...)
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    Thoughts on the new international law-making: A new form of international agreement revisited from a triptyke of academic disciplines (2nd edition).Kiyoung Kim - 2023 - Chosun Law Journal 30 (2):3-55.
    From the traditionalist position on international law, a new form of compact agreement, which cannot be classified as an international treaty in terms of academic framework, had long fueled much of contention in politics, international law, and constitutional law. A growing practice of compact agreement had been natural as corresponding with the global compression of international community and rising aspiration of peace regime on the international relations. The scholars of international law believe that, regardless of whether the President of the (...)
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  13. Fiscal Administration and Public Sector.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 -
    A fiscal administration shows the reality of government and public organization in their provision of public good or service for the citizen. It is an independent subject from the accounting, economic, political, and legal science, which is interdisciplinary and strives for any distinct goal of studies. A fiscal sustainability perhaps would be one ideal that this science would flounder to crystallize and hold out. The studies would be similar to the adjacent sciences, but could be defined ultimately for its unique (...)
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  14. A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary Application to the College and University Rankings.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - Education Journal 4 (5):250-262.
    It was a precious opportunity as a teacher and researcher that I had completed two research method classes with the peers of Laureate Education Inc. Since the generation of creative knowledge and meaningful contribution to the field is charged on the professional researcher, the classes are foundational, but unfortunately with less an attention by the scholars, and, if more problematically, even lack of courses for some graduate or training programs. Within this paper, I can be gladly reminiscent of the course (...)
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  15. Human Rights: Are They Just a Tweak for the Policy Makers or Administrators?Kiyoung Kim - 2014 - European Academic Research 2 (6):7760-7783.
    The human rights often are cited as an ultimate goal for the discipline of social science. It guides the UN in the pursuit of its organizational mission, and the civil democratic government generally endorses this paradigm of state rule as supreme. Nonetheless, it seems a mishap if the human rights are thought to be valued only in the courtroom or police office. They are the kind of ubiquitous concept that we could share and must share, who would be the scientists (...)
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  16. 버드법(Byrd Amendment)에 대한 司法審査의 意義와 示唆點.Kiyoung Kim - 2007 - 법조 610:186-220.
    자국의 통상이익을 확보하려는 국가의 노력과 무역의 자유화와 확대를 위한 경제심 판관으로서 WTO의 역할은 인류복지의 극대화를 위하여 한 방향으로 나아가면서도 충 돌하고 있다. 개별국가의 성장과 복지없는 인류복지의 극대화는 껍데기에 불과하고, 자유와 비차별(non-discrimination)의 원칙에 바탕한 기회균등, 공정경쟁조건의 보장이 없는 한 국제무역은 홉즈식 "즉발적 利己主義(spontaneous disorder)"만이 횡행하게 된 다. 이를 구제하기 위하여 국가적·국제적 통상관리체제가 발전되어 왔으며, WTO가 세 계경제헌법체제로서 많은 역할을 하고 있는 것은 주지의 사실이다. 많은 WTO업적 중 최근의 버드법 문제는 그 이례성과 전략성으로 인하여 양식있는 자의 관심이 대상이 되어 왔으며, 최근 미 (...)
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  17. Kim Report: Compiles and Thought on the College and University Rankings.Kiyoung Kim (ed.) - 2021 - New York, USA: Kindle Direct Publishing.
    The aims of this book is clear and straightforward. It was motivated to convert an inhumane or insipid experience with the various sources of global ranking into the kind of humanly and cultural experience within our daily lifestyle. Their outlook from presentation is masked with the number purely and perhaps through a myriad of complicated data or ranking information. The concept or self-identification within the experience or exposure would be less substantial or hard to get palpable. My attempt to improve (...)
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  18. On the Fundamentals of Law and Public Policy.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    We subsist under the law where we claim our rights and are obliged to do something enforced. What is a law? The question would be perplexing in history, and one of crucial themes with many lawyers or legal philosophers. As we know, two most important perspectives had earned a universal and historical forge in academics, to say, the natural law and legal positivism. The concept of natural law deals in its primacy for the humanity and natural order which often can (...)
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  19. Public Policy and Governance: Some Thoughts on Its Elements.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    As the word demos denotes, the democracy is generally considered as the rule or governance based on the general base of people in which monarchy or oligarchy form is excluded. We have a classical view about the four forms of government, which was proposed by Platonic concepts. Most idealistic form of government, in his prongs, could be found in Crete and Sparta, which was nevertheless not a democratic form. His accolade of these two nations, which, of course, would be a (...)
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  20. Most Cited Law Faculty.Kiyoung Kim - forthcoming - Researchgate.
    The degree background for the Brian Leiter's most cited law faculty 2021 had been detailed.
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  21. Leadership and Organizational Change: Some Perspective from the Basics.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    Leadership is certainly a central concept that the contemporary society now requires to increase the chances of survival and prosperity. As the contemporary politics guides, the world now see a greater turn to the kind of strategic paradigm heavily departing from the previous adherence to the ideological tenet. The strategy is a vital way of approach to address the needs of followers, subordinates, stakeholders and shareholders although there are other strands of influence including the culture (For political discourse, it is (...)
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  22. Ethics, Law and Social Justice.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    Ethics and responsibility would be a vexing or awesome topic that the contemporary citizen more likely wishes to avoid giving his or her views or opinions. That is perhaps because the society transforms rapidly and turns to become more diverse from the past decades. These concepts, on the other, comes not in the ancient or middle era classics, but from the near modern context in 18th England and French land. In dealing with the nature and relationship between the two concepts, (...)
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  23. THE KIOSK FOR DOCTORAL STUDIES IN THE US.Kiyoung Kim - 2021 - Research Gate Page.
    The Kiosk is designed to reveal the compiled rankings of leading institution that is not exhaustive to include all of doctoral programs. I have, nevertheless, list the major follow-up institutions from the 2010 NRC report. Ranking for each program finally has been yielded by average number of 1996, 2010, and USNW ranking for the graduate programs. Hence the coverage in period is longitudinal possibly 1986 (the first year from last 1985 NRC) through 2020 (the last year for ten year interval (...)
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  24. A Thought of Legal Research with Examples and Demonstrations.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    The policy makers or lawyers may face the need of legal research for reasons. The congressmen may plan to make new laws to address the challenges of their constituent or to the interest of nation. The lawyers may need to serve their clients who like to know the legal issues involved, the strategies to deal with their loss and recovery, and prospect for winning the case if the dispute has gotten worse. The lawyers may practice in a solo business or (...)
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  25. Paris Climate Compact: A Peripatetic Attempt Roundabout with the Concern and Socio-legal Insight.Kiyoung Kim - 2019 - Chosun Law Journal 26 (1):41-90.
    The Paris Convention on Climate Change is a convention under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that deals with greenhouse gas emission reduction, coordination and financing issues. The Convention shall enter into force from 2020. The Paris Climate Convention is an international environmental law with stronger social norms than other international law areas. Furthermore, the national characteristics of the norm have been doubled as a result of adopting the nationally determined contribution as the most important mechanism. In this (...)
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  26. Judicial Activism in the World Trade Organization: A Conundrum and Selective Approach.Kiyoung Kim - 2020 - Beijing Law Review 11 (4):827-855.
    With the establishment of the World Trade Organization in 1995, the dispute settlement mechanism for international trade was greatly prepared unlike the old GATT system. It has a very different pattern from that of original GATT system. In our case, international trade is a matter of the future of nations, and in reality of the intense world economic competition, this system change may well be of concern to our government or legal experts. In this context, this paper examines the nature (...)
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  27. On the Method: Quantitative Reasonsing and Social Science.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    The research on social science eventually comes through any meaning about the human and society. Its message is directed to the society and the principal object of research would be its components, generally research participants or samples in terms of research method. As for nature, it is per se obvious that humans or populace act on various factors to influence their decision. This complex nature of human strands generally prevail that the multivariate analysis is an usual challenge for the social (...)
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  28. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-0.D.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  29. A reference to the US News graduate school ranking and NRC data.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    The purpose of college and university ranking mainly resides to assist with the students in choosing their schools and programs at the level they wish to study. The US News and World Report (USNWR) graduate programs ranking is notable that evaluates the graduate level programs uniquely and in contrast with other general subject rankings. Along with the reputation of source, this specificity enables to enjoy a number of subscribers in making an application decision about which school or program is competitive (...)
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  30. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-I.J.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  31. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-II.A.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  32. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-0.A.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  33. Some Temperance on the Doctoral Studies and On-Line Education.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    Toward the goal of doctoral studies, it is necessary to combine two basic characteristics of independent study. I like to call it an independent study, which would be partial to capture the whole of graduate studies. As for its high honor, the title page of dissertation in vast of universities usually use the phrase “...submitted for the partial fulfillment of doctorate degree...”. That phrase implies that the completion of dissertation would be a major part of doctoral studies, but should be (...)
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  34. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-II.B.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  35. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-0.C.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  36. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-II.D.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  37. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-II.E.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  38. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-I.G.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  39. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-I.H.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  40. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-II.F.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  41. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-0.B.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  42. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-II.C.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  43. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-I.I.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  44. The KIOSK FOR DOCTORAL STUDIES IN US.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    The Kiosk is designed to reveal the compiled rankings of leading institution that is not exhaustive to include all of doctoral programs. I have, nevertheless, list the major follow-up institutions from the 2010 NRC report. Ranking for each program finally has been yielded by average number of 1996, 2010, and USNW ranking for the graduate programs. Hence the coverage in period is longitudinal possibly 1986 (the first year from last 1985 NRC) through 2020 (the last year for ten year interval (...)
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  45. 私法의 統一과 國際物品賣買契約에 관한 유엔협약 (CISG).Kiyoung Kim - 2010 - 인권과 정의 406:7-26.
    In retrospect of Hague convention on international sale of goods, the efforts had been poured in the initiative of UNCITRAL since 1968 triggering more welcome international treaty on the area of law. The efforts came to reality where the committee in action, comprised of 14 countries, concluded a final draft in 1978. In 1980, it was adopted as United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG). While the treaty is deemed a marvellous success within the purview of (...)
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  46. The Separation of Powers Principle: Is it a Lynchpin or Pushpin for the Voyage of American Public?Kiyoung Kim - 2014 - International Journal of Advanced Research 8 (2):887-895.
    The separation of powers principle deeply heritaged in the US constitutionalism affected and continues to influence the law and public policy in the nation. The tripartite scheme of government was quarreled over the history how we have to perceive any best adequate interaction among the Congress, Executive and Judiciary. The Constitution itself merely quibbles on this point, and the Supreme Court justices, in some cases, would not be done as a clear cut for the scope of constitutional power conferred on (...)
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  47. Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Judicial System-III.C.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to examine (...)
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  48. 國際政治와 法哲學: 憲法과 國際法의 接點에서.Kiyoung Kim - 2009 - 유럽헌법연구 5:369-402.
    This paper surveys, not exhaustively but rather in summary, the development of legal philosophy surrounding the constitutional and international laws as corresponding that of world politics from the first world war through the formation of WTO governance. The world has changed gradually thus far while the westerners have long forge their hegemony through the recent US one. Before the dusk of new millennium, the political scientists entertained the version of US uni-pole in terms of world politics. Its version have confront (...)
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  49. The leadership of Korean universities: A case study.Kiyoung Kim - 2014 - Science Journal of Business and Management 2 (2):50-66.
    In the contemporary context of business and management, the leadership studies are considered as one of essential genre to allow sight of the holistic picture of the organizational performance. The general theory of leadership studies has given us a scope of elements involving the nature of leadership, and a body of research work contributed to elicit and deal with the factors significant to determine the effect of leadership, e.g, LMX (Leader and manager exchange).The participatory leadership and diversity or democracy in (...)
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  50. 미합중국 연방의회 및 연방법원의 권한에 관한 고찰.Kiyoung Kim - 2002 - 저스티스 67:32-53.
    미합중국은 하나의 국가이다. 그리고 그 國家性에 관한 법적 성격은 우리나라와 같은 단 일국가의 경우와는 달리 연방국가이다. 정치적으로나 대외관계에 있어 하나의 국가로 행동하고 국제법적으로도 하나의 국가로 취급되고 있지만, 聯邦政府와 州와의 관계에 있어 어떠한 구도로 헌법체계 내지 국가체계가 이루어져 있는가는 헌법을 연구하는 학도로서 매우 궁금한 주제가 아닐 수 없다. 이 문제는 한 두 논문으로 해결할 수 없는 매우 광범위한 학문적 문제를 함유하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 물론 그 핵심에 위치하고 있는 것은 단일국가의 경우 와 같이 연방국가의 국가구성에 관한 합의를 담고 있는 연방헌법임은 물론이고, (...)
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