Results for 'Hannah Arendt'

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  1. Sobre Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt - 2010 - Revista Inquietude 1 (2):122-163.
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  2. Between past and future.Hannah Arendt - 1961 - New York,: Viking Press.
    In this book she describes the perplexing crises which modern society faces as a result of the loss of meaning of the traditional key words of politics: justice ...
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  3. Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten: Rede über Lessing.Hannah Arendt - 1959 - Archive.Org.
    Hannah Arendt. Rede am 28. September 1959 bei der Entgegennahme des Lessing-Preises der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg.
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  4. Hannah Arendt on Racist Logomania.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - Journal of Mind and Behavior.
    In the present article, I offer a new reading of Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism, specifically her argument that ideologies such as racism engender totalitarianism when the lonely and disenfranchised laborers of modern society develop a pathological fixation on formal logic, which I term “logomania.” That is, such logical deductions, from horrifically false premises, are the closest thing to thinking that individuals can engage in after their psyches, relationships, and communities have broken down. And it is only (...)
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  5. On Hannah Arendt’s Aestheticism.Charles Blattberg - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (3):479-504.
    Hannah Arendt’s politics is aesthetic rather than practical, motivated by enjoyment rather than well-being, and so it should be rejected. I begin with an account of aestheticism as the doctrine according to which seemingly non-aesthetic things are actually aesthetic, parts of a whole dimension of reality that we might simply call “the aesthetic.” We access it by taking a disinterested attitude, one that affirms things for their own sakes, and there are four ways of doing this: disinterested appreciating (...)
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  6. Hannah Arendt on Power.Garrath Williams - 2011 - In Keith Dowding (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Power. Thousand Oaks. pp. 26-28.
    Hannah Arendt’s (1906-1975) conception of power is entirely distinctive. It is rooted in a political philosophy that celebrates the public realm of freedom that emerges when people act with others as citizens or political equals. For Arendt, power is actualized where people act together to sustain or to change the world they share with one another. Her fundamental claim is this: ‘Power corresponds to the human ability not just to act but to act in concert. Power is (...)
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  7. Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question.Grace Hunt - 2014 - Hypatia Reviews Online: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy.
    Kathryn Gines's book details Hannah Arendt 's racial and conceptual biases against Black people in the US and post-colonial Africa. Gines makes original and significant contributions to feminist philosophy by applying various feminist and anticolonial strategies, including standpoint theory and multidirectionality, to Arendt 's political essays and concepts. Feminist critiques of Arendt in general and racial critiques of "Reflections on Little Rock" in particular are not new; however, Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question offers (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Politikayı Hannah Arendt'le Birlikte Yeniden Düşünmek.Metehan Karakurt & Adem Çelik - unknown - In Metehan Karakurt & Adem Çelik (eds.), VI. YILDIZ ULUSLARARASI SOSYAL BİLİMLER KONGRESİ TAM METİN BİLDİRİ KİTABI. İstanbul, Türkiye:
    It is possible to talk about dominant concepts in modern political definitions. Among these concepts; power, violence, hierarchy, security and resource allocation are the prominent ones. For many, politics is how power and authority is distributed and used. When politics is defined in relation to pure power, violence appears to be one of the effective means of politics. Even, with a further extent, violence is seen as an expression of power. As said by C. W. Mills’ “politics is a struggle (...)
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  9. Hannah Arendt’s International Agonism.Shinkyu Lee - 2021 - Korean Review of Political Thought 27 (2):215-244.
    Hannah Arendt’s fierce critique of sovereignty, along with her excavation of Greek agonism, has gained much traction among critical theorists of international politics who revisit the basic assumptions of conventional international theories, such as state sovereignty and power as domination. This paper engages with an increasingly popular stream within such critical international studies that appropriates Arendt’s agonism to envision a form of a global public acting in concert. I argue that Arendt’s thoughts cannot be reduced to (...)
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  10. Hannah Arendt on Power, Consent, and Coercion.Gail M. Presbey - 1992 - The Acorn 7 (2):24-32.
    Although Hannah Arendt is not known as an advocate of nonviolence per se, her analysis of power dynamics within and between groups closely parallels Gandhi’s. The paper shows the extent to which her insights are compatible with Gandhi’s and also defends her against charges that her description of the world is overly normative and unrealistic. Both Arendt and Gandhi insist that nonviolence is the paradigm of power in situations where people freely consent to and engage in concerted (...)
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  11. Hannah Arendt and International Relations.Shinkyu Lee - 2021 - In Nukhet Sandal (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press. pp. 1-30.
    International relations (IR) scholars have increasingly integrated Hannah Arendt into their works. Her fierce critique of the conventional ideas of politics driven by rulership, enforcement, and violence has a particular resonance for theorists seeking to critically revisit the basic assumptions of IR scholarship. Arendt’s thinking, however, contains complexity and nuance that need careful treatment when extended beyond domestic politics. In particular, Arendt’s vision of free politics—characterized by the dualistic emphasis on agonistic action and institutional stability—raises two (...)
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  12. Hannah Arendts Kritik der Menschenrechte und ihr "Recht, Rechte zu haben".Stefan Gosepath - 2007 - In Heinrich Böll Stiftung (ed.), Hannah Arendt: Verborgene Tradition - Unzeitgemäße Aktualität? De Gruyter. pp. 279-288.
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  13. An Ethic of Plurality: Reconciling Politics and Morality in Hannah Arendt.Alice MacLachlan - 2006 - History and Judgment: IWM JVF Conference Vol. 21.
    My concern in this paper is how to reconcile a central tension in Hannah Arendt’s thinking, one that – if left unresolved – may make us reluctant to endorse her political theory. Arendt was profoundly and painfully aware of the horrors of political evil; in fact, she is almost unparalleled in 20 th century thought in her concern for the consequences of mass political violence, the victims of political atrocities, and the most vulnerable in political society – (...)
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  14. Hannah Arendt.Kei Hiruta - 2023 - In Manjeet Ramgotra & Simon Choat (eds.), Rethinking Political Thinkers. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 331-348.
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  15. Hannah Arendts Kritik der Menschenrechte und ihr "Recht, Rechte zu haben".Stefan Gosepath - 2007 - In Heinrich Böll Stiftung (ed.), Hannah Arendt: Verborgene Tradition - Unzeitgemäße Aktualität? De Gruyter. pp. 279-288.
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  16. Hannah Arendt's Political Thought.David Antonini - 2018 - 1000-Word Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology.
    Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), born in Hanover, Germany, was a public intellectual, refugee, and observer of European and American politics. She is especially known for her interpretation of the events that led to the rise of totalitarianism in the twentieth century. -/- Arendt studied under German philosophers Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers and set out to pursue a path as an academic, writing a dissertation on St. Augustine. However, Hitler, the Nazi regime’s rise to power, and the bloody (...)
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    Friedrich Hayek e Hannah Arendt Em Contraste: Liberdade da Política Ou Liberdade Na Política?Anderson Paz - 2023 - Revista PERI 14:100-113.
    O objetivo do presente artigo é comparar as perspectivas de Friedrich von Hayek e Hannah Arendt sobre a relação entre liberdade e política. A perspectiva de Hayek é chamada de liberdade da política devido a seu pessimismo quanto à capacidade da ação política estatal ampliar a liberdade individual. E a perspectiva de Arendt é chamada de liberdade na política devido a sua aceitação positiva do espaço político enquanto campo para o exercício da ação e da liberdade dos (...)
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  18. Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    In The Origins of Totalitarianism Arendt explores the histories of anti-semitism and imperialism and their influence on the development of modern totalitarian regimes. Arendt argues that anti-semitism, race-thinking, and the age of new imperialism from 1884-1914 laid the foundation for totalitarianism in the twentieth century. Arendt traces how racism and anti-semitism were used as instruments of imperialism and nationalism in nineteenth-century Europe.
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  19. Acting under Tyranny: Hannah Arendt and the Foundations of Democracy in Iran.Ramin Jahanbegloo & Nojang Khatami - 2013 - Constellations 20 (2):328-346.
    Amidst the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East and the reshaping of political systems in the region, the Iranian people remain mired in difficulties on their path to democratization. Much of this can be blamed on the gradual decline in activity within Iranian civil society and the stagnation of political imagination. If Iran is to have a future built on the solid foundation of a viable and legitimate political authority, Iranian civic actors must reimagine and revisit the notion of constitution-making (...)
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  20. Violência e Política em Hannah Arendt.Ana Sofía Roque - 2009 - Astrolabio 9:173-182.
    Nesta comunicação pretende-se desenvolver a relação entre violência e política enquadrada no pensamento de Hannah Arendt e a partir de duas obras fundamentais, On Revolution (1963) e On Violence (1970). Investigando-se sobre o que constitui cada experiência em particular, a da violência (ainda que sob a forma da guerra ou da revolução) e a da política, esta relação permitirá equacionar criticamente as possibilidades e os limites das sociedades democráticas actuais como o resultado da tradição política e das revoluções (...)
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  21. Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Dana Richard Villa - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Hannah Arendt's rich and varied political thought is more influential today than ever before, due in part to the collapse of communism and the need for ideas that move beyond the old ideologies of the Cold War. As Dana Villa shows, however, Arendt's thought is often poorly understood, both because of its complexity and because her fame has made it easy for critics to write about what she is reputed to have said rather than what she actually (...)
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  22. Hannah Arendt on the Relation between Morality and Plurality.Giorgos Papaoikonomou - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):79-91.
    In this article, we examine, in the light of Arendt s categories, the fundamental structure of traditional claims on moral life. In other words, we evaluate the spirit in which traditional morality relates to the human world, especially, to the human condition of plurality. In this way, we shall be led to a perceptive reading of Arendt s groundbreaking view on morality and its borderline possibility of assuming a paradoxically significant role in the worldly affairs.
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  23. Hannah Arendt: Existential phenomenology and political freedom.Wayne F. Allen - 1982 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 9 (2):170-190.
    This paper has three purposes: first, to explicate the ex istential basis of Arendt's theory of action. This will be done by first tracing the intellectual derivation of Arendt's existentialism and the modifications she made to fit it in to her public realm. Second, I will demonstrate the con nection between Arendt's existentialism and her formula tion of political freedom. Third, I will illustrate throughout that Arendt's political ideas, if they are to be properly understood, must (...)
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  24. Lire Platon avec Hannah Arendt. Pensée, politique, totalitarisme.Marie-Josée Lavallée - 2018 - Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    This study analyzes in depth Hannah Arendt's enduring dialogue with Plato's philosophy and maps its impacts on major arendtian themes like totalitarianism, philosophy, political action and evil. Arendt's understanding and uses of Plato's work have been influenced by various intellectual, contextual and philosophical sources which the book also brings into light, like Heidegger's studies on Plato and the afterwar debates surrounding Plato's reputation as forefather of totalitarianism, which resulted from the ideological appropriations of his political thought in (...)
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  25. Hannah Arendt und „der Diskurs“ : zum Verhältnis von Macht und Gewalt.Sebastian Volkmann - 2010 - Freiburg: FreiDok.
    Die Arbeit analysiert die für Hannah Arendts politische Philosophie zentrale Differenzierung von Macht und Gewalt, mit der sie einen Gegenpol zu Denkerinnen und Denkern bildet, die das Wesen der Politik explizit in gewaltsamen Strukturen sehen. Allerdings wird die Abgrenzung politischer Macht von Formen der Gewaltsamkeit in der postmodernen Arendt-Rezeption stark kritisiert. Speziell bei poststrukturalistischen Theorien – etwa bei Chantal Mouffe – wird stattdessen betont, das Zusammenschließen zu einer Gruppe und einem konsensfähigen ‚Wir‘ komme nie ohne ein Moment an (...)
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  26. Entre Hannah Arendt e Norberto Bobbio: a ameaça da sociedade e a apolitização da sociedade (2nd edition).Pedro H. A. Corsini - 2023 - Revista Ponto de Vista 12:01-18.
    No presente trabalho, com vistas para uma análise conceitual e crítica acerca do modelo de democracia representativa, bem como uma proposta de mudança sistemática e ordenada, iremos nos debruçar sobre os conceitos e perspectivas elencadas por Arendt e Bobbio no cerne da questão participativa. Hannah Arendt (1941-1975), ilustre teórica política, compreende a sociedade consolidada pós revoluções americana e francesa como fortemente apolitizada, visto o afastamento dos cidadãos dos assuntos públicos na atual democracia indireta. Norberto Bobbio (1909-2004), renomado (...)
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  27. Spór o korzenie nazizmu. Hannah Arendt i Erica Voegelina koncepcje źródeł zjawiska.Tomasz Borycki - 2015 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 5 (1):211-228.
    Published in 1951, The origins of totalitarianism was a quantum leap in Hannah Arendt’s academic career. The book made her one of the most important scholars of Nazi ideology. Arendt’s work also won wide acclaim, partly due to a critical review by Eric Voegelin, which did not remain without responses from the author (both in public and in private correspondence). This paper tries to reconstruct the debates of Hannah Arendt and Eric Voegelin (including in the (...)
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  28. Hannah Arendts teori om offentlighed og dømmekraft.Anne Marie Pahuus - 2003 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 1 (no. 37):63-78.
    Abstract -/- Artiklen gør op med en tolkning af Arendts teori om dømmekraft som bestående af to forskellige teorier; en om dømmekraft som umiddelbar skelneevne, og en dømmekraft som diskursiv fornuft. Denne tvedeling kan genfindes hos flere nulevende filosoffer, som Albrecth Wellmer, Jürgen Habermas, Richard Bernstein, Seyla Benhabib, hvoraf sidstnævnte ydermere associerer dem med de to filosofihistoriske dømmekraftbegreber, nemlig Aristoteles’ phronesisbegreb og Kants begreb om den refleksive dømmekraft. I sin rekonstruktion søger artiklen at komme bag om denne opdeling ved at (...)
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  29. De publieke sfeer in de 21e eeuw. Hannah Arendt als gids voor professionals.Henriëtta Joosten (ed.) - 2019 - Leusden: ISVW.
    -- Met voorwoord van Peter-Paul Verbeek -- Onze wereld wordt alsmaar digitaler. Informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) heeft een ongekende invloed op ons dagelijks leven. We raken gewend aan omgevingen die op onze voorkeuren en zoekgeschiedenis zijn afgestemd, en verliezen daardoor de gemeenschappelijke wereld langzaam maar zeker uit het oog. De toename van ICT maakt het publieke gesprek steeds lastiger. De smartphone slokt de samenleving op. De publieke sfeer, van oudsher de vrijhaven voor democratisch overleg, staat onder druk. Filosoof Henriëtta Joosten (...)
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  30. Hannah Arendt's dismissal of the ethical.Peg Birmingham - 1995 - In Philippe van Haute & Peg Birmingham (eds.), Dissensus communis: between ethics and politics. Kampen: Kok Pharos.
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  31. Hannah Arendt, Liberalism, and Freedom from Politics.Kei Hiruta - 2019 - In Arendt on Freedom, Liberation, and Revolution. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 17-45.
    Arendt presents her defense of political freedom as a challenge to the liberal convention, which allegedly conceptualizes freedom as “freedom from politics.” But her comments on liberal theories of freedom are scattered and unsystematic, and they raise a series of questions. Is her understanding of liberal freedom accurate? If it is not, why does she misconstrue liberal freedom as she does? And does her limited understanding of liberalism undermine her defense of political freedom? This chapter aims to answer these (...)
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  32. Hannah Arendt's Uneasy Relationship with Sociology, review of the Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt, Peter Baehr and Philip Walsh, eds. [REVIEW]Siobhan Kattago - 2023 - European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 10 (2):335-341.
    Given the plethora of books on nearly every aspect of Hannah Arendt’s work since the collapse of communism in 1989, it is often difficult to sort through the growing amount of secondary literature about her. The Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt is neither an overview nor critical introduction to her ideas. Rather this timely volume offers a perspective on her work from within the very discipline that she held is such low esteem – sociology. Skilfully edited (...)
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  33. Toward an agonistic feminism: Hannah Arendt and the politics of identity.Bonnie Honig - 1992 - In Judith Butler & Joan Wallach Scott (eds.), Feminists theorize the political. New York: Routledge. pp. 215--35.
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    Integrität im Lichte konsequenter Moralphilosophie bei Hannah Arendt.Thomas Zinner - manuscript
    Hannah Arendt behandelt in ihren Werken Über das Böse und Vom Leben des Geistes die Frage, wie der Mensch mit moralischen Urteilen und der damit verbundenen Fehlerhaftigkeit umgeht. Arendt reflektiert über die Sokratische Aporie und den fortwährenden Denkprozess des Individuums, das im Laufe seines Lebens zahlreiche moralische Urteile fällt. Sie argumentiert, dass es für den Menschen unmöglich ist, stets vollständig nach diesen Urteilen zu handeln, und sieht kleine moralische Verfehlungen als verzeihbar an. Jedoch bleibt offen, wo genau (...)
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  35. La libertad como práctica de la virtud en la filosofı́a de Hannah Arendt.Felipe Navarro Rojo - 2019 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13.
    Es un lugar común afirmar que Hannah Arendt es una filósofa difı́cilmente encasillable en una sola tradición polı́tica. Menos arduo es advertir la gran influencia que ha ejercido el mundo grecolatino a lo largo de su filosofı́a. La polis griega y la república romana son imágenes recurrentes para ilustrar instancias donde se ha ejercido con plenitud la polı́tica. Aunque es patente la influencia de los clásicos en su filosofı́a, existe un elemento ausente que es, no obstante, ampliamente trabajado (...)
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  36. Nous autres réfugiés. Hannah Arendt. París: Allia, 2019, 43 pp. [REVIEW]Facundo Bey - 2022 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 37:297-303.
    Nous autres réfugiés [We refugees], is the title of a brief but disruptive essay that in January 1943, at 37 years old, Hannah Arendt [1906-1975] published in the American Jewish magazine The Menorah Journal (Arendt, 1943). The article —which has an obvious autobiographical connotation, although how much existential reflection that is positioned from the point of the refugee's point of view cannot be reduced solely to this dimension—was posthumously reprinted in The Jew as Pariah, edited by Ron (...)
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  37. Hannah ARENDT, Martin HEIDEGGER, Korespondencja z lat 1925–1975. [REVIEW]Rec Tomasz Borycki - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):386-389.
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  38. Hannah Arendt'de Özel Hayat Problemi.Songül Demİr - forthcoming - Felsefe Dünyasi.
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  39. The Self in the Realms Ontology: A Critical View of Hannah Arendt’s Conception of The Human Condition.Ronny Miron - 2009 - International Journal of the Humanities 6 (11):41-52.
    The widely accepted approach in scholarly literature on Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition emphasizes its political meaning and implications while neglecting its ontological dimensions. Against this trend, in this article I seek to uncover the implicit ontology that underlies her conception of the human condition. This human ontology appears to be comprised of five realms – the private, the public, intimacy, the social and the self. While Arendt explicitly bases her conception upon the first two, the paper (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: A Very Short Introduction by Dana Villa and Hannah Arendt and Politics by Maria Robaszkiewicz and Michael D. Weinman. [REVIEW]Alzbeta Hájková - 2024 - Arendt Studies 8:251-257.
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  41. UMA ANÁLISE DA (IN)JUSTIÇA DA CONDIÇÃO ESCRAVIDÃO NA POLÍTICA DE ARISTÓTELES A PARTIR DE HANNAH ARENDT.Daniel Pires Nunes - 2021 - In Giovane Rodrigues Jardim & Cristiéle Santos de Souza (eds.), Pluralidade, mundo e política: interlúdios em tempos sombrios. Mundo Acadêmico. pp. 45-55.
    Este capítulo se propõe a analisar os fundamentos utilizados por Aristóteles (2006) para justificar a escravidão. Para isso, é tomada como chave de leitura a categorização das atividades humanas fundamentais proposta por Hannah Arendt (2008). A escravidão no mundo grego antigo era tida como uma forma de liberar o cidadão dos afazeres domésticos e do trabalho para que pudesse ter ócio e, assim, dedicar-se às atividades entre seus iguais, sobretudo à política.
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  42. Towards a Kantian theory of philosophical education and wisdom: With the help of Hannah Arendt.Helga Varden - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (6):1081-1096.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 6, Page 1081-1096, December 2021.
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  43. Apreciaciones de Hannah Arendt sobre la doctrina agustiniana de la libre elección de la voluntad.Lino Latella-Calderón - 2000 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Iberoamericana y Teoría Social 5 (10):77-85.
    Analizaremos someramente las apreciaciones de Arendt en la sección dedicada a la Voluntad de su obra La Vida del Espíritu, acerca de la doctrina agustiniana de la escisión de esta facultad en dos voluntades problemáticas y antagónicas, velle y nolle, escisión superada parcialmente por el autor mediante las doctrinas del amor y de la libertad humana originada en el principium del tiempo.
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  44. A Capacity for Agreement: Hannah Arendt and the Critique of Judgment.Steven DeCaroli - 2007 - Social Theory and Practice 33 (3):361-386.
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  45. Can Social Media Be Seen as a New Public Sphere in the Context of Hannah Arendt's Public Sphere Theory?Metehan Karakurt & Aykut Aykutalp - 2020 - Londra, Birleşik Krallık: IJOPEC Publication Limited.
    With the 21st century, we are witnessing the mass spread of the communication technologies and social media revolution. Interactive networks built on a global scale have led to the formation of a virtual world of reality that is connecting the whole world. With the global spread of communication networks, the question of whether social media points to a new public sphere has been raised. Social media applications such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are nowadays seen as a place where political (...)
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  46. Evil, Unintelligiblity, Radicality: Footnotes to a Correspondence between Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers.Andrew Chignell - 2019 - In Evil: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts). New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 18-42.
    This chapter articulates two concerns that Karl Jaspers raised (with Hannah Arendt) about the common practice of viewing moral evil as unintelligible. The first is that this involves exoticizing the act and/or perpetrator in such a way that moral condemnation becomes difficult. The second is that it can lead us to treat the perpetrator, place, or victim as tainted or stained by a force whose motives we cannot grasp; this in turn can lead to magical thinking about evil (...)
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  47. A democratic consensus? Isaiah Berlin, Hannah Arendt, and the anti-totalitarian family quarrel.Kei Hiruta - 2018 - Think 17 (48):25-37.
    Amid the ongoing political turmoil, symbolized by the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, books and articles abound today to encourage us to re-read anti-totalitarian classics ‘for our times’. But what do we find in this body of work originally written in response to Nazism and Stalinism? Do we find a democratic consensus forged by a shared anti-totalitarian commitment? I doubt it. Considering the cases of Isaiah Berlin and Hannah Arendt, this article highlights discord beneath what may today appear (...)
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  48. Must Orthodoxy Be Unconsciousness? Reevaluating the Thoughtlessness and Agency Conditions of Hannah Arendt’s Banal Evil in the Context of American Bureaucracy.Shane Tomaino - 2024 - Dissertation, Brown University
    This undergraduate Philosophy thesis critically reexamines Hannah Arendt’s theory of the banality of evil—first articulated in her 1961 report on the trial of Adolf Eichmann—through the lens of modern American bureaucratic systems. Arendt’s controversial claim that evil can manifest in the actions of purely thoughtless, non-malevolent individuals entrenched within corrupt or dehumanizing bureaucratic structures has elicited significant debate among political and ethical philosophy scholars. While her theory focuses on totalitarian regimes, this study expands the applicability of (...)’s framework by exploring its relevance in contemporary, American, non-totalitarian bureaucracies. -/- The work engages deeply with Arendt’s notions of thoughtlessness and agency, questioning whether bureaucratic actors operating in ostensibly democratic systems can be said to perpetuate evil in similarly banal ways. Central to this analysis is the inquiry into the conditions under which moral culpability is mitigated by structural forces that promote corrupted ethics and obfuscate personal agency. By drawing parallels between Arendt’s observations of Nazi functionaries and the bureaucratic inertia observed in the modern American institutions that may create a culture of complicity, the thesis interrogates the ethical limits of moral responsibility in environments where duty and efficiency are prioritized over individual consciousness. -/- Critically addressing common objections to Arendt’s theory, particularly those concerning the nullification of agency and moral judgment that were widely misunderstood as conditions of banality, this study proposes a continuum-based model of moral responsibility. It argues that moral blame in bureaucratic systems should be scaled according to the degree of an individual’s awareness, autonomy, and the extent to which they conform to corrupted organizational values. It importantly argues that banality was not intended to be exculpatory: it suggests instead that moral culpability for banal evil should be seen as asymptotic, increasing with individual autonomy but never altogether free from blame. This refined model permits a more nuanced understanding of banal evil, avoiding wrongful immunity for complicit agents while accounting for and scaling the dehumanizing influence of bureaucratic hierarchies that may complicate independent moral reasoning. -/- Ultimately, this thesis advances Arendt’s framework by demonstrating its enduring relevance in liberal democratic contexts, while providing a more robust account of how thoughtlessness, obedience, and institutional complicity operate within contemporary bureaucratic structures. By shifting the discourse away from pure thoughtlessness or total deprivation of agency—and instead toward a spectrum of moral agency—it attempts to simplify contemporary recognition of banal evil, broaden the concept's operational reach, and open new avenues for assessing individual moral responsibility within corrupt ethical systems. In arguing that the contemporary bureaucratic expanse has generated a more pervasive (and increasingly opaque) culture of complicity, it seeks to arm individuals with the tools to discern and resist. (shrink)
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  49. Arendt Corrections: Judith Shklar’s Critique of Hannah Arendt.Hannes Bajohr - 2021 - Arendt Studies 5:87-119.
    Judith Shklar wrote about Hannah Arendt throughout her career. However, her nuanced readings are often ignored by scholars who prefer to depict both philosophers as stark counter-images. In this paper, I offer a more complex comparison on the basis of all of Shklar’s writings about Arendt. Shklar’s critique is grounded in what she sees as the Romantic strand in Arendt’s thought, which she identifies with a metaphysical, elitist, and aestheticizing stance towards politics, a distaste for modernity, (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Análisis de la significación política de los conceptos de Perdón y Promesa en Hannah Arendt.Lino Latella-Calderón - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (35):103-113.
    This work studies the philosophical and political meaning of the concepts of pardon and promise as a remedy for preserving human affairs from their constant fragility, according to the premises of Hannah Arendt in The Human Condition. The function of pardon is analyzed as that which redeems us ..
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