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Bodies of thought: embodiment, identity, and modernity

Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications (1999)

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  1. Physical literacy: Philosophical considerations in relation to developing a sense of self, universality and propositional knowledge.Margaret Whitehead - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (3):281 – 298.
    This paper opens with a presentation of the philosophical underpinning and rationale of the concept of physical literacy. This is followed by an articulation of the concept of physical literacy. Three subsequent sections then consider aspects of the concept in a little more detail. The first investigates the relationship of the physical literacy to the development of a sense of self and to establishing interaction with others. Here the philosophical approach is informed by writings on cognitive development and recent neurological (...)
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  • Comprehension, Apprehension, Prehension: Heterogeneity and the Public Understanding of Science.Mike Michael - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (3):357-378.
    This article examines the main approaches to public understanding of science in light of recent developments in social and cultural theory. While traditional and critical perspectives on PUS differ in terms of their models of the public, science, and understanding, they nevertheless share a number of commonalities, which are humanism, incorporeality, and discrete sites. These are contrasted, respectively, to versions of the person as hybridic, to treatments of embodiment drawing especially on Whitehead’s notion of prehension, and to a rhizomic view (...)
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  • Narrative Research: Voices of Teachers and Philosophers.Rauno Huttunen, Hannu L. T. Heikkinen & Leena Syrjälä (eds.) - 2002 - Jyväskylä: SoPhi.
    Why do we tell our life stories? What is the point of studying narratives? What is the truth of narratives? How are narratives collected and studied by researchers? In this book the voices of teachers, education researchers, student teachers and philosophers join to form a polyphonic voice that attempts to answer these questions. They shed light on the obscure world of narrative research. This book contains both theoretical articles and empirical examples of narrative research. The theoretical articles introduce and develop (...)
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  • Sport, Genetics and the `Natural Athlete': The Resurgence of Racial Science.Brett St Louis - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (2):75-95.
    This article explores the ethical implications of recent discussions that naturalize the relationship between race, the body and sport within the frame of genetic science. Many suggestions of a racially distributed genetic basis for athletic ability and performance are strategically posited as a resounding critique of the `politically correct' meta-narratives of established sociological and anthropological forms of explanation that emphasize the social and cultural construction of race. I argue that this use of genetic science in order to describe and explain (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Place of a Positive Critique in Contemporary Critical Psychology.Morten Nissen - 2008 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 10 (1):49-66.
    The essay attempts to contextualize the German-Scandinavian tradition of Critical Psychology (GSCP) that bases on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory in today's critical psychologies. It is argued that adding to a psychology and ideology critique the positive dimension of ”foundational” theory is important to counteract the currently prevailing “negative” ideology of liberalism. It is also claimed that an ”instrumental” version of critical psychology, which takes up elements from psychology for tactical purposes will remain dependent on the given discipline of psychology and unable (...)
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  • Spinoza in Late-Soviet philosophy.Andrey Maidansky - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (3):333-344.
    This article considers the history of Soviet Spinoza studies after World War II. V.V. Sokolov, editor of the last Soviet publication of Spinoza’s works, regards him as a metaphysician, at times rising to dialectics, and a pantheist rising to materialism. E.V. Ilyenkov, Ya. A. Milner and B.G. Kuznetsov offer a radically different interpretation of Spinoza, as our advanced contemporary. The article provides a critical analysis of the concept of man as a “thinking body,” which Ilyenkov mistakenly ascribes to Spinoza and (...)
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  • A Rough Road Map to Reflexivity in Qualitative Research into Emotions.Petya Fitzpatrick & Rebecca E. Olson - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):49-54.
    In qualitative research into emotions, researchers and participants share emotion-laden interactions. Few demonstrate how the analytic value of emotions may be harnessed. In this article we provide an account of our emotional experiences conducting research with two groups: adults living with cystic fibrosis and spouse caregivers of cancer patients. We describe our emotion work during research interviews, and discuss its methodological and theoretical implications. Reflections depict competing emotion norms in qualitative research. Experiences of vulnerability and involuntary “emotional callusing” illustrate the (...)
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  • From Habituality to Change: Contribution of Activity Theory and Pragmatism to Practice Theories.Reijo Miettinen, Sami Paavola & Pasi Pohjola - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (3):345-360.
    The new social theories of practice have been inspired by Wittgenstein's late philosophy, phenomenology and more recent sociological theories. They regard embodied skills and routinized, mostly unconscious habits as a key foundation of human practice and knowledge. This position leads to an overstatement of the significance of the habitual dimension of practice. As several critics have suggested this approach omits the problems of transformative agency and change of practices. In turn classical practice theories, activity theory and pragmatism have analyzed the (...)
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  • Our emotional connection to truth: Moving beyond a functional view of language in discourse analysis.Paul Sullivan - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (2):193–207.
    This article is a theoretical examination of the relationship between truth and forms of dialogue, in discursive psychology. To do this, I mainly draw on Bakhtin and Kiekegaard . In contrast to a hermeneutic tradition that has sidelined the importance of the author to discourse , these authors offer an understanding of truth that depends on the author's emotional connection to the truth they are expressing. They most clearly demonstrate the dynamics of our emotional connection to truth in their descriptions (...)
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  • `Transgressing Venues': `Health' Studies, Cultural Studies and the Media.Martin King & Katherine Watson - 2001 - Health Care Analysis 9 (4):401-416.
    This paper looks at how the strategies of mediaand cultural studies can be applied to thehealth studies field. This relationship,however, has been met with resistance due to anumber of status debates. We argue theimportance of fostering links between these`disciplines' namely because the definition ofwhat constitutes `health' has been broadenedand is inscribed in most forms of popularmedia. Using the example of the `health andlifestyle' debate, we argue that the mediainforms cultural understandings aboutrequirements for living and is therefore acrucial area of analysis (...)
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