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Traité du Choix Et de la Méthode des Études

Chez Emery ... Saugrain ... Pierre Martin . (1724)

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  1. Catharine Trotter Cockburn. Filosofia morale, religione, metafisica.Emilio De Tommaso (ed.) - 2018 - Soveria Mannelli, Italy: Rubbettino.
    Catharine Trotter Cockburn (1679- 1749) fu poetessa, drammaturga e filosofa. La vivacità intellettuale e la forte determinazione le permisero di aggirare il pregiudizio di genere e di sottrarsi alle dinamiche di marginalizzazione femminile tipiche dell’età moderna. Pur celandosi dietro l’anonimato, Cockburn prese parte attiva al dibattito filosofico del tempo, intervenendo soprattutto in materia di morale. Le sue opere filosofiche, scritte in difesa di Locke o di Clarke, custodiscono, nonostante il dichiarato intento apologetico, tratti di originalità e indipendenza, particolarmente evidenti nella (...)
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  • In the Shadow of Emile: Pedagogues, Pediatricians, Physical Education, 1686–1762. [REVIEW]Danièle Tosato-Rigo - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (5):449-463.
    This article takes as its starting point the commonplace that Rousseau’s Emile enabled his contemporaries to discover not only childhood but physical education. Focused on what the pedestal erected for Jean-Jacques somewhat overshadows, a brief historiographic overview and a survey of some major writings on education before Rousseau (by the Abbot Fleury, John Locke, Jean-Pierre de Crousaz and Charles Rollin) will show that the ideas defended by the writer were not innovative in the slightest. But also, and this seems far (...)
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  • Claude Fleury “Traité du choix et de la méthode des études” chapter20.Kyu Sasaki - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 35 (2):121-128.
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