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  1. What is the Crisis of Western Sciences?Emiliano Trizio - 2016 - Husserl Studies 32 (3):191-211.
    This article is an attempt to formulate a clear definition of the concept of crisis of Western sciences introduced by Husserl in his last work. The attempt will be based on a reading of the Krisis, which will stress its underlying continuity with Husserl’s life-long concerns about the theoretical insufficiency of positive sciences, and downplay the novelty of the idea of crisis itself within Husserl’s work. After insisting on the fact that, according to Husserl, only an account of the shortcomings (...)
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  • Self and embodiment: a bio-phenomenological approach to dementia.Stephan Millett - 2011 - Dementia 10 (4):509-522.
    Loss of self is widely regarded to be a consequence of dementia, and this perceived loss presents a variety of problems - not least because a clear understanding of the concept of self is elusive. This paper suggests a way to cut through problems that arise because we rely on conceptions of self in our understanding of the effects of dementia. It is proposed that we can avoid reliance on the concept of self through an approach based in in bio-phenomenology. (...)
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  • The Concept of Krisis in Husserl’s The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology.George Heffernan - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (3):229-257.
    In The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Husserl argues that the only way to respond to the scientific Krisis of which he speaks is with phenomenological reflections on the history, method, and task of philosophy. On the assumption that an accurate diagnosis of a malady is a necessary condition for an effective remedy, this paper aims to formulate a precise concept of the Krisis of the European sciences with which Husserl operates in this work. Thus it seeks (...)
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  • (1 other version)Hermeneutics of experimental science in the context of the life-world.Patrick A. Heelan - 1972 - Philosophia Mathematica (2):101-144.
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  • Husserl and the Greeks.Dermot Moran - 2020 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 52 (2):98-117.
    I document Husserl’s growing interest in the foundational character of Greek philosophy for Western culture and show what is unique about Husserl’s appropriation of certain Greek thinkers and conce...
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  • Living in a Marxist Sci-Fi World: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Power of Science Fiction.Matías Graffigna - 2019 - Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 2:1-23.
    The state of our current world has brought about a very active discussion concerning possible alternatives to our current society. In this article, I wish to consider Marx’s idea of communism as a possible alternative, by understanding it as an undetermined concept that only proposes a society without classes and private property. The thesis I will defend here is that we can meaningfully think about such an alternative through the means of Science Fiction literature. In particular, I will take Ursula (...)
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  • Husserl and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind.Koshy Tharakan - 1999 - In MenonSangeetha (ed.), Scientific and Philosophical Studies on Consciousness. National Institute of Advanced Studies. pp. 182-192.
    The idea that science explains or ought to explain every phenomenon finds Cartesian dualism of mind and body to be an unsatisfactory thesis. Consequently we have a variety of materialist theories regarding mind and consciousness. In recent times, we come across many philosophers who are committed to the scientific world picture, trying to locate mind within a world that is essentially physical.The central problems these philosophers have to tackle consist of consciousness and mental causation. In what follows we discuss how (...)
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  • Liberal forensic medicine.Joseph Agassi - 1978 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 3 (3):226-241.
    The liberal approach to ethics quite naturally tends toward the classic individualistic theory of society, to reductionism or psychologism so-called, that is, to a reduction of all social action to individual action. For example, liberalism allows one to experiment with new medications on one's own body. By extension, liberalism allows one to experiment, it seems, on another person's body with new medication if one acts as the other person's agent, that is, if one has the other person's proper consent. We (...)
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  • ¿Una razón sin astucia? Revisitando el tópico fenomenología trascendental e historia.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:81.
    En este ensayo su autor revisita el tópico fenomenología trascendental e historia 12 años después de la publicación de un trabajo amplio sobre el tema. El escrito esta dividido en tres partes donde se muestras acuerdos y discrepancias con esa interpretación inicial. En la primera se rebate la tesis tan extendida de que la fenomenología de Husserl es alérgica a la historia y se establece una conjetura razonable sobre por qué, y a pesar de la evidencias en contra, sigue todavía (...)
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  • Part Ii the Distinction Between Phenomenological Psychology and Transcendental Phenomenology: the Founding-Founded Relation.Kathleen L. Uhler - 1987 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 18 (1-2):19-31.
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  • The Anglo-American Response to Edmund Husserl: A Bibliographic Essay. [REVIEW]FranÇois H. Lapointe - 1979 - Man and World 12 (2):205.
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