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  1. Intelligence and Interrogation: The identity of the English student.Ben Knights - 2005 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 4 (1):33-52.
    This article seeks to illuminate a crossover area between subject research and ‘scholarship of teaching’. It proposes that a strategic bridge between discipline as body of knowledge and discipline as pedagogy is the formation and socialization of the student through practices that are at once social, rhetorical, and intellectual. While acknowledging that many current formations are generic, and stem from extra-disciplinary priorities, the article takes two case studies from the history of English Literary Studies. In each of the two moments (...)
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  • Feminism, Gender studies, and Medieval Studies.Madeline H. Caviness - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (1):30-45.
    This article traces the multiple and rapid changes that have occurred during the past fifteen years, in theorizing "sex/gender arrangements". A secondary aspect is the reception, application and above all modification of these theories by some scholars of European medieval cultural production, in which varieties of difference are found that do not apply in modern societies. Deconstruction of the binary m/f (whether thought of as sexual or gender difference) erupted among feminist thinkers in the 1990s and eventually "queered" academic discourses (...)
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  • Féminisme, Gender Studies et études médiévales.Madeline H. Caviness - 2010 - Diogène 225 (1):33-54.
    Résumé Cet article retrace les changements multiples et rapides apparus au cours des quinze dernières années dans la théorisation des rapports entre sexe et genre. Il porte, en deuxième lieu, sur la réception, l’application et par-dessus tout la modification de ces théories par certains spécialistes de la production culturelle dans l’Europe médiévale, où la différence s’exprime sous des formes variées qui n’existent pas nécessairement dans les sociétés modernes. La déconstruction du système binaire masculin/féminin (qu’il soit considéré comme une différence sexuelle (...)
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  • Multimodal critical discourse analysis as ethical praxis.Ian Roderick - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (2):154-168.
    ABSTRACTCritical Discourse Studies positions itself as a critical, transformative practice that seeks to expose the ways in which discourse is able to constitute social, political, economic, gendered, racial, and sexual inequalities as normal and unremarkable. In this respect, CDS is an expressly political and therefore ethical project. Nevertheless, this article posits that, quite remarkably, the ethical frameworks that guide CDS have remained largely under-theorized and taken for granted. Accordingly, this paper seeks to contribute to this much-needed area of theoretical inquiry (...)
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  • Resisting the drive to theorise : a phenomenological perspective on social science research.Emma Williams - 2018 - Magis, Revista Internacional de Investigación En Educación 11 (22):43-56.
    This article explores predominant uses of theory in social science research in relation to the approach of phenomenological philosophy. While phenomenology is sometimes interpreted as one theoretical or methodological paradigm amongst others in the field of qualitative research, this article explores key thinkers within the philosophical tradition of phenomenology to argue that this tradition can raise challenges for predominant conceptions of research and theorizing in the social sciences and certain philosophical idea(l)s that can be connected to them. The distinctive nature (...)
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  • (Re)visioning the centre: Education reform and the 'ideal' citizen of the future.Linda J. Graham - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (2):197–215.
    Discourses of public education reform, like that exemplified within the Queensland Government's future vision document, Queensland State Education‐2010 , position schooling as a panacea to pervasive social instability and a means to achieve a new consensus. However, in unravelling the many conflicting statements that conjoin to form education policy and inform related literature , it becomes clear that education reform discourse is polyvalent . Alongside visionary statements that speak of public education as a vehicle for social justice are the visionary (...)
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  • Incorporating Poeticality into the Teaching of Physics.Panagiotis Pantidos, Konstantinos Ravanis, Kostas Valakas & Evangelos Vitoratos - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (3):621-642.
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  • J’accepte: Jacques Derrida’s Cryptic Love by Unsealed Writing.Michał Krzykawski - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (2):39-50.
    This article focuses on the autobiographical ghost that dwells in “Envois” and the multiple ways he/she/it interferes in Derrida’s concept of écriture. Read through love letters sent as postcards with the image representing Socrates writing in front of Plato, Derrida’s writing, I argue, definitely becomes a cryptic writing both in the sense of kryptô and secerno. I endeavor to show that “Envois”—largely autobiographical and entangled in his life events—is a harbinger of the secret that Derrida takes for a fundamental feature (...)
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  • Historical empathy and medicine: Pathography and empathy in Sophocles’ Philoctetes.Vassiliki Kampourelli - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (3):561-575.
    The aim of this article is to explore the ways in which the engagement with Greek tragedy may contribute fruitfully to the unfolding of empathy in medical students and practitioners. To reappraise the general view that classical texts are remote from modern experience because of the long distance between the era they represent and today, I propose an approach to Greek tragedy viewed through the lens of historical empathy, and of the association between past situations and similar contemporary experiences, in (...)
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  • Hauntology of Responsibility: Tom Stoppard’s Darkside.Tymon Adamczewski - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (2):157-166.
    The article centres on the notion of responsibility in Tom Stoppard’s Darkside (2013). While Pink Floyd’s original album, which inspired the playwright, thematises its connection to ethics in a spectral and hauntological manner, through the use of field recording sound snippets interwoven in the music, the radio play explores the notion of responsibility through what is called “thought experiments.” The article identifies the subversive function of these narrative examples and, following Emanuel Levinas’ suggestions concerning the instability of the link between (...)
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  • Venture in/between ethics, education and literary media: making cases for dialogic communities of ethical enquiry.Kenny Colm - 2017 - Dissertation, Dublin City University
    The thesis contends that education and literary studies can make a valuable contribution to ethics and ethical development of persons, their relations with others and with the world. It promotes an approach to ethics education through dialogic enquiry based on theories and practices associated with comparative literature and philosophical enquiry. These involve students sharing experiences and meanings as they participate in interpretive communities and communities of philosophical enquiry. There are two main components to the research: ethically focused studies of literary (...)
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