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The province of logic

Mind 66 (262):258 (1956)

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  1. The Bounds of Logic: A Generalized Viewpoint.Gila Sher - 1991 - MIT Press.
    The Bounds of Logic presents a new philosophical theory of the scope and nature of logic based on critical analysis of the principles underlying modern Tarskian logic and inspired by mathematical and linguistic development. Extracting central philosophical ideas from Tarski’s early work in semantics, Sher questions whether these are fully realized by the standard first-order system. The answer lays the foundation for a new, broader conception of logic. By generally characterizing logical terms, Sher establishes a fundamental result in semantics. Her (...)
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  • Existential instantiation and normalization in sequent natural deduction.Carlo Cellucci - 1992 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 58 (2):111-148.
    ellucci, C., Existential instantiation and normalization in sequent natural deduction, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 58 111–148. A sequent conclusion natural deduction system is introduced in which classical logic is treated per se, not as a special case of intuitionistic logic. The system includes an existential instantiation rule and involves restrictions on the discharge rules. Contrary to the standard formula conclusion natural deduction systems for classical logic, its normal derivations satisfy both the subformula property and the separation property and (...)
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  • Logical constants.John MacFarlane - 2008 - Mind.
    Logic is usually thought to concern itself only with features that sentences and arguments possess in virtue of their logical structures or forms. The logical form of a sentence or argument is determined by its syntactic or semantic structure and by the placement of certain expressions called “logical constants.”[1] Thus, for example, the sentences Every boy loves some girl. and Some boy loves every girl. are thought to differ in logical form, even though they share a common syntactic and semantic (...)
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  • The universality of logic: On the connection between rationality and logical ability.Simon J. Evnine - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):335-367.
    I argue for the thesis (UL) that there are certain logical abilities that any rational creature must have. Opposition to UL comes from naturalized epistemologists who hold that it is a purely empirical question which logical abilities a rational creature has. I provide arguments that any creatures meeting certain conditions—plausible necessary conditions on rationality—must have certain specific logical concepts and be able to use them in certain specific ways. For example, I argue that any creature able to grasp theories must (...)
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  • The revival of rejective negation.Lloyd Humberstone - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (4):331-381.
    Whether assent ("acceptance") and dissent ("rejection") are thought of as speech acts or as propositional attitudes, the leading idea of rejectivism is that a grasp of the distinction between them is prior to our understanding of negation as a sentence operator, this operator then being explicable as applying to A to yield something assent to which is tantamount to dissent from A. Widely thought to have been refuted by an argument of Frege's, rejectivism has undergone something of a revival in (...)
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  • The philosophy of Karl Popper part III. Rationality, criticism, and logic.W. W. Bartley - 1982 - Philosophia 11 (1-2):121-221.
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  • Anti-exceptionalism about logic as tradition rejection.Ben Martin & Ole Thomassen Hjortland - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-33.
    While anti-exceptionalism about logic is now a popular topic within the philosophy of logic, there’s still a lack of clarity over what the proposal amounts to. currently, it is most common to conceive of AEL as the proposal that logic is continuous with the sciences. Yet, as we show here, this conception of AEL is unhelpful due to both its lack of precision, and its distortion of the current debates. Rather, AEL is better understood as the rejection of certain traditional (...)
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  • La teoría del silogismo simpliciter en las Refutaciones Sofísticas de Aristóteles.Gonzalo Llach Villalobos - 2020 - Dissertation, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
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  • Shadows of Syntax: Revitalizing Logical and Mathematical Conventionalism.Jared Warren - 2020 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    What is the source of logical and mathematical truth? This book revitalizes conventionalism as an answer to this question. Conventionalism takes logical and mathematical truth to have their source in linguistic conventions. This was an extremely popular view in the early 20th century, but it was never worked out in detail and is now almost universally rejected in mainstream philosophical circles. Shadows of Syntax is the first book-length treatment and defense of a combined conventionalist theory of logic and mathematics. It (...)
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  • Classical Harmony and Separability.Julien Murzi - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):391-415.
    According to logical inferentialists, the meanings of logical expressions are fully determined by the rules for their correct use. Two key proof-theoretic requirements on admissible logical rules, harmony and separability, directly stem from this thesis—requirements, however, that standard single-conclusion and assertion-based formalizations of classical logic provably fail to satisfy :1035–1051, 2011). On the plausible assumption that our logical practice is both single-conclusion and assertion-based, it seemingly follows that classical logic, unlike intuitionistic logic, can’t be accounted for in inferentialist terms. In (...)
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  • (1 other version)Inferentialism.Florian Steinberger & Julien Murzi - 2017 - In Steinberger Florian & Murzi Julien (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Philosophy of Language. pp. 197-224.
    This article offers an overview of inferential role semantics. We aim to provide a map of the terrain as well as challenging some of the inferentialist’s standard commitments. We begin by introducing inferentialism and placing it into the wider context of contemporary philosophy of language. §2 focuses on what is standardly considered both the most important test case for and the most natural application of inferential role semantics: the case of the logical constants. We discuss some of the (alleged) benefits (...)
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  • Harmony and modality.Read Stephen - 2008 - In Dégremont C., Kieff L. & Rückert H. (eds.), Dialogues, Logics and Other Strange Things: Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman. College Publications. pp. 285-303.
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  • A Nonmonotonic Sequent Calculus for Inferentialist Expressivists.Ulf Hlobil - 2016 - In Pavel Arazim & Michal Dancak (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2015. College Publications. pp. 87-105.
    I am presenting a sequent calculus that extends a nonmonotonic consequence relation over an atomic language to a logically complex language. The system is in line with two guiding philosophical ideas: (i) logical inferentialism and (ii) logical expressivism. The extension defined by the sequent rules is conservative. The conditional tracks the consequence relation and negation tracks incoherence. Besides the ordinary propositional connectives, the sequent calculus introduces a new kind of modal operator that marks implications that hold monotonically. Transitivity fails, but (...)
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  • Logical Truth.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • More Reflections on Consequence.Julien Murzi & Massimiliano Carrara - 2014 - Logique Et Analyse 57 (227):223-258.
    This special issue collects together nine new essays on logical consequence :the relation obtaining between the premises and the conclusion of a logically valid argument. The present paper is a partial, and opinionated,introduction to the contemporary debate on the topic. We focus on two influential accounts of consequence, the model-theoretic and the proof-theoretic, and on the seeming platitude that valid arguments necessarilypreserve truth. We briefly discuss the main objections these accounts face, as well as Hartry Field’s contention that such objections (...)
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  • The Different Ways in which Logic is (said to be) Formal.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (4):303 - 332.
    What does it mean to say that logic is formal? The short answer is: it means (or can mean) several different things. In this paper, I argue that there are (at least) eight main variations of the notion of the formal that are relevant for current discussions in philosophy and logic, and that they are structured in two main clusters, namely the formal as pertaining to forms, and the formal as pertaining to rules. To the first cluster belong the formal (...)
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  • Logical Consequence and Logical Expressions.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2003 - Theoria 18 (2):131-144.
    The pretheoretical notions of logical consequence and of a logical expression are linked in vague and complex ways to modal and pragmatic intuitions. I offer an introduction to the difficulties that these intuitions create when one attempts to give precise characterizations of those notions. Special attention is given to Tarski’s theories of logical consequence and logical constancy. I note that the Tarskian theory of logical consequence has fared better in the face of the difficulties than the Tarskian theory of logical (...)
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  • Reading Conclusions Conjunctively.Camillo Fiore - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (6):1641-1672.
    In philosophical logic and proof theory, we often find multiple-conclusion systems that induce a conjunctive reading of premises and a disjunctive reading of conclusions. In mathematical logic, in contrast, we often find multiple-conclusion systems that induce a conjunctive reading of both premises and conclusions. This paper studies some technical and philosophical aspects of this latter approach to multiple-conclusion consequence. The takeaway is that, while the importance of disjunctive multiple conclusions is beyond doubt, conjunctive multiple conclusions also have philosophical interest. First, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Logic and the Classification of Philosophical Systems.Gabriella Crocco - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:127-148.
    La classification des systèmes philosophiques de Jules Vuillemin fonde les relations entre science et philosophie en éliminant la possibilité d’une philosophie scientifique. Elle éclaire la pratique de la philosophie, en explicitant les choix possibles tout en rejetant le relativisme. Elle se fonde sur ce que Vuillemin appelle une sémiologie générale, qui convoque toutefois l’analyse logique. L’article propose une ébauche d’analyse structurale de la déduction permettant de fonder la classification sur des moyens exclusivement logiques.
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  • (1 other version)Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Peter Schroeder-Heister - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Ist die linguistische theorie Des logischen apriori obsolet?Darius Koriako - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (1):43-68.
    The linguistic theory of the logical A Priori: is it obsolete In holistic interpretations, the logical truths are considered as continuous with empirical science: they are revisable, a posteriori, though very near to the centre of our web of belief. In this paper, we consider the merits and demerits of this approach, and we propose that it is necessary to revaluate holistic philosophies of logic. Some arguments are put forward which point in favour of the logical empiricists’ theory of logical (...)
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  • A meta-logic of inference rules: Syntax.Alex Citkin - 2015 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 24 (3).
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  • Epistemic dimensions of personhood.Simon Evnine - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Simon Evnine examines various epistemic aspects of what it is to be a person. Persons are defined as finite beings that have beliefs, including second-order beliefs about their own and others' beliefs, and are agents, capable of making long-term plans. It is argued that for any being meeting these conditions, a number of epistemic consequences obtain. First, all such beings must have certain logical concepts and be able to use them in certain ways. Secondly, there are at least two principles (...)
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  • Disjunctive and Conjunctive Multiple-Conclusion Consequence Relations.Marek Nowak - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (6):1125-1143.
    Two different kinds of multiple-conclusion consequence relations taken from Shoesmith and Smiley and Galatos and Tsinakis or Nowak, called here disjunctive and conjunctive, respectively, defined on a formal language, are considered. They are transferred into a bounded lattice and a complete lattice, respectively. The properties of such abstract consequence relations are presented.
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  • Formalizations après la lettre: Studies in Medieval Logic and Semantics.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2006 - Dissertation, Leiden University
    This thesis is on the history and philosophy of logic and semantics. Logic can be described as the ‘science of reasoning’, as it deals primarily with correct patterns of reasoning. However, logic as a discipline has undergone dramatic changes in the last two centuries: while for ancient and medieval philosophers it belonged essentially to the realm of language studies, it has currently become a sub-branch of mathematics. This thesis attempts to establish a dialogue between the modern and the medieval traditions (...)
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  • Brandom’s Demarcation of Logic.John MacFarlane - 2008 - Philosophical Topics 36 (2):55-62.
    This is a lightly edited version of my comments on Brandom’s Lecture 2, as delivered in Prague at the “Prague Locke Lectures” in April, 2007. I try to say why Brandom’s proposed demarcation is significant, by placing it in a broader context of demarcation proposals from Kant to the twentieth century. I then raise some questions about the basic ingredients of Brandom’s demarcation—the notions of PP-sufficiency and VP-sufficiency—and question whether the vocabulary of conditionals, Brandom’s paradigm for logical vocabulary, can be (...)
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  • A natureza dos sincategoremas segundo Pedro Hispano.Guilherme Wyllie - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (SPE):333-352.
    Resumo: Pedro Hispano define os sincategoremas como expressões que revelam de que maneira os sujeitos e os predicados estão de fato relacionados nas proposições, contribuindo assim para o estabelecer o que elas significam e fixar as condições de verdade e as formas lógicas correspondentes. Entre as expressões que ele julga serem sincategoremáticas, ‘não’, ‘e’, ‘ou’, ‘se’, ‘todo’ e ‘necessário’ se destacam atualmente como constantes lógicas. Todavia, opondo-se a grande parte dos lógicos contemporâneos para quem tais expressões possuem um significado fixo (...)
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  • (1 other version)Sur la classification des systèmes philosophiques et la logique.Gabriella Crocco - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:127-148.
    La classification des systèmes philosophiques de Jules Vuillemin fonde les relations entre science et philosophie en éliminant la possibilité d’une philosophie scientifique. Elle éclaire la pratique de la philosophie, en explicitant les choix possibles tout en rejetant le relativisme. Elle se fonde sur ce que Vuillemin appelle une sémiologie générale, qui convoque toutefois l’analyse logique. L’article propose une ébauche d’analyse structurale de la déduction permettant de fonder la classification sur des moyens exclusivement logiques.
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  • A Logical Consequence Informed by Probability.Neil F. Hallonquist - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (3):395-429.
    There are two general conceptions on the relationship between probability and logic. In the first, these systems are viewed as complementary—having offsetting strengths and weaknesses—and there exists a fusion of the two that creates a reasoning system that improves upon each. In the second, probability is viewed as an instance of logic, given some sufficiently broad formulation of it, and it is this that should inform the development of more general reasoning systems. These two conceptions are in conflict with each (...)
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  • The Expressive Truth Conditions of Two-Valued Logic.Stephen Pollard - 2002 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43 (4):221-230.
    In a finitary closure space, irreducible sets behave like two-valued models, with membership playing the role of satisfaction. If f is a function on such a space and the membership of in an irreducible set is determined by the presence or absence of the inputs in that set, then f is a kind of truth function. The existence of some of these truth functions is enough to guarantee that every irreducible set is maximally consistent. The closure space is then said (...)
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