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Charles Darwin

Malden, MA: Blackwell (2008)

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  1. Literal or Darwinian Approach to Evolutionary Epistemology from the Viewpoint of Michael Ruse.Vahid Grami & Mohsen Jahed - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 24 (1):43-66.
    There are two main approaches to evolutionary epistemology: the analogical or Spencerian approach, and the literal or Darwinian approach. The analogical approach claims that the process of the development of culture – particularly the development of science – is purely like that of living creatures and is based on natural selection. Michael Ruse calls this approach the “traditional approach” or the “analogical approach”, and sometimes calls it the “Spencerian approach.” In the latter approach, which this essay is going to consider (...)
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  • (1 other version)La selección natural: lenguaje, método y filosofía.Juan Ramón Álvarez - 2010 - Endoxa 24:91-122.
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  • Normative Ethics Does Not Need a Foundation: It Needs More Science.Katinka Quintelier, Linda Van Speybroeck & Johan Braeckman - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 59 (1):29-51.
    The impact of science on ethics forms since long the subject of intense debate. Although there is a growing consensus that science can describe morality and explain its evolutionary origins, there is less consensus about the ability of science to provide input to the normative domain of ethics. Whereas defenders of a scientific normative ethics appeal to naturalism, its critics either see the naturalistic fallacy committed or argue that the relevance of science to normative ethics remains undemonstrated. In this paper, (...)
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  • Gaps in the argument: A discussion of certain aspects of cosmology.Michael Ruse - 2010 - Zygon 45 (1):221-227.
    In this discussion review of Robert John Russell's collection of essays I agree with him about the necessity of human existence given the claims of Christian theology. I look in detail at his suggestions for speaking to this issue, especially his thesis of NIODA—noninterventionist objective divine action. I end up disagreeing with the suggestion and argue that in respects Russell is tackling the science-religion relationship in the wrong way.
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  • ¿Fue Darwin el Newton de la brizna de hierba?Gustavo Caponi - 2012 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (1):53-79.
    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1808-1711.2012v16n1p53 Ratifying Haeckel and contradicting Kant’s negative prophesy, in this paper I try to show that Darwin was, really, the Newton of the blade of grass . Darwin showed how the configurations according to goals of the living beings, could be explained from a naturalistic point of view, without having to postulate the existence of an intentional agent that had arranged or prearranged then. This achievement, nevertheless, was obtained by a way that Kant could not foresee and that Haeckel could (...)
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  • Explanatory coherence and empirical adequacy: The problem of abduction, and the justification of evolutionary models. [REVIEW]Scott A. Kleiner - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (4):513-527.
    Foundationalist theories of justification for science were undermined by the theory-ladeness thesis, which has affinities with coherentist epistemologies. A challenge for defenders of coherentist theories of scientific justification is to specify coherence relations relevant to science and to show how these relations make the truth of their bearers likely. Coherence relations include characteristics that pick out better explanations in the implementation of abductive arguments. Empiricist philosophers have attacked abductive reasoning by claiming that explanatory virtues are pragmatic, having no implications regarding (...)
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  • The Current Status of the Philosophy of Biology.Peter Takacs & Michael Ruse - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (1):5-48.
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  • Ideal de orden natural y objetivo explanatorio de la teoría de la selección natural.Gustavo Caponi - 2011 - Filosofia Unisinos 12 (1):20-37.
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  • Darwinism Then and Now: The Divide Over Form and Function.Michael Ruse - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (4-5):367-389.
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  • Charles Darwin’s O n the Origin of Species.Michael Ruse - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):159-165.
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  • The Victoria institute, biblical criticism, and the fundamentals.Stuart Mathieson - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):254-274.
    The Victoria Institute was established in London in 1865. Although billed as an anti-evolutionary organization, and stridently anti-Darwinian in its rhetoric, it spent relatively little time debating the theory of natural selection. Instead, it served as a haven for a specific set of intellectual commitments. Most important among these was the Baconian scientific methodology, which prized empiricism and induction, and was suspicious of speculation. Darwin's use of hypotheses meant that the Victoria Institute members were unconvinced that his work was truly (...)
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