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  1. (1 other version)The Crypto-Metaphysic of 'Ultimate Causes': Remarks on an Alleged Exposé.Andreas Dorschel - 1988 - Ratio 1 (2):97-112.
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  • Crer e Saber: O absurdo de Moore analisado a partir de Wittgenstein.Darlei Dall'Agnol - 2007 - Dissertatio 26:9-26.
    O artigo procura mostrar que os chamados “Absurdos de Moore” (asserções do tipo “Está chovendo, mas eu não acredito que esteja” são o resultado do desrespeito aos princípios epistemológicos assumidos pelo próprio Moore. Além disso, ele apresenta um modo de dissolver os absurdos através da análise filosófica de Wittgenstein da crença e do conhecimento. A motivação para elaborar esse trabalho é a de descobrir se existe, como alguns comentadores sugerem, algum problema ético relacionado com o suposto paradoxo, por exemplo, uma (...)
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  • Schopenhauers Gebrauchstheorie der Bedeutung und das Kontextprinzip: Eine Parallele zu Wittgensteins ›Philosophischen Untersuchungen‹.Jens Lemanski - 2016 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 2016 (97):171-195.
    In previous research, Schopenhauer is regarded as a consistent representative of a classical picture theory of language. The paper shows, however, that Schopenhauer does not only present a use theory of meaning in his lectures on logic, but also justifies it with the help of the context principle. Furthermore, it is discussed to what extent Schopenhauer's use theory of meaning is similar to the semantic theory of Ludwig Wittgenstein and his successors.
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  • On Saying What You Really Want to Say: Wittgenstein, Gödel and the Trisection of the Angle.Juliet Floyd - 1995 - In Jaakko Hintikka (ed.), From Dedekind to Gödel: The Foundations of Mathematics in the Early Twentieth Century, Synthese Library Vol. 251 (Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 373-426.
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  • Zwischen Partikularismus und Generalismus: Ethische Probleme als Grammatische Spannungen.Matthtas Kiesselbach - 2010 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (1):2010.
    This essay argues that there is room for a third position between moral particularism and moral generalism in their orthodox forms. The view proposed in this essay is inspired by the later Wittgenstein's conception of grammar and holds that formulations of ethical principles can be interpreted as grammatical statements, while ethical problems can be interpreted as instances of grammatical tension. On this reading, situations in which ethical principles turn out to conflict come out as moments in the evolution of language. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Constructed Worlds, Contested Truths.Maria Baghramian - 2011 - In Richard Schantz & Markus Seidel (eds.), The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge. Lancaster, LA1: ontos. pp. 105-130.
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  • Zeit-Hören: Erfahrungen, Taktungen, Musik.Norman Sieroka - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Obwohl es "die Zeit" nicht gibt, ordnet sich doch alles, was wir erleben, zeitlich. Auch die großen Schlagworte unserer Tage betreffen allesamt von zeitlichen Herausforderungen: Nachhaltigkeit, Resilienz, Transformation, Zeitenwende. Dieses Buch handelt davon, was Zeitliches ausmacht, warum sich die Wirklichkeit zeitlich ordnet und was das mit der wechselseitigen Taktung von Ereignissen und Autonomieerfahrungen zu tun hat. Es werden Missverständnisse aufgelöst, indem aufgezeigt wird, inwiefern es "die Zeit" nicht gibt, es oftmals sogar leidvolle bis hin zu pathologischen Konsequenzen mit sich bringt, (...)
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  • Relativism, Incoherence, and the Strong Programme.Harvey Siegel - 2011 - In Richard Schantz & Markus Seidel (eds.), The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge. Lancaster, LA1: ontos. pp. 41-64.
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  • (1 other version)Jak pojmenovat reálné číslo?Vojtěch Kolman - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (3):283-301.
    The article deals with Cantor’s diagonal argument and its alleged philosophical consequences such as that there are more reals than integers and, hence, that some of the reals must be independent of language because the totality of words and sentences is always count-able. My claim is that the main flaw of the argument for the existence of non-nameable objects or truths lies in a very superficial understanding of what a name or representation actually is.
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  • Mathematizing Power, Formalization, and the Diagrammatical Mind or: What Does “Computation” Mean? [REVIEW]Sybille Krämer - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (3):345-357.
    Computation and formalization are not modalities of pure abstractive operations. The essay tries to revise the assumption of the constitutive nonsensuality of the formal. The argument is that formalization is a kind of linear spatialization, which has significant visual dimensions. Thus, a connection can be discovered between visualization by figurative graphism and formalization by symbolic calculations: Both use spatial relations not only to represent but also to operate on epistemic, nonspatial, nonvisual entities. Descartes was one of the pioneers of using (...)
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  • Saber moral: fundamentos epistêmicos da neurobioética.Darlei Dall'Agnol - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (1).
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  • Knowing-how to care.Darlei Dall'Agnol - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (7):474-479.
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  • Realismo cognitivo, naturalismo e pragmatismo ético: a estrutura normativa das “formas de vida” segundo Habermas e Putnam.Erick Lima - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 17 (3):459.
    The paper aims at recovering some epistemological issues in the debate between Putnam and Habermas about the objectivity of values. To begin with, I take up some discussions in philosophy of language and pragmatism in order to develop a framework according to which it is possible a less unilateral comprehension of the relation between naturalism and the normativity of ‘life forms’ (1). This account attempts to contextualize the Habermas /Putnam debate. Then I summarize Putnamt’s positions (2). Thirdly, after pointing out (...)
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  • A autoridade normativa das práticas compartilhadas: Uma interpretação da introdução à filosofia do direitode Hegel.Erick Lima - 2014 - Dissertatio 40:117-150.
    Algumas discussões contemporâneas têm sido bastante influenciadas pela teoria hegeliana da normatividade. Gostaria de propor aqui uma leitura da Introdução à Filosofia do Direito fortemente inspirada na ideia de uma ontologia social constituída pela autoridade normativa das práticas compartilhadas, salientando as diretrizes hegelianas em debates contemporâneos na filosofia prática e na teoria social. Primeiramente, procuro acessar a teoria hegeliana da liberdade como respostas ao desafio moderno de se pensar a autodeterminação de maneira unilateral. Em seguida, procuro compreender a noção hegeliana (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Crypto‐Mrtaphysic of ‘Ultimate Causes’ Remarks on an Alleged Exposé.Andreas Dorschel - 2006 - Ratio 1 (2):97-112.
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