Tabuleiro de Letras. E-Issn: 2176-5782 (
This paper presents some considerations regarding the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), regarding issues related to the teaching of the Portuguese language in Brazil, territoriality and racial belonging, historical processes that involve, in the field of education, teacher training and the construction of citizenship of students in these times of reaffirmation of the democratic rule of law and the decolonial wave. Therefore, it is a political approach in terms of the thought of Paulo Freire, patron of Brazilian education, who considered the act of educating to be political (FREIRE, 1980; 1983; 1989; 1996). It is based on this perspective that the BNCC will be approached, but under the theoretical contribution of pragmatic discourse analysis, tributary of discursive-deconstructive analysis (cf. ARAÚJO, 2020).