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  1. Text retrieval in the legal world.Howard Turtle - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 3 (1-2):5-54.
    The ability to find relevant materials in large document collections is a fundamental component of legal research. The emergence of large machine-readable collections of legal materials has stimulated research aimed at improving the quality of the tools used to access these collections. Important research has been conducted within the traditional information retrieval, the artificial intelligence, and the legal communities with varying degrees of interaction between these groups. This article provides an introduction to text retrieval and surveys the main research related (...)
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  • Self‐Explanations: How Students Study and Use Examples in Learning to Solve Problems.Michelene T. H. Chi, Miriam Bassok, Matthew W. Lewis, Peter Reimann & Robert Glaser - 1989 - Cognitive Science 13 (2):145-182.
    The present paper analyzes the self‐generated explanations (from talk‐aloud protocols) that “Good” and “Poor” students produce while studying worked‐out examples of mechanics problems, and their subsequent reliance on examples during problem solving. We find that “Good” students learn with understanding: They generate many explanations which refine and expand the conditions for the action parts of the example solutions, and relate these actions to principles in the text. These self‐explanations are guided by accurate monitoring of their own understanding and misunderstanding. Such (...)
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  • An AI model of case-based legal argument from a jurisprudential viewpoint.Kevin D. Ashley - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 10 (1-3):163-218.
    This article describes recent jurisprudential accountsof analogical legal reasoning andcompares them in detail to the computational modelof case-based legal argument inCATO. The jurisprudential models provide a theoryof relevance based on low-levellegal principles generated in a process ofcase-comparing reflective adjustment. Thejurisprudential critique focuses on the problemsof assigning weights to competingprinciples and dealing with erroneously decidedprecedents. CATO, a computerizedinstructional environment, employs ArtificialIntelligence techniques to teach lawstudents how to make basic legal argumentswith cases. The computational modelhelps students test legal hypotheses againsta database of (...)
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  • BankXX: Supporting legal arguments through heuristic retrieval. [REVIEW]Edwina L. Rissland, David B. Skalak & M. Timur Friedman - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 4 (1):1-71.
    The BankXX system models the process of perusing and gathering information for argument as a heuristic best-first search for relevant cases, theories, and other domain-specific information. As BankXX searches its heterogeneous and highly interconnected network of domain knowledge, information is incrementally analyzed and amalgamated into a dozen desirable ingredients for argument (called argument pieces), such as citations to cases, applications of legal theories, and references to prototypical factual scenarios. At the conclusion of the search, BankXX outputs the set of argument (...)
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  • Adaptation-guided retrieval: questioning the similarity assumption in reasoning.Barry Smyth & Mark T. Keane - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 102 (2):249-293.
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  • A note on dimensions and factors.Edwina L. Rissland & Kevin D. Ashley - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 10 (1-3):65-77.
    In this short note, we discuss several aspectsof dimensions and the related constructof factors. We concentrate on those aspectsthat are relevant to articles in this specialissue, especially those dealing with the analysisof the wild animal cases discussed inBerman and Hafner's 1993 ICAIL article. We reviewthe basic ideas about dimensions,as used in HYPO, and point out differences withfactors, as used in subsequent systemslike CATO. Our goal is to correct certainmisconceptions that have arisen over the years.
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  • Episodic Learner Modeling.Gerhard Weber - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (2):195-236.
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  • Issue spotting in CHASER.Barbara Cuthill & Robert McCartney - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 2 (2):83-111.
    For any system that uses previous experience to solve problems in new situations, it is necessary to identify the features in the situation that should match features in the previous cases through some process ofsituation analysis. In this paper, we examine this problem in the legal domain, where lawyers know it asissue spotting. In particular, we present an implementation of issue spotting in CHASER, a legal reasoning system that works in the domain of tort law.This approach is a compromise between (...)
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  • A computational model of ratio decidendi.L. Karl Branting - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 2 (1):1-31.
    This paper proposes a model ofratio decidendi as a justification structure consisting of a series of reasoning steps, some of which relate abstract predicates to other abstract predicates and some of which relate abstract predicates to specific facts. This model satisfies an important set of characteristics ofratio decidendi identified from the jurisprudential literature. In particular, the model shows how the theory under which a case is decided controls its precedential effect. By contrast, a purely exemplar-based model ofratio decidendi fails to (...)
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