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Kant’s Theory of Biology and the Argument from Design

In Eric Watkins & Ina Goy (eds.), Kant's Theory of Biology. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 203-220 (2014)

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  1. The Existence of God.Richard Swinburne - 1979 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Richard Swinburne presents a substantially rewritten and updated edition of his most celebrated book. No other work has made a more powerful case for the probability of the existence of God. Swinburne gives a rigorous and penetrating analysis of the most important arguments for theism: the cosmological argument; arguments from the existence of laws of nature and the 'fine-tuning' of the universe; from the occurrence of consciousness and moral awareness; and from miracles and religious experience. He claims that while none (...)
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  • The miracle of theism: arguments for and against the existence of God.J. L. Mackie - 1982 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Bernard Williams.
    The late John L. Mackie, formerly of University College, Oxford.
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  • A commentary on Kant's Critique of practical reason.Lewis White Beck - 1960 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
    When this work was first published in 1960, it immediately filled a void in Kantian scholarship.
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  • Kant's concept of teleology.John McFarland - 1970 - [Edinburgh]: University of Edinburgh Press.
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  • Nature, Design, and Science: The Status of Design in Natural Science.Del Ratzsch - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the question of whether or not concepts and principles involving supernatural intelligent design can occupy any legitimate place within science.
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  • Dialogues concerning natural religion.Daniel Bonevac - manuscript
    It has been remarked, my Hermippus, that though the ancient philosophers conveyed most of their instruction in the form of dialogue, this method of composition has been little practised in later ages, and has seldom succeeded in the hands of those who have attempted it. Accurate and regular argument, indeed, such as is now expected of philosophical enquirers, naturally throws a man into the methodical and didactic manner; where he can immediately, without preparation, explain the point at which he aims; (...)
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  • Kant Und Die Frage Nach Gott: Gottesbeweise Und Gottesbeweiskritik in den Schriften Kants.Giovanni B. Sala - 1989 - De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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  • (2 other versions)Dialogues concerning natural religion.David Hume - 1779 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by J. M. Bell.
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  • Kant on Formative Power.Ina Goy - 2012 - In . pp. 26-49.
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  • Kants vorkritische Kritik der Gottesbeweise. Ein Schlüssel zur Interpretation des theologischen Hauptstücks der transzendentalen Dialektik der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Josef Schmucker - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (1):130-131.
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  • 18. Erklärungen für das Übersinnliche: physikotheologischer und moralischer Gottesbeweis (§§ 85–89).Gerardo Cunico - 2008 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Immanuel Kant. "Kritik der Urteilskraft". Boston: Akademie Verlag / De Gruyter. pp. 309-329.
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  • Kant's Concept of Teleology. [REVIEW]P. A. T. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):750-750.
    McFarland discusses Kant's concept of teleology only insofar as it pertains to natural science, although the concept also has importance for Kant's aesthetics, ethics, and philosophies of history and religion. The study is devoted to an explication of the concept--rather than a developed interpretation-written from the belief that there is "no similar attempt to deal strictly with Kant's treatment of teleology." McFarland is apparently unaware of Klaus Düsing's more comprehensive treatment of the concept in Die Teleologie in Kants Weltbegriff which (...)
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