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Early State and Democracy.

In Leonid Grinin, Robert Carneiro, Dmitri Bondarenko, Nikolay Kradin & Andrey Korotayev (eds.), The Early State, Its Alternatives and Analogues. ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House. pp. 419--463 (2004)

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  1. Historical Rights.Chaim Gans - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (1):58-79.
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  • (2 other versions)Первый технологический уклад.Leonid Grinin - 2018 - In Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev & V. M. Bondarenko (eds.), Кондратьевские волны: к 125-летию со дня рождения Н. Д. Кондратьева: ежегодник. Uchitel Publishing House. pp. 296–298.
    Основой первого технологического уклада стали прорывные инновации в текстильной промышленности. В 1730 г. Джоном Кеем был изобретен челночный ткацкий станок. В результате ткачество стало значительно опережать по объемам прядение. Наиболее быстрый процесс механизации прядения (а позже и других операций) начался в 1760–1770-е гг. Это было время изобретения Джеймсом Харгривсом прялки «Дженни» и Ричардом Аркрайтом – аппарата для механической фабрикации пряжи, используемого на его же фабриках. Но за этими успехами стоял труд немалого числа изобретателей предшествующих десятилетий (см.: Цейтлин 1940; Gri- nin, (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Украинское государство как незавершенный политический проект: фрагментарное прошлое, кризисное настоящее, неясное будущее.Leonid Grinin - 2015 - In Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev (eds.), Эволюция. Мегаистория и глобальная эволюция. Uchitel Publishing House. pp. 84-126.
    Возникший глубокий кризис украинской государственности и идущая там, по сути, гражданская война вынуждают обратиться к причинам постоянных неудач формирования украинского государства. Многие на первый взгляд труднообъяснимые и откро-венно негативные особенности внешней и внутренней политики современной Украины в значительной степени связаны с геополитическими и историческими особенностями формирования государства, менталитета и традициями социально-политической психологии. Очевидно также, что многие отрицательно воздействующие на стабильность государства геополитические и геокультурные факторы прошлого не утратили своего значения до сих пор. Анализу этих факторов и их роли в разные (...)
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  • (1 other version)Анализ и моделирование мировой и страновой динамики: методология и базовые модели.Leonid Grinin (ed.) - 2015 - Uchitel Publishing House.
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  • (7 other versions)Кибернетическая революция и шестой технологический уклад.Leonid Grinin & Anton Grinin - 2015 - Историческая Психология И Социология Истории 8 (1):172-197.
    В настоящей статье на базе теории принципов производства и производственных революций мы показываем взаимосвязь между К-волнами и крупнейшими технологическими переворотами в истории, а также делаем прогнозы об особенностях шестой К-волны в свете идущей с 1950-х годов кибернетической революции. Мы предполагаем, что шестая кондратьевская волна в 2030–2040-х годах сольется с завершающей фазой кибернетической революции (которую мы назвали фазой самоуправляемых систем). Этот период будет характеризоваться прорывом в медицинских технологиях, которые смогут объединить вокруг себя много других технологий и в целом составят комплекс МБНРИК-технологий (...)
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  • (2 other versions)The Origin and Goal of History.Maurice Mandelbaum & Karl Jaspers - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (4):623.
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  • (2 other versions)The Origin and Goal of History.Karl Jaspers - 1976 - Westport, Conn.: Routledge.
    First published in English in 1953, this important book from eminent philosopher Karl Jaspers deals with the philsophy of the history of mankind. More specifically, its avowed aim is to assist in heightening our awareness of the _present_ by placing it within the framework of the long obscurity of prehistory and the boundless realm of possibilities which lie within the undecided future.This analysis is split into 3 parts: World history The present and the future The meaning of history.
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  • Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolution: The Lamarckian Dimension.Eva Jablonka & Marion J. Lamb - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    '...a challenging and useful book, both because it provokes a careful scrutiny of one's own basic ideas regarding evolutionary theory, and because it cuts across so many biological disciplines.' -The Quarterly Review of Biology 'In my view, this work exemplifies Theoretical Biology at its best...here is rampant speculation that is consistently based on cautious reasoning from the available data. Even more refreshing is the absence of sloganeering, grandstanding, and 'isms'.' -Biology and Philosophy 'Epigenetics is fundamental to understanding both development and (...)
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  • П. а. флоренский и культура его времени.Культура М: Прогресс - 1993 - Topos 2.
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  • What is life? & mind and matter: the physical aspect of the living cell.Erwin Schrödinger - 1974 - Cambridge University Press.
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  • The collapse of complex societies.Joseph Tainter - 1988 - Cambridge Univ. Press.
    Political disintegration is a persistent feature of world history. The Collapse of Complex Societies, though written by an archaeologist, will therefore strike a chord throughout the social sciences. Any explanation of societal collapse carries lessons not just for the study of ancient societies, but for the members of all such societies in both the present and future. Dr. Tainter describes nearly two dozen cases of collapse and reviews more than 2000 years of explanations. He then develops a new and far-reaching (...)
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  • (1 other version)On the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type.Alfred Russel Wallace - 2003 - Scientiae Studia 1 (2):231-243.
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  • The Early State and Its Analogues: A Comparative Analysis.Leonid E. Grinin - 2004 - In Leonid Grinin, Robert Carneiro, Dmitri Bondarenko, Nikolay Kradin & Andrey Korotayev (eds.), The Early State, Its Alternatives and Analogues. ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House. pp. 88--136.
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  • Leda Cosmoides, and John Tooby, eds.Jerome H. Barkow - 1992 - In Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby (eds.), The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. Oxford University Press.
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  • Hobbes and the ‘Greek tongues’.M. Berent - 1996 - History of Political Thought 17 (1):36-59.
    In this paper I wish to illuminate the Hobbesian-Aristotelian controversy from a new angle. I suggest that contrary to what has been assumed from Hobbes's time down to this day, the Greek polis was not a State, or what Hobbes called a Common-wealth, but rather what anthropologists call a stateless community. The latter is characterized by the absence of coercive apparatuses, which means that the ability to apply force is more or less evenly distributed among the armed, or potentially armed, (...)
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  • Aromorphoses in Biological and Social Evolution: Some General Rules for Biological and Social Forms of Macroevolution.Leonid Grinin, Alexander Markov, Markov & Andrey Korotayev - 2009 - Social Evolution and History 8 (2).
    The comparison between biological and social macroevolution is a very important (though insufficiently studied) subject whose analysis renders new significant possibilities to comprehend the processes, trends, mechanisms, and peculiarities of each of the two types of macroevolution. Of course, there are a few rather important (and very understandable) differences between them; however, it appears possible to identify a number of fundamental similarities. One may single out at least three fundamental sets of factors determining those similarities. First of all, those similarities (...)
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  • The Pathways of Politogenesis and Models of the Early State Formation.Leonid Grinin - 2009 - Social Evolution and History 8 (1):92-132.
    This article considers concrete manifestations of the politogenesis multilinearity and the variation of its forms; it analyzes the main causes that determined the politogenetic pathway of a given society. The respective factors include the polity's size, its ecological and social environment. The politogenesis should be never reduced to the only one evolutionary pathway leading to the statehood. The early state formation was only one of many versions of development of complex late archaic social systems. The author designates various complex non-state (...)
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  • Early State, Developed State, Mature State: The Statehood Evolutionary Sequence.Leonid Grinin - 2008 - Social Evolution and History 7 (1).
    In the theory of the early state it was fundamentally new and important from a methodological point of view to define the early state as a separate stage of evolution essentially different from the following stage, the one of the full-grown or mature state. ‘To reach the early state level is one thing, to develop into a full-blown, or mature state is quite another’ (Claessen and Skalník 1978b: 22). At the same time they (as well as a number of other (...)
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  • Production Revolutions and Periodization of History: A Comparative and Theoretic-mathematical Approach.Leonid Grinin - 2007 - Social Evolution and History 6 (2).
    There is no doubt that periodization is a rather effective method of data ordering and analysis, but it deals with exceptionally complex types of processual and temporal phenomena and thus it simplifies historical reality. Many scholars emphasize the great importance of periodization for the study of history. In fact, any periodization suffers from one-sidedness and certain deviations from reality. However, the number and significance of such deviations can be radically diminished as the effectiveness of periodization is directly connected with its (...)
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  • Social Macroevolution: Growth of the World System Integrity and a System of Phase Transitions.Andrey Korotayev & Leonid Grinin - 2009 - World Futures 65 (7):477-506.
    There are very significant conceptual links between theories of social macroevolution and theories of the World System development. It is shown that the growth of the World System complexity and integrity can be traced through a system of phase transitions of macroevolution. The first set of phase transition is connected with the agrarian, industrial, and information-scientific revolutions (that are interpreted as changes of “production principles”). The second set consists of phase transitions within one production principle. These phase transitions are analyzed (...)
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  • (1 other version)An introduction to Indian philosophy.Satischandra Chatterjee - 1939 - [Calcutta]: University of Calcutta. Edited by Dhirenda Mohan Datta.
    The object of this book is to provide a simple introduction to the Indian systems of philosophy. Each one of these systems has had a vast and varied development. An attempt has been made to introduce the reader to the spirit and outlook of Indian philosophy and help him to grasp thoroughly the central ideas rather than acquaint him with minute details. Modern students of philosophy feel many difficulties in understanding the Indian problems and theories. Their long experience with university (...)
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  • The self-organizing universe: scientific and human implications of the emerging paradigm of evolution.Erich Jantsch - 1980 - New York: Pergamon Press.
    The book, with its emphasis on the interaction of microstructures with the entire biosphere, ecosystems etc., and on how micro- and macrocosmos mutually create the conditions for their further evolution, provides a comprehensive framework for a deeper understanding of human creativity in a time of transition.
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  • (4 other versions)On the Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.Charles Darwin - 1859 - San Diego: Sterling. Edited by David Quammen.
    Familiarity with Charles Darwin's treatise on evolution is essential to every well-educated individual. One of the most important books ever published--and a continuing source of controversy, a century and a half later--this classic of science is reproduced in a facsimile of the critically acclaimed first edition.
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  • The Muqaddimah: an introduction to history.Ibn Khaldūn - 1967 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Edited by Franz Rosenthal, N. J. Dawood & Bruce B. Lawrence.
    The Muqaddimah , often translated as "Introduction" or "Prolegomenon," is the most important Islamic history of the premodern world. Written by the great fourteenth-century Arab scholar Ibn Khaldûn (d. 1406), this monumental work laid down the foundations of several fields of knowledge, including philosophy of history, sociology, ethnography, and economics. The first complete English translation, by the eminent Islamicist and interpreter of Arabic literature Franz Rosenthal, was published in three volumes in 1958 as part of the Bollingen Series and received (...)
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  • Plough, sword, and book: the structure of human history.Ernest Gellner - 1988 - London: Paladin Grafton Books.
    "Philosophical anthropology on the grandest scale....Gellner has produced a sharp challenge to his colleagues and a thrilling book for the non-specialist. Deductive history on this scale cannot be proved right or wrong, but this is Gellner writing, incisive, iconoclastic, witty and expert. His scenario compels our attention."—Adam Kuper, _New Statesman_ "A thoughtful and lively meditation upon probably the greatest transformation in human history, upon the difficult problems it poses and the scant resources it has left us to solve them."—Charles Larmore, (...)
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  • The uses of ethnography in the science of cultural evolution.Jamshid Tehrani - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):363-364.
    There is considerable scope for developing a more explicit role for ethnography within the research program proposed in the article. Ethnographic studies of cultural micro-evolution would complement experimental approaches by providing insights into the “natural” settings in which cultural behaviours occur. Ethnography can also contribute to the study of cultural macro-evolution by shedding light on the conditions that generate and maintain cultural lineages. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Cultural evolution is not equivalent to Darwinian evolution.Dwight W. Read - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):361-361.
    Darwinian evolution, defined as evolution arising from selection based directly on the properties of individuals, does not account for cultural constructs providing the organizational basis of human societies. The difficulty with linking Darwinian evolution to structural properties of cultural constructs is exemplified with kinship terminologies, a cultural construct that structures and delineates the domain of kin in human societies. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Evo-devo, modularity, and evolvability: Insights for cultural evolution.Simon M. Reader - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):361-362.
    Evolutionary developmental biology (“evo-devo”) may provide insights and new methods for studies of cognition and cultural evolution. For example, I propose using cultural selection and individual learning to examine constraints on cultural evolution. Modularity, the idea that traits vary independently, can facilitate evolution (increase “evolvability”), because evolution can act on one trait without disrupting another. I explore links between cognitive modularity, evolutionary modularity, and cultural evolvability. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Towards a unified science of cultural evolution.Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten & Kevin N. Laland - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):329-347.
    We suggest that human culture exhibits key Darwinian evolutionary properties, and argue that the structure of a science of cultural evolution should share fundamental features with the structure of the science of biological evolution. This latter claim is tested by outlining the methods and approaches employed by the principal subdisciplines of evolutionary biology and assessing whether there is an existing or potential corresponding approach to the study of cultural evolution. Existing approaches within anthropology and archaeology demonstrate a good match with (...)
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  • Cultural traits and cultural integration.R. Lee Lyman - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):357-358.
    Modern efforts to model cultural transmission have struggled to identify a unit of cultural transmission and particular transmission processes. Anthropologists of the early twentieth century discussed cultural traits as units of transmission equivalent to recipes (rules and ingredients) and identified integration as a signature process and effect of transmission. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Cultural evolution is more than neurological evolution.Thorbjørn Knudsen & Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):356-357.
    Advancing a general Darwinian framework to explain culture is an exciting endeavor. It requires that we face up to the challenge of identifying the specific components that are effective in replication processes in culture. This challenge includes the unsolved problem of explaining cultural inheritance, both at the level of individuals and at the level of social organizations and institutions.
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  • Evolutionary theory and the Riddle of the universe.Denny Borsboom - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):351-351.
    An effective restructuring of the social sciences around the evolutionary model requires that evolutionary theory has explanatory power with respect to the spread of cultural traits: The causal mechanisms involved should be structurally analogous to those of biological evolution. I argue that this is implausible because phenotypical consequences of cultural traits are not causally relevant to their chances of “survival.” (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Culture evolves only if there is cultural inheritance.Robert Aunger - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):347-348.
    Mesoudi et al. argue that the current inability to identify the means by which cultural traits are acquired does not debilitate their project to draw clear parallels between cultural and biological evolution. However, I suggest that cultural phenomena may be accounted for by biological processes, unless we can identify a cultural “genotype” that carries information from person to person independently of genes. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Why culture is common, but cultural evolution is rare.Rob Boyd - manuscript
    If culture is defined as variation acquired and maintained by social learning, then culture is common in nature. However, cumulative cultural evolution resulting in behaviors that no individual could invent on their own is limited to humans, song birds, and perhaps chimpanzees. Circumstantial evidence suggests that cumulative cultural evolution requires the capacity for observational learning. Here, we analyze two models the evolution of psychological capacities that allow cumulative cultural evolution. Both models suggest that the conditions which allow the evolution of (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Введение. Юбилей Н. Д. Кондратьева в свете современных проблем мировой экономики.Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev, Dmitri Bondarenko & R. Grinberg - 2018 - In Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev & V. M. Bondarenko (eds.), Кондратьевские волны: к 125-летию со дня рождения Н. Д. Кондратьева: ежегодник. Uchitel Publishing House. pp. 5-14.
    Есть исследователи, проблематика работ и теории которых остаются актуальными длительное время и после их смерти. К числу таких, несом- ненно, относится и Николай Дмитриевич Кондратьев – замечательный российский экономист, один из тех, чье имя довольно широко известно и за рубежом. И актуальность его идей тем более важно отметить в ознаме-нование 125-летнего юбилея Н. Д. Кондратьева, который мы отпраздновали в прошлом 2017 году. Именно этой теме – связи творчества Кондратьева и проблем современной экономики и экономической науки – и посвящены многие статьи (...)
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  • (1 other version)What is Life? [REVIEW]E. N. - 1946 - Journal of Philosophy 43 (7):194.
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  • [Book review] chaos and governance in the modern world system. [REVIEW]Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly J. Silver & Iftikhar Ahmad - 2001 - Science and Society 65 (3):386-397.
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  • Will the Global Crisis Lead to Global Transformations? 2. The Coming Epoch of New Coalitions.Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev - 2010 - Journal of Globalization Studies 1 (2):166-183.
    This article presents possible answers, and their respective probabilities, to the question, ‘What are the consequences of the present global crisis in the proximate future of the World System?’ It also attempts to describe the basic characteristics of the forthcoming ‘Epoch of New Coalitions’ and to forecast certain future conditions. Among the problems analyzed in this paper are the following: What does the weakening of the economic role of the USA as the World System centre mean? Will there be a (...)
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  • A Mathematical Model of Juglar Cycles and the Current Global Crisis.Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev & Sergey Malkov - 2010 - In Leonid Grinin, Peter Herrmann, Andrey Korotayev & Arno Tausch (eds.), History & Mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics.
    The article presents a verbal and mathematical model of medium-term business cycles (with a characteristic period of 7–11 years) known as Juglar cycles. The model takes into account a number of approaches to the analysis of such cycles; in the meantime it also takes into account some of the authors' own generalizations and additions that are important for understanding the internal logic of the cycle, its variability and its peculiarities in the present-time conditions. The authors argue that the most important (...)
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  • Generative entrenchment and an evolutionary developmental biology for culture.William C. Wimsatt - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):364-366.
    Mesoudi et al.'s new synthesis for cultural evolution closely parallels the evolutionary synthesis of Neo-Darwinism. It too draws inspiration from population genetics, recruits other fields, and, unfortunately, also ignores development. Enculturation involves many serially acquired skills and dependencies that allow us to build a rich cumulative culture. The newer synthesis, evolutionary developmental biology, provides a key tool, generative entrenchment, to analyze them. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Darwinian cultural evolution rivals genetic evolution.Mark Pagel - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):360-360.
    The study of culture from an evolutionary perspective has been slowed by resistance from some quarters of anthropology, a poor appreciation of the fidelity of cultural transmission, and misunderstandings about human intentionality. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Why culture is common, but cultural evolution is rare.Peter Richerson - manuscript
    If culture is defined as variation acquired and maintained by social learning, then culture is common in nature. However, cumulative cultural evolution resulting in behaviors that no individual could invent on their own is limited to humans, song birds, and perhaps chimpanzees. Circumstantial evidence suggests that cumulative cultural evolution requires the capacity for observational learning. Here, we analyze two models the evolution of psychological capacities that allow cumulative cultural evolution. Both models suggest that the conditions which allow the evolution of (...)
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  • (271 other versions)Проблемы рациональной философии.[author unknown] - 2004 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 1 (1):162-165.
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  • (18 other versions)Гегберт маркюз и проблемы развитого промышленного общества.Андрей Сирацкий - 1969 - Filozofia 24 (4):418.
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  • (7 other versions)А был ли Большой взрыв?Leonid Grinin - 2015 - In Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev (eds.), Эволюция. Мегаистория и глобальная эволюция. Uchitel Publishing House. pp. 6-13.
    Среди физиков и космологов нет единства мнений по проблемам первых стадий истории Универсума. Предполагается, что наша Вселенная поя-вилась примерно 13,82 млрд лет назад из неизвестного состояния. Пред-ставление, распространившееся в 1970-х гг., что она появилась из сингу-лярности (то есть состояния неопределенно малой величины и неопреде-ленно большой плотности материи) в результате необычайной силы Большого взрыва, хотя и разделяется до сих пор многими, устарело. В ре-зультате появления теории инфляции многие сложности теории Боль-шого взрыва удалось устранить, однако вопрос о самом Большом взрыве (часто называемом (...)
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  • (1 other version)First Principles. --.Herbert Spencer - 1860 - Westport, Conn.: Cambridge University Press.
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  • Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View.Richard Tarnas - 1993 - Ballantine Books.
    "[This] magnificent critical survey, with its inherent respect for both the 'Westt's mainstream high culture' and the 'radically changing world' of the 1990s, offers a new breakthrough for lay and scholarly readers alike....Allows readers to grasp the big picture of Western culture for the first time." SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE Here are the great minds of Western civilization and their pivotal ideas, from Plato to Hegel, from Augustine to Nietzsche, from Copernicus to Freud. Richard Tarnas performs the near-miracle of describing profound (...)
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  • The Coming Epoch of New Coalitions: Possible Scenarios of the Near Future.Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev - 2011 - World Futures 67 (8):531 - 563.
    This article analyzes some important aspects of socioeconomic and political development of the world in the near future. The future always stems from the present. The first part of the article is devoted to the study of some crucial events of the present, which could be regarded as precursors of forthcoming fundamental changes. In particular, it is shown that the turbulent events of late 2010 and 2011 in the Arab World may well be regarded as a start of the global (...)
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  • Evolutionary social science beyond culture.Harold Kincaid - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):356-356.
    Mesoudi et al.'s case can be improved by expanding to compelling selectionist explanations elsewhere in the social sciences and by seeing that natural selection is an instance of general selectionist process. Obstacles include the common use of extreme idealizations and optimality evidence, the copresence of nonselectionist social processes, and the fact that selectionist explanations often presuppose other kinds of social explanations. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  • Денис о’брайен. Плотин и гностики о происхождении материи.Roman Gulyaev - 2011 - Schole 5 (1):96-111.
    An article of the famous historian of Ancient philosophy is translated into Russian for the participants of educational project “ΤΕΧΝΗ. Theoretical foundations of Arts, sciences and technology in the Greco-Roman World". Original publication: “Plotinus and the Gnostics on the Generation of Matter”, Neoplatonism and Early Christian Thought, Essays in honour of A. H. Armstrong, éds. H. J. Blumenthal, R. A. Markus. London: Variorum publications, 1981, pp. 108–123.
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