- Ideen zu einer reinen phänomenologie und phänomenologischen philosophie.Edmund Husserl - 1929 - Halle a.d. S.,: M. Niemeyer.details
Die Krisis der europäischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie: Eine Einleitung in die phänomenologische Philosophie.Edmund Husserl - 2012 - Hamburg: Meiner, F. Edited by Elisabeth Ströker.details
(2 other versions)Collected papers.Alfred Schutz - 1962 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Edited by H. L. van Breda, Maurice Natanson, Arvid Brodersen, Ilse Schütz, Aron Gurwitsch, Helmut R. Wagner, George Psathas, Lester Embree, Michael D. Barber & Alfred Schutz.details
Die Kritis der Europaeischen Wissenschaften Und Die Transzendentale Phaenomenologie.Edmund Husserl - 1976 - Martinus Nijhoff. Edited by Walter Biemel.details
(1 other version)The phenomenological movement.Herbert Spiegelberg - 1965 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.details
Zur Phänomenologie des Inneren Zeitbewusstseins (1893–1917).Edmund Husserl & Rudolf Boehm - 1969 - Springer.details
(2 other versions)Collected papers.Alfred Schutz - 1970 - Boston: Distributor for the U.S. and Canada Kluwer Boston. Edited by Maurice Alexander Natanson.details
(2 other versions)Collected papers.Alfred Schutz - 1962 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Edited by H. L. van Breda, Maurice Natanson, Arvid Brodersen, Ilse Schütz, Aron Gurwitsch, Helmut R. Wagner, George Psathas, Lester Embree, Michael D. Barber & Alfred Schutz.details
Phenomenology in psychology and psychiatry.Herbert Spiegelberg - 1972 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.details
(2 other versions)Essays in Radical Empiricism.B. H. Bode, William James & R. B. Perry - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (6):704.details
(2 other versions)Essays in Radical Empiricism.William James - 1912 - Mind 21 (84):571-575.details
(3 other versions)A Pluralistic Universe.William James - 1909 - Mind 18 (72):576-588.details
(1 other version)Some problems of philosophy.William James - 1979 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt, Fredson Bowers & Ignas K. Skrupskelis.details
(3 other versions)A pluralistic universe.W. James - 1909 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 17 (5):23-23.details
(2 other versions)Essays in Radical Empiricism.William James - 1913 - The Monist 23:318.details
(1 other version)Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft.Edmund Husserl - 1910 - Rivista di Filosofia 1:289.details
(1 other version)Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft.Edmund Husserl - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:575.details
Some Problems of Philosophy.William James - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (1):22-25.details
Phenomenology in Psychology and Psychiatry.Herbert Spiegelberg & Edward L. Murray - 1973 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 4 (1):375-379.details
Erkenntnislehre.Carl Stumpf - 1940 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (2):243-247.details
(1 other version)Realism and the Background of Phenomenology.R. M. Chisholm - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (55):263-264.details
(1 other version)Realism and the Background of Phenomenology.Roderick M. Chisholm - 1962 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (1):104-104.details
William James and phenomenology: a study of The principles of psychology.Bruce W. Wilshire - 1968 - New York: AMS Press.details
(1 other version)William James and Phenomenology.James M. Edie - 1988 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 24 (3):436-440.details
(1 other version)The radical empiricism of William James.John Wild - 1980 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.details
(1 other version)William James and phenomenology.James M. Edie - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):481-526.details
Persönliche aufzeichnungen.Edmund Husserl - 1955 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (3):293-302.details
(1 other version)Auf dem Wege zu einer Phänomenologischen Psychologie: Die Psychologie von William James.Johannes Linschoten - 1961 - De Gruyter.details
(1 other version)Carl Stumpf zum 21. April 1928.Wolfgang Köhler - 1928 - Kant Studien 33 (1-2):1-3.details
William James and Henri Bergson: a study in contrasting theories of life.Horace Meyer Kallen - 1980 - New York: AMS Press.details
(1 other version)Carl Stumpf zum 21. April 1928.Wolfgang Köhler - 1928 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 33:1.details
Pragmatism a New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking: Together with Four Related Essays Selected Form the Meaning of Truth.William James & Ralph Barton Perry - 1948 - Longmans, Green and Co.details