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  1. Rooting Out Institutional Corruption to Manage Inappropriate Off-Label Drug Use.Marc A. Rodwin - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):654-664.
    The Food and Drug Administration authorizes the marketing of a drug only for uses that the manufacturer has demonstrated to be safe and effective, based on evidence from at least two clinical trials. However, the FDA does not regulate the practice of medicine, so physicians may prescribe drugs in any manner they choose. Prescribing drugs in ways that deviate from the uses specified in the FDA-approved drug label, package insert, and marketing authorization is referred to as off-label prescribing. This occurs (...)
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  • Corruption of Pharmaceutical Markets: Addressing the Misalignment of Financial Incentives and Public Health.Marc-André Gagnon - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):571-580.
    This article argues that the misalignment of private profit-maximizing objectives with public health needs causes institutional corruption in the pharmaceutical sector and systematically leads firms to act contrary to public heath. The article analyzes how financial incentives generate a business model promoting harmful practices and explores several means of realigning financial incentives in order to foster therapeutic innovation and promote the rational use of medicines.
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  • Pharmaceutical Knowledge Governance: A Human Rights Perspective.Trudo Lemmens - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):163-184.
    In recent years, the development process of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and related products and the overall market of these products have become increasingly global. This paper discusses the need for better governance of one aspect of this market: the production, distribution, and use of pharmaceutical knowledge. Various controversies, some of which will be described in this paper, highlight how industry control over pharmaceutical data production has resulted in very serious threats to public health. Different practices and regulatory fields that affect (...)
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  • Pharmaceutical Knowledge Governance: A Human Rights Perspective.Trudo Lemmens - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):163-184.
    Industry control over the production and distribution of pharmaceutical safety and efficacy data has become a serious public health and health care funding concern. Various recent scandals, several involving the use of flawed representations of scientific data in the most influential medical journals, highlight the urgency of enhancing pharmaceutical knowledge governance. This paper analyzes why this is a human rights concern and what difference a human rights analysis can make. The paper first identifies the challenges associated with the current knowledge (...)
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  • Corruption of Pharmaceutical Markets: Addressing the Misalignment of Financial Incentives and Public Health.Marc-André Gagnon - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):571-580.
    This paper explains how the current architecture of the pharmaceutical markets has created a misalignment of financial incentives and public health that is a central cause of harmful practices. It explores three possible solutions to address that misalignment: taxes, increased financial penalties, and drug pricing based on value. Each proposal could help to partly realign financial incentives and public health. However, because of the limits of each proposal, there is no easy solution to fixing the problem of financial incentives.
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  • Rooting Out Institutional Corruption to Manage Inappropriate Off‐Label Drug Use.Marc A. Rodwin - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):654-664.
    Prescribing drugs for uses that the FDA has not approved — off-label drug use — can sometimes be justified but is typically not supported by substantial evidence of effectiveness. At the root of inappropriate off-label drug use lie perverse incentives for pharmaceutical firms and flawed oversight of prescribing physicians. Typical reform proposals such as increased sanctions for manufacturers might reduce the incidence of unjustified off-label use, but they do not remove the source of the problem. Public policy should address the (...)
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  • Deficits, Expectations and Paradigms in British and American Drug Safety Assessments: Prising Open the Black Box of Regulatory Science.Courtney Davis & John Abraham - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (4):399-431.
    This article examines the regulation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, with particular focus on products approved for marketing in the United Kingdom, while denied marketing approval in the United States on safety grounds, and then subsequently withdrawn from the UK market on those grounds. Using international comparison of regulatory data never before accessed outside government and companies, together with interviews with relevant industry scientists and regulators, the article demonstrates the importance of regulatory expectations, deficits and paradigms. It is argued both that (...)
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  • Is Marketing the Enemy of Pharmaceutical Innovation?Kalman Applbaum - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (4):13-17.
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