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  1. Getting Straight on How Russell Underestimated Frege.Adam P. Kubiak & Piotr Lipski - 2014 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 62 (4):121-134.
    Bertrand Russell in his essay On Denoting [1905] presented a theory of description developed in response to the one proposed by Gottlob Frege in his paper Über Sinn und Bedeutung [1892]. The aim of our work will be to show that Russell underestimated Frege three times over in presenting the latter’s work: in relation to the Gray’s Elegy argument, to the Ferdinand argument, and to puzzles discussed by Russell. First, we will discuss two claims of Russell’s which do not do (...)
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  2. Scientific essentialism in the light of classification practice in biology – a case study of phytosociology.Adam P. Kubiak & Rafał R. Wodzisz - 2012 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 48 (194):231-250.
    In our paper we investigate a difficulty arising when one tries to reconsiliateessentialis t’s thinking with classification practice in the biological sciences. The article outlinessome varieties of essentialism with particular attention to the version defended by Brian Ellis. Weunderline the basic difference: Ellis thinks that essentialism is not a viable position in biology dueto its incompatibility with biological typology and other essentialists think that these two elementscan be reconciled. However, both parties have in common metaphysical starting point and theylack explicit (...)
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  3. A Frequentist Solution to Lindley & Phillips’ Stopping Rule Problem in Ecological Realm.Adam P. Kubiak - 2014 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 50 (200):135-145.
    In this paper I provide a frequentist philosophical-methodological solution for the stopping rule problem presented by Lindley & Phillips in 1976, which is settled in the ecological realm of testing koalas’ sex ratio. I deliver criteria for discerning a stopping rule, an evidence and a model that are epistemically more appropriate for testing the hypothesis of the case studied, by appealing to physical notion of probability and by analyzing the content of possible formulations of evidence, assumptions of models and meaning (...)
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  4. Problematyczność ewolucyjnego wyjaśniania wiary religijnej.Adam P. Kubiak - 2011 - Racjonalia. Z Punktu Widzenia Humanistyki 1 (1):69-87.
    The aim of this paper was to prove that reduction of social, cultural and spiritual explanation of religion, to the purely biological one, is unattainable, and what is more, that such efforts are redundant and give threat to the quality of science, as well as to the quality of religious beliefs. With regard to elementary methodological scientific criteria, the examples of limitation in biological investigating and explaining of religion was shown. Subsequently, the paper presents a few important logical mistakes (pseudoarguments) (...)
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  5. Flora naczyniowa doliny Olszowki [Kotlina Sandomierska] - walory i zagadnienia ochrony.Adam P. Kubiak - 2009 - Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 4 (65):303-310.
    The study area was a small lowland river valley within a range of 4750 m length and approx. 150 m width (about 62 ha), situated in the south-east of Poland, in the middle of Sandomierz Basin (Fig. 1). Flora and the chosen most valuable plant communities of the river bed with adjacent ecotone zone were investigated in 2007. During the study 291 species of vascular plants were found. Among them 10 are protected: Batrachium peltatum, Convallaria majalis, Dactylorhiza majalis, Daphne mezereum, (...)
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  6. Diversity of macrophytes in riverine aquatic habitats: comparing active river channel and its cut-offs.Adam P. Kubiak - 2014 - Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio C – Biologia 69 (1):49-57.
    The study area was a small lowland river valley (the Łęg river) located in the south-east of Poland. The object of investigation was the macrophytes of 10 river lakes with corresponding active river channel stretches of the same length as the cut-offs. The aim was to check the difference in species diversity between cut-off and active river channels. The second aim was to test the following hypothesis: vegetation of river lake has been shaped under the influence of contiguous river stretch (...)
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  7. Uwagi na temat roli nauk przyrodniczych i nowej duchowości w ochronie przyrody.Adam P. Kubiak - 2009 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 7 (2):147-162.
    Issues of nature conservation, and socio-cultural movement called ecologism, are vivid becouse of it’s many controvertions and actual validity in terms of sustainable development. This paper presents contemporary motives of preserving the nature, scientific ways of it’s realization, and chosen issues of so called „ecological spirituality”. Reflection on the abilities and perils of science and spirituality, with reference to philosophy and practical conservation activity, will be led. Finally, there will be an attemption to answer the question about relation between nature (...)
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  8. O podobieństwie między poznaniem naukowym i religijnym.Adam P. Kubiak - 2013 - Scripta Philosophica. Zeszyty Naukowe Doktorantów KUL 2:57-72.
    Aim of this paper was to fi nd and explicate similarities between science and religion with respect to classical criteria of scientifi cognition. The discourse was led within the following aspects: knowledge, method, language, institution and limits. The derived conclusion is that religion can be interpreted as satisfying all general conditions of scientific enterprise. Such a conclusion is interpreted as supporting two possible thesis: (1) religion as a scientifi c discipline ought to be implemented into scientific enterprise in the way (...)
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  9. Dlaczego umieramy? Wobec pytania o śmieć cielesną - krótko i po chrześcijańsku.Adam P. Kubiak - 2011 - Philosophia: Rok Założenia 31:17-20.
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  10. Przyczynek do krytyki tendencji naukocentrycznych we współczesnej ochronie przyrody.Adam P. Kubiak - 2010 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 58 (2):5-26.
    This paper is an attempt to meta-subjective revision of contemporary “ecological” issues concerning glorification of science (called by the Author „science-centrism) present in paradigm and practice of nature protection. Assuming that science can be often treated as conditio sine qua non of effective pro-ecological activity, and that such approach isn’t in fact appropriate, the Author led diverse arguments supporting the thesis that the presence of science isn’t necessary in theoretical and applied protection of nature. Within the discourse he tried to (...)
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