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  1.  33
    Sakın Efsane Söyleme.Gökdemir İhsan - 2023 - HECE 318 (Mitoloji Özel Sayısı):601-606.
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  2.  30
    Ibn Warraq Vakası: “Self-Kolonizasyon” İçin Mütevazı Bir Kavramsallaştırma Denemesi.Gökdemir İhsan - 2016 - İnsan Ve Toplum 6 (1):187-194.
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  3.  21
    Dil ve İdea: Platoncu Muhayyel Bir Dil Felsefesine Giriş.Gökdemir İhsan - 2018 - Istanbul: Külliyat Yayınları.
    [Langauge and Idea: An Introduction to an Imaginary Platonic Philosophy of Language] -/- Although Plato, in his Cratylus, did not dwell clearly on such issues as the origin of language or the identity of that which gives the names (nomothétês), he did reveal his opinions about being and knowledge in the context of language, as many commentators unanimously point out. I will primarily explain my reading of Cratylus and then argue that Plato holds an original opinion about name, naming, and (...)
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  4.  24
    Modern Kahramanın Düşüşü.Gökdemir İhsan - 2019 - Istanbul: İnsan Yayınları.
    [Falling of Modern Hero] -/- In this book, which deals with the modern stage of the "hero's journey" that Campbell identified in the traditional narrative and added to the literature, Gökdemir İhsan deals with the transformation of the journey in modern literature. The author, who describes the journey of the modern hero as a "fall" or in more direct terms as a "fall into oneself", discusses concepts such as enlightenment, religion, individuality, modernity, and Eurocentrism through stories, novels, and poems written (...)
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  5.  25
    Platon'un "İmkânsız" Estetiği ve Sanat.Gökdemir İhsan - 2023 - İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları. Edited by Abdullah Enes Özel.
    [Plato’s “Impossible” Aesthetics and Art] Although it seems impossible to derive an aesthetic theory from Plato’s thought in the sense defined by Baumgarten, it is possible to come closer to the language and the sense of the ancients, who were well aware of the division of cognition into aisthêta and noêta, if we follow Kant’s first advice, accepting this term again and preserving it for that doctrine, which is true science. Therefore, the way to see whether Plato’s views amount to (...)
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