Results for 'Servant Leadership'

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  1. Leadership After Virtue: MacIntyre’s Critique of Management Reconsidered.Matthew Sinnicks - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (4):735-746.
    MacIntyre argues that management embodies emotivism, and thus is inherently amoral and manipulative. His claim that management is necessarily Weberian is, at best, outdated, and the notion that management aims to be neutral and value free is incorrect. However, new forms of management, and in particular the increased emphasis on leadership which emerged after MacIntyre’s critique was published, tend to support his central charge. Indeed, charismatic and transformational forms of leadership seem to embody emotivism to a greater degree (...)
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  2. Comparison of Work-Related Values and Leadership Preferences of Mexican Immigrants and Caucasians.Alonso Raul Duarte - 2020 - Dissertation, Walden University
    Globalization has made it easier for people to migrate, thus increasing diversity within organizations. One problem with this migration is that 1st and 2nd generation immigrants may prefer different leadership styles than those of the mainstream culture. The purpose of this survey-based quantitative comparative study was to investigate the effects of acculturation on the work-related cultural values and leadership style preferences of Mexican immigrants living in the United States. The research question that guided this study focused on the (...)
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  3. Frederick’s “Greatness”.Cody Franchetti - 2013 - International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities 5 (2):159-167.
    This essay attempts to identify the various qualities that made Frederick II of Prussia’s just appellation ‘the Great’. Frederick employed a completely new type of rule, which was not only unique in the eighteenth century but also prefigured modern governance in many respects. Frederick personified the "raison d’etat" and came to exemplify the rational use of state power for the creation of a completely new standard of judicious kingship. As a visionary ruler of his day, Frederick foreshadowed modern principles of (...)
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  4. (3 other versions)Ethical leadership and decision making in education: applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas.Joan Poliner Shapiro - 2001 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. Edited by Jacqueline Anne Stefkovich.
    The authors developed this textbook in response to an increasing interest in ethics, and a growing number of courses on this topic that are now being offered in educational leadership programs. It is designed to fill a gap in instructional materials for teaching the ethics component of the knowledge base that has been established for the profession. The text has several purposes: First, it demonstrates the application of different ethical paradigms (the ethics of justice, care, critique, and the profession) (...)
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  5. Military Leadership and Ethics.Peter Olsthoorn - 2023 - Handbook of Military Sciences.
    Leadership and ethics are habitually treated as related to separate spheres. It would be better, perhaps, if leadership and ethics were treated as belonging to a single domain. Ethics is an aspect of leadership and not a separate approach that exists alongside other approaches to leadership such as the trait approach, the situational approach, etc. This holds especially true for the military, one of the few organizations that can legitimately use violence. Today, most militaries opt for (...)
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  6. Leadership Features and Their Relationship to Increasing Achievement Motivation among Palestinian Police Employees in Gaza Strip In Light Of the Corona Pandemic.Yaser A. Al Shorafa, , Muhammad K. Hamdan, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Suliman A. El Talla - 2021 - International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR) 5 (4):7-21.
    The study aimed to identify the leadership features and their relationship to increasing achievement motivation among Palestinian police employees in Gaza Strip in light of the Corona pandemic. To achieve the study’s objectives, the researchers used the descriptive method in its analytical method, using a questionnaire applied to the police officers at the Central Governorate Police Station, whose number is (113) individuals. They were chosen in a stratified, random manner, and the study resulted in a set of results, the (...)
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    World-Traveling to the Servants’ Quarters: The Pseudo-Concreteness of Lugones’ Decolonial Feminism.Jeta Mulaj - 2024 - Hypatia 39 (4):842-866.
    This article focuses on the role of servants in María Lugones’ “Playfulness, ‘World’-Travelling, and Loving Perception.” I show that Lugones uses and erases the work of servants in developing her understanding of world-traveling. This theoretical marginalization and instrumentalization challenges her claim to capture concrete, lived experience. This article argues that Lugones’ theory is “pseudo-concrete”: it capitulates into the very abstractions it seeks to overcome. Focusing on the role of servants reveals the class character of world-traveling and, in turn, its inability (...)
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  8. A Leadership Perspective on Decision Making.Marcus Selart (ed.) - 2010 - Cappelen Academic Publishers.
    This book is concerned with helping you improve your approach to decision-making. The author examines judgement in a selection of managerial contexts and provides important understanding that can help you make better leadership decisions. The book also pinpoints the in-house politics of organisational decision-making. Drawing on the very latest research, it introduces practical techniques that show you how to analyse and develop your own decision-making style. It will help you to deliver sharp and insightful analyses of your business and (...)
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  9. Leadership and Its Impact on Achieving Organizational Justice in Palestinian Relief Organizations.Mahmoud Al Najjar, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Suliman El Talla - 2022 - International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR) 6 (9):207-231.
    The study aimed to identify the impact of leadership style in achieving organizational justice on relief organizations operating in the southern governorates - Palestine, and the most important hypotheses of the study were: that there is a positive correlation between leadership style and achieving organizational justice. Which contribute to achieving the objectives of the study, and the study population consisted of Employees in relief organizations, and a stratified random sample was used to collect data from 60 relief institutions. (...)
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  10. Transformational Leadership, Transactional Contingent Reward, and Organizational Identification: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Innovation and Goal Culture Orientations.Athena Xenikou - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    Purpose - The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of transformational leadership and transactional contingent reward as complementary, but distinct, forms of leadership on facets of organizational identification via the perception of innovation and goal organizational values. Design/methodology/approach – Three studies were carried out implementing either a measurement of mediation or experimental-causal-chain design to test for the hypothesized effects. Findings - The measurement of mediation study showed that transformational leadership had a positive direct and (...)
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  11. Implementing leadership decisions.Marcus Selart - 2010 - In A Leadership Perspective on Decision Making. Cappelen Academic Publishers. pp. 123-143.
    In this chapter it is demonstrated that the way in which leaders implement a decision largely depends on the nature of it, that is, whether it is strategic or not. Leaders must be as open as possible and not withhold information from the persons involved in the process. Therefore, they should distribute as much relevant information as possible to meeting participants before a meeting. At the same time, they must be able to steer the process. It is not unusual for (...)
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  12. Analyzing leadership decisions.Marcus Selart - 2010 - In A Leadership Perspective on Decision Making. Cappelen Academic Publishers. pp. 47-70.
    In this chapter it is pointed out that leaders who make decisions normally rely on both their intuition and their analytical thinking. Modern research shows that intuitive thinking has the potential to support the analytical, if used properly. Leaders must therefore be aware of the possibilities and limitations of intuition. Fresh thinking and innovation are key elements in leadership analysis, thus creative problem-solving is an important complement to traditional leadership thinking. Creative leaders work extensively with both intuition and (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Leadership, Ethics, and the Centrality of Character.Peter Olsthoorn - 2017 - In Military Ethics and Leadership. Leiden & Boston: Brill. pp. 1-15.
    Scandals in business (such as Volkswagen’s dieselgate and, earlier, the Enron scandal), politics and the public sector (the Petrobas affair in Brazil, for in-stance), sports (think of the corruption charges against fifa’s Sepp Blatter) and the military (Abu Ghraib springs to mind) have brought the matter of ethical leadership to the forefront. But although this increased attention has had the collateral benefit that most handbooks on leadership now pay more attention to the importance of leading ethically, this will (...)
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  14. Socratic Leadership.Freya Möbus - 2023 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (2):263-281.
    What makes a good leader? This paper takes Socrates in Plato’s early dialogues as the starting point for developing three leadership skills that are still relevant today: being on a mission, thinking in questions, and thinking like a beginner. I arrive at these Socratic leadership skills through an interdisciplinary approach to Plato’s early dialogues that puts Socrates in conversation with a diversity of thinkers: modern-day business leaders and leadership coaches, educators, Zen Buddhists, and art historians. I show (...)
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  15. Leadership succession patterns in the apostolic church as a template for critique of contemporary charismatic leadership succession patterns.Cephas Tushima - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):01-08.
    The pattern of leadership succession observed globally in most contemporary Pentecostal movements and churches can be characterised as dynastic succession. Yet historic modern Pentecostalism prided itself on being biblical. This article explores the biblical sources, examining first the leadership structure and then the leadership succession patterns in the apostolic church as well as the extra-biblical sources of the apostolic patristic era. Our findings from this New Testament survey of leadership succession in the apostolic church and post-apostolic (...)
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  16. Instructional Leadership Practices of School Administrators: The Case of El Salvador City Division, Philippines.Ma Leah Lincuna & Manuel Caingcoy - 2020 - Commonwealth Journal of Academic Research 1 (2):12-32.
    School administrators are mandated to take the instructional leadership roles. On this premise, a study assessed the extent of instructional leadership practices of public elementary school administrators in El Salvador City Division, Philippines. Also, it explored their actual practices, challenges encountered, and the ways they overcome the challenges in practicing instructional leadership. It employed a mixed-method research design. It administered the adopted assessment tool on instructional leadership to 15 school administrators and 12 of them were involved (...)
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  17. Facilitating leadership decisions.Marcus Selart - 2010 - In A Leadership Perspective on Decision Making. Cappelen Academic Publishers. pp. 73-94.
    This chapter illustrates that in order to reach a decision a leader must decide which persons should be involved in the process and when. A relatively common method of involving others is delegating the decision to a group. A main objective of this is often to generate as many innovative ideas as possible, and different techniques can be employed for this, including brainstorming. The proposal generated must then be validated by the group using different criteria on the basis of which (...)
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  18. Defining Leadership.David Carl Wilson - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (1):99-128.
    This essay examines the concept of leadership as it is commonly understood within the field of leadership studies today. The inquiry is framed by an analysis of three generally accepted definitions of leadership. I look at the selected definitions from four angles, which I call the four dimensions of leadership: the behavioral (what the leader does, or ought to do, that makes it leadership), the asymmetrical (in what sense a leader is different from the others (...)
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  19. Ethical Leadership as a Balance Between Opposing Neural Networks.Kylie C. Rochford, Anthony I. Jack, Richard E. Boyatzis & Shannon E. French - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (4):755-770.
    In this article, we explore the implications of opposing domains theory for developing ethical leaders. Opposing domains theory highlights a neurological tension between analytic reasoning and socioemotional reasoning. Specifically, when we engage in analytic reasoning, we suppress our ability to engage in socioemotional reasoning and vice versa. In this article, we bring together the domains of neuroscience, psychology, and ethics, to inform our theorizing around ethical leadership. We propose that a key issue for ethical leadership is achieving a (...)
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  20. Leadership and Organizational Change: Some Perspective from the Basics.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    Leadership is certainly a central concept that the contemporary society now requires to increase the chances of survival and prosperity. As the contemporary politics guides, the world now see a greater turn to the kind of strategic paradigm heavily departing from the previous adherence to the ideological tenet. The strategy is a vital way of approach to address the needs of followers, subordinates, stakeholders and shareholders although there are other strands of influence including the culture (For political discourse, it (...)
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  21. AI in Leadership: Transforming Decision-Making and Strategic Vision.Mohran H. Al-Bayed, Mohanad Hilles, Ibrahim Haddad, Marah M. Al-Masawabe, Mohammed Ibrahim Alhabbash, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 8 (9):1-7.
    Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into leadership practices is rapidly transforming organizational dynamics and decision-making processes. This paper explores the ways in which AI enhances leadership effectiveness by providing data- driven insights, optimizing decision-making, and automating routine tasks. Additionally, it examines the challenges leaders face when adopting AI, including ethical considerations, potential biases in AI systems, and the need for upskilling. By analyzing current applications of AI in leadership and discussing future trends, this study aims (...)
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    The connection between leadership style, on the one hand, policing and perception of corruption, on the other hand, has received little attention in the literature on leadership theory and organizational processes. Hence, the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and perception of corruption within the police institution, especially in this instance, the Nigeria Police Force. Based on a sampling process of cross sectional approach, the data were collected by administering questionnaires on (...)
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  23. Radical Leadership in Post-Parojinog Ozamis Politics.Gerry Arambala - 2019 - European Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities 11 (2018):75-89.
    The history of Philippine democracy is marked with the persistent existence of oppressive forces that subjugate the people. Oppression and corruption are the two historically rooted characteristics of Philippine politics. One of the many reasons for the proliferation of corruption and oppression is the existence of local warlords who impose their power over the masses. These political warlords immure the people by violence in order for them to remain in power. The oppressive structure of governance designed and imposed by these (...)
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    This study examines leadership competencies and resiliencies of school administrators as basis for enhancing organizational performance and governance. Employing a mixed-method approach, the research encompasses quantitative data from a survey of 67 school administrators with qualitative insights from comprehensive interviews. The results reveal a high level of leadership competencies among administrators, specifically in advising, managing, leading, and relating. Additionally, the qualitative findings highlight that these administrators demonstrate a level of resilience, an essential attribute for effectively addressing the complexities (...)
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  25. The leadership of Korean universities: A case study.Kiyoung Kim - 2014 - Science Journal of Business and Management 2 (2):50-66.
    In the contemporary context of business and management, the leadership studies are considered as one of essential genre to allow sight of the holistic picture of the organizational performance. The general theory of leadership studies has given us a scope of elements involving the nature of leadership, and a body of research work contributed to elicit and deal with the factors significant to determine the effect of leadership, e.g, LMX (Leader and manager exchange).The participatory leadership (...)
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  26. Principals’ leadership variables and undergraduates attitudes towards practicum exercise in secondary schools.Valentine Joseph Owan, Ene Ogar Egbula, Usen Friday Mbon, Festus Obun Arop, Michael E. Asuquo, Blessing Iheoma Nwannunu & James E. Okon - 2020 - Journal of Social Sciences Research 6 (6):659-669.
    Background: The attitudes of many undergraduates towards practicum exercise is declining in each passing year, affecting the quality of educational leaders produced from higher education. Studies in the past, have documented that there is no significant difference in the attitudes of students with or without practicum experience towards academic activities in higher education. Little or nothing seems to be known at the moment regarding the reasons why there is an indifference in the attitudes of students after completing a practicum course. (...)
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  27. Transformation of entrepreneurial leadership in the 21st century: prospects for the future.Igor Britchenko, Sergyi Smerichevskyi & Igor Kryvovyazyuk - 2018 - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. – Atlantis Press: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 217:115-121.
    The 21st century imposed many challenges on mankind, among them there is a very important problem of entrepreneurial leadership transformation. Entrepreneurship gradual modification under the pressure of factors of innovation, informatization of the environment and the need for socialization of the relations between businessmen and society has led to the need of new understanding of leadership positions. The purpose of this scientific research is to substantiate the style of entrepreneurial leadership, which will become dominant in the 21st (...)
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  28. Influence of Style of Leadership onto the Characteristic Features of the Organizational Culture of Tourism Enterprises.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - Business Inform 8:253-260.
    The article is aimed to identify the influence of style of leadership onto the characteristic features of the organizational culture of tourism enterprises. A detailed analysis of the scientific literature about leadership styles has been conducted, wherein some peculiarities of their implementation in the tourism enterprises of Ukraine has been disclosed. The integrated definition of leadership has been updated in view of the current socio-economic conditions. Role of style of leadership as a determinant for type of (...)
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  29. Divine Leadership and The Ruler Cult in Roman and Contemporary Times.Jan M. Van der Molen - Jan 13, 2020 - University of Groningen.
    Seeing how the idea of the ‘ruler cult’ and the necessary ‘myth-making’ to establish it exists to this day, as seen with the regime of a 21st century dictator like Kim Jong-il, it would be most interesting to see what parallels exist between cases of divine leadership and what we might learn about our contemporary cult rulers when looking at the dynamics of the two-millennia-old cult of the deified Emperor Augustus. As such, I have formulated a central question that (...)
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  30. Leadership, Management, and the History of Ideas.David Carl Wilson - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (2):183-189.
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  31. Graham Greene’s Fiction: through the tropes of the Suffering Servant and Paul’s Hymn to Love.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2024 - Indian Catholic Matters.
    Graham Greene's novels are often read with no reference to his Roman Catholic Faith. Particularly, in India there is little knowledge among both students and scholars about the primacy and the nature of the Roman Catholic Faith. They miss the point that the Roman Faith is a deeply Mysterious Faith. The term "Mystery" is used here in the Catholic sense of that Faith's 'Mysteries'. The essay and the long endnotes try to rectify the errors which creep in when Greene is (...)
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  32. Nonprofit organizations and volunteer leadership development: A narrative review with implications for human resource development.Amin Alizadeh, Bhagyashree Barhate, Tamim Choudhury & Khalil Dirani - 2021 - International Journal of HRD Practice Policy and Research 5 (2):65-78.
    Despite the growing support for the importance of volunteer leadership development activities across nonprofit organizations, little is known about volunteer leadership development in the field of human resource development. This narrative literature review highlighted the main challenges in running a nonprofit organization, emphasized the value of volunteer leadership development, and stressed the important role of HRD to develop more capable and trained volunteers. Due to the shortage of skilled volunteers, special efforts are needed to concentrate on volunteers' (...)
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  33. Leadership for Creating a Thinking School at Buranda State School.L. Golding, C., Gurr, D., and Hinton & Clinton Golding - 2012 - Journal of Australian Council of Educational Leaders 18 (1):91-106.
    ABSTRACT: This article explores the role of principal leadership in creating a thinking school. It contributes to the school leadership literature by exploring the intersection of two important areas of study in education  school leadership and education for thinking  which is a particularly apt area of study, because effective school leadership is crucial if students are to learn to be critical and creative thinkers, yet this connection has not be widely investigated. We describe how (...)
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  34. The Level of Leadership Characteristics among Palestinian Police Employees In Light Of the Corona Pandemic.Yaser A. Al Shorafa, Muhammad K. Hamdan, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Suliman A. El Talla - 2021 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research(IJAAFMR) 5 (3):44-53.
    Abstract: The study aimed to identify the level of leadership characteristics among Palestinian police employees in Gaza Strip in light of the Corona pandemic, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the descriptive approach in its analytical method, using a questionnaire applied to the police officers at the Central Governorate Police Station, whose number is (113) individuals, they were Selected using stratified randomly method, and the study resulted in a set of results, the most important (...)
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  35. Ethical leadership and employee ethical behaviour: exploring dual-mediation paths of ethical climate and organisational justice: empirical study on Iraqi organisations.Hussam Al Halbusi, Mohd Nazari Ismail & Safiah Binti Omar - 2021 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 15 (3):303–325.
    Due to ethical lapses of leaders, interest in ethical leadership has grown, raising important questions about the responsibility of leaders in ensuring moral and ethical conduct. Research conducted on ethical leadership failed to investigate the active role that the characteristics of ethical climate and organisational justice have an increasing or decreasing influence on the ethical leadership in the organisation’s outcomes of employees’ ethical behaviour. Thus, this study examined the dual-mediations of work ethical climate and organisational justice on (...)
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  36. Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual. [REVIEW]Steven Umbrello - 2021 - Journal of Military Ethics 20 (1):82-83.
    A new book by Jocko Willink, "Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual", is reviewed. Leadership Strategy and Tactics explore the nature of leadership styles and strategies in both narrative forms as the author discusses past experiences in the military, as well as in real-world applications beyond the military domain. The author provides timely, yet timeless advice for aspiring leaders in an easily digestible form, with quick reference chapters and simple tactical points.
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    Crossroads of Leadership, Ethics, Higher Education, and Worldviews.Bert Meeuwsen - 2024 - Theology and Philosophy of Education 3 (1):39-49.
    Strategic leadership deals with, for example, ethical dilemmas. The article addresses differing worldviews in relation to decolonising the curriculum, and how to assist cross-cultural professionals’ behavioural learning. Within pedagogics, critical thinking, based on normative rationales, allowing educational interventions, or concepts, other than empirically proven only is revealed. The common denominator of worldviews appears to be virtues. Descriptions of virtues need translation to touch on professionals. A practical intervention is introduced. -/- .
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  38. Between Management and Leadership—A Comparative Study with Reference to (Sheikh Zayed AL Nahyan and Nelson Mandela).Dalia Mabrouk - 2018 - Open Journal of Social Sciences 6 (9):18-30.
    In this paper, I am reflecting on Abraham Zaleznik’s paper “managers and leaders: are they different?” He was a prominent Harvard business school professor who attacked management style for depending only on rationality and achieving goals. He believed that managers and leaders are totally different persons. He described managers as inscrutable, detached and manipulative. Plus, while managers are interested in control and how things are done, leaders are more concerned with ideas and innovation. I try to probe into various questions (...)
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  39. Military Ethics and Leadership.Peter Olsthoorn (ed.) - 2017 - Leiden & Boston: Brill.
    Most books and articles still treat leadership and ethics as related though separate phenomena. This edited volume is an exception to that rule, and explicitly treats leadership and ethics as a single domain. Clearly, ethics is an aspect of leadership, and not a distinct approach that exists alongside other approaches to leadership. This holds especially true for the for the military, as it is one of the few organizations that can legitimately use violence. Military leaders have (...)
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  40. Ethical Leadership in Institutions of Higher Education.Eutychus Gichuru - 2023 - Kiu Journal of Education 3 (2):87-97.
    A study was conducted on ethical leadership in institutions of higher education. Objectives of the study were: (i). Illustrate theories of ethical leadership in higher education institutions; (ii) Determine importance of ethical leadership in higher education institutions; and (iii) Determine challenges facing ethical leadership in institutions of higher learning. The total number of written texts sampled was 32. The researcher employed non-probability sampling. The type employed was online convenience sampling using web scraping. The interpretivism philosophical assumption (...)
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  41. EI & AI In Leadership and How It Can Affect Future Leaders.Ramakrishnan Vivek & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2024 - European Journal of Management Issues 32 (3):174-182.
    Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine how the integration of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in leadership can enhance leadership effectiveness and influence the development of future leaders. -/- Design / Method / Approach: The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative analyses. The study utilizes secondary data sources, including scholarly articles, industry reports, and empirical studies, to analyze the interaction between EI and AI in leadership settings. -/- Findings: The (...)
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  42. Transforming educational leadership in higher education with innovative administrative strategies.Kofi Mpuangnan & Zukiswa Roboji - 2024 - International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies 5 (2):27-56.
    In developing nations particularly in Africa, innovative administrative strategies are essential for educational leaders to navigate inherent challenges in education. This study aims to explore how educational leaders in higher education can be equipped with innovative administrative strategies to cause a positive change in education delivery. A systematic literature review was conducted to achieve this aim, drawing on the transformational leadership model as its theoretical underpinning. The search encompassed scholarly publications from major repositories like Scopus, Web of Science, and (...)
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  43. Government School Principals Leadership Style and Its Effect on Academic Achievement in Ethiopia.Mustefa Jibril - 2021 - New York Science Journal 14 (11):10-15.
    This research was conducted at 15 government schools in Addis Ababa. The objectives of this research are to identify principal style and its effect on academic achievement. The “Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire” (LBDQ) formed by Halpin (1966) was used. Meanwhile Academic achievement was measured using the “School Certificate Examination Results from 2017-2020. A total of 191 teachers and 15 principals from government school in Addis Ababa were randomly chosen. Pearson correlation was used to analyze the data. To support data obtained (...)
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  44. The Role of Strategic Leadership in Activating Time Management Strategies to Enhance Administrative Creativity Skills.Yasser A. Abu Mostafa, Youssef M. Abu Amuna, Ashraf A. Salama & Abedallh Aqel - 2021 - International Journal of Academic Management Science Research 5 (3):36-48.
    This study aimed to identify the role of strategic leadership in activating time management strategies to enhance administrative creativity skills at Al-Azhar University. The sample of the study was random stratified sample from (245) administrative employees using questionnaire as a main tool for primary data collection. Total respondent were (112) questioners. Descriptive and quantitative approach used in this study. The general results of the study showed high levels of strategic leadership at Al-Azhar University, average level of application of (...)
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  45. Measuring the Dominant Pattern of Leadership and Its Relation to the Functional Performance of Administrative Staff in Palestinian Universities.Ahmed M. A. FarajAllah, Suliman A. El Talla, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2019 - International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 7 (5):13-34.
    The study aimed at measuring the dominant pattern of leadership and its relation to the performance of the administrative staff in the Palestinian universities. The study community consists of all the administrative staff from Al-Azhar University and the Islamic University, and through the census of the study society it was found to consist of (655) administrative staff. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the method of random sample in the study, and the study (...)
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  46. School Heads’ New Normal Leadership and Its Influence on Collaborative School Culture.Semuel Olayvar - 2021 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 5 (7):142-147.
    The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of school heads’ new normal leadership on collaborative school culture. To achieve this aim, the researcher conducted a survey to a number of school principals and teachers inFukuoka and Hiroshima Prefectures during the school year 2020-2021. The data were collected and processed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences. Results indicated that the three (3) variables of new normal leadership of school heads affect the collaborative school culture (...)
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  47. Leadership Beyond Hierarchy.Christophe Bruchansky, Brian Robertson, Grace Ann Rosile, Guendalina dondé, Justin Dekoszmovszky, Nathan Schneider & Shereen Samuels - 2020 - Paris: Plural / Pluriel.
    Tomorrow’s leaders won’t emerge from top-down hierarchies but from new types of organizational structures. -/- Decentralization, cooperation and inclusion play an increasing role in the success of any organization. And new governance models have been created to meet this global trend. -/- The concept of the postmodern organization for instance – one that is decentered, self-reflexive and multi-faceted – is more than 20 years old. The idea that organizations should not focus solely on shareholder value but serve a diverse set (...)
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  48. THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP STYLES ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN CONSTRUCTION FIRMS.Jean Luc Kalambayi, Darlington Peter Onojaefe, Sophie Nguepi Kasse & Robertson K. Tengeh - 2021 - EUREKA: Social and Humanities 2021 (5):34-48.
    Currently, there is a dearth of research, examining how project managers’ leadership styles influence the performance of construction company workers in Cape Town. Other research has discussed this subject on a national or international level. Still, comprehensive data on Cape Town construction firms is lacking. This has prevented local enterprises from understanding the role of their project managers’ leadership styles on employee performance outcomes. This article sought to ascertain how leadership styles influence employee performance in construction firms (...)
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  49. The Great Thai Leaderships Devoting in Early Buddhism.B. Premanode - unknown
    In this study, the leadership attributes of the mah who adhered to Buddhist doctrine and adopted the abhidhamma as a core philosophy for the country’s governance during the early Sukhothai era is examined to determine the root causes of major problems afflicting modern Thai society. Many of these social problems are related to strives, disagreements, and disunity, and are a direct consequence of the absence of mindfulness and the dhamma of the leaders. The application of Buddhist doctrine as a (...)
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  50. Integrating Hegelian Inferentialism and Quantitative Methods in Healthcare Leadership: A Framework for Enhanced Decision-Making and Epistemic Justice.Michael Fascia - manuscript
    This theoretical paper explores the application of Hegelian inferentialism combined with contemporary quantitative methods to enhance decision-making in healthcare leadership. It proposes a novel conceptual framework that integrates Hegel’s inferentialism with Bayesian analysis and epistemic justice indices to offer a new approach for understanding complex decision processes in healthcare settings. The paper develops theoretical constructs such as the Decision Quality Index (DQI) and the Epistemic Justice Quotient (EJQ), which aim to quantitatively assess leadership effectiveness and ethical considerations in (...)
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