Results for 'Ziyan Cen'

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  1. COVID-19 Face Mask Detection Alert System.McDonald Moyo & Cen Yuefeng - 2022 - Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems 13 (2):1-15.
    Study shows that mask-wearing is a critical factor in stopping the COVID-19 transmission. By the time of this article, most states have mandated face masking in public space. Therefore, real-time face mask detection becomes an essential application to prevent the spread of the pandemic. This study will present a face mask detection system that can detect and monitor mask-wearing from camera feeds and alert when there is a violation. The face mask detection algorithm uses a haar cascade classifier to find (...)
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  2. (1 other version)The Problem of Time and Reflexivity by Husserl.Alexei Krioukov - 2013 - HORIZONT 2 (2):50-60.
    A genesis of the ideas concerning Husserl’s concepts of time and reflective structure of consciousness is analysed in this article. There will be taken into account in the article three main texts: ”Vorlesungenzur Phanomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins”, ”Bernauer Manuskripte” and ”C-Manuskripte”. Next topics will be discussed: reflexive structure of consciousness as genetic problem, Ego as an emanate cen-ter of time construction, possibility of the achievement of hyletical, non-reflexive consciousness structure.
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  3. Reflections on the Reversibility of Nuclear Energy Technologies.Jan Peter Bergen - 2017 - Dissertation, Delft University of Technology
    The development of nuclear energy technologies in the second half of the 20th century came with great hopes of rebuilding nations recovering from the devasta-tion of the Second World War or recently released from colonial rule. In coun-tries like France, India, the USA, Canada, Russia, and the United Kingdom, nuclear energy became the symbol of development towards a modern and technologically advanced future. However, after more than six decades of experi-ence with nuclear energy production, and in the aftermath of the (...)
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    Contradição ou contrariedade? : Cirne-Lima e a necessidade de correção do suposto sistema circular de Hegel.Felipe Taufer - 2024 - Revista Estudos Hegelianos 21 (39):161-189.
    This is a challenge to one of the cen-tral interpretational theses that Cirne-Lima de-fends on Hegel: that we should read “contradic-tion” as “contrariety”. At first, I reconstruct Cirne-Lima’s interpretation and raise two cri-tiques: (I) Cirne-Lima ignores the origin of the concept “contradiction” as applied to statements of conceptual identity; (ii) Cirne-Lima only pays attention to one type of incompatibility involved in the “negation” that constitutes contradiction and forgets Hegel’s thesis on the “bound return to the ground”. In the final parts (...)
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  5. Usury In The Inferno: Auditing Dante's Debt To The Scholastics.Simon Ravenscroft - 2011 - Comitatus 42:89-114.
    There is a close connection between Dante’’s portrayal of usury in the Inferno and wider scholastic argumentation on the subject. Reading Dante’’s account in light of the scholastic critique of usury reveals a conceptual depth and clarity to the former which has, in the absence of such a reading, remained unfortunately opaque. Dante’’s treatment is informed by three of the four main scholastic arguments against usury, which are cen- tered around the themes of the nature and purpose of money, the (...)
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  6. Spontaneous creation of the universe ex nihilo.Maya Lincoln & Avi Wasser - 2014 - Physics of the Dark Universe 2 (4):195-199.
    Questions regarding the formation of the Universe and ‘what was there’ before it came to existence have been of great interest to mankind at all times. Several suggestions have been presented during the ages – mostly assuming a preliminary state prior to creation. Nevertheless, theories that require initial conditions are not considered complete, since they lack an explanation of what created such conditions. We therefore propose the ‘Creatio Ex Nihilo’ (CEN) theory, aimed at describing the origin of the Universe from (...)
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    Del texto al sexo. Judith Butler y la performatividad.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2008 - Madrid: Egales.
    La performatividad es un concepto relativamente reciente. J. L. Austin lo introdujo en la filosofía del lenguaje en la década de los cincuenta para designar aquellas expresiones que, en las circunstancias apropiadas, hacen justo aquello que dicen que hacen (como cuando alguien exclama «te lo prometo»). Desde entonces ha sido sometido a intensos procesos de discusión, crítica y resignificación que lo han conducido a terrenos de reflexión teórica, filosófica y política progresivamente alejados de su contexto originario. Este libro explora, entre (...)
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  8. Methodological basis of research in the area of Religious Studies in the second part of the 20th century.Mykola Nesprava - 2017 - Danish Scientific Journal 4 (5):81-83.
    The research argued that in the second part of the 20th century, significant changes happened in the method-ology of religious studies. Firstly, active efforts were made to create a methodology that could provide the scien-tific character of the results of religious studies. Secondly, religious studies actively began to involve the methods of sociology, as well as the philosophical phenomenology of religion. The study showed that these changes had become an important, productive step in horizon of the challenges that the religious (...)
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  9. Eyes-Open and Eyes-Closed Resting State Network Connectivity Differences.Junrong Han & Timothy Joseph Lane - 2023 - Brain Sciences 13.
    Resting state networks comprise several brain regions that exhibit complex patterns of interaction. Switching from eyes closed (EC) to eyes open (EO) during the resting state modifies these patterns of connectivity, but precisely how these change remains unclear. Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging to scan healthy participants in two resting conditions (viz., EC and EO). Seven resting state networks were chosen for this study: salience network (SN), default mode network (DMN), central executive network (CEN), dorsal attention network (DAN), (...)
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  10. Axel Honneth about Max Horkheimer's critical theory en kritik der Macht.Alan Matías Florito Mutton - 2021 - Cuadernos Del Sur - Filosofía 47:61-83.
    In Kritik der Macht, Axel Honneth analyzes the basic postulates of Max Horkheimer’s Critical Theory. This an-alysis is part of a broader examination of what he considers to be the main critical theories of the twentieth cen-tury. This work focuses on the analysis that Honneth carries out, and on the evaluation of the judgments that he makes of Horkheimer’s political-critic-al program. We propose to review the aporias that Honneth points out as deficiencies in Horkheimer’s theory, and then to evaluate them (...)
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