Results for 'online education'

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  1. The Efficacy of the Online Educational Community.Noreen Leigh B. Ramos - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (1):24-32.
    This study is intended to determine the efficacy of the teachers and students involving social, cognitive, and teaching presences to the Senior High School students of Saint Joseph College. This study utilized the descriptive survey design. Calderon (2006), defined descriptive research as a purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships and then making an adequate and accurate interpretation of such data with or without or sometimes minimal aid of statistical (...)
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    Online Education System for Undergraduate Students.K. Madhuri - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (2):1-13.
    The proposed system will be implemented as an online website equipped with a user-friendly interface designed to cater to the intuitive navigation needs of undergraduate students. The frontend technologies selected will prioritize usability and responsiveness, ensuring seamless interaction across devices. Meanwhile, robust backend and database technologies will be employed to securely store and efficiently retrieve educational content and user data.
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  3. Ghosting Inside the Machine: Student Cheating, Online Education and the Omertà of Institutional Liars.Shane J. Ralston - 2021 - In Alison MacKenzie, Jennifer Rose & Ibrar Bhatt (eds.), The Epistemology of Deceit in the Postdigital Era: Dupery by Design. Springer. pp. 251-264.
    'Ghosting' or the unethical practice of having someone other than the student registered in the course take the student's exams, complete their assignments and write their essays has become a common method of cheating in today's online higher education learning environment. Internet-based teaching technology and deceit go hand-in-hand because the technology establishes a set of perverse incentives for students to cheat and institutions to either tolerate or encourage this highly unethical form of behavior. For students, cheating becomes an (...)
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  4. Online Communication Tools in Teaching Foreign Languages for Education Sustainability.Anna Shutaleva - 2021 - Sustainability 13:11127.
    Higher education curricula are developed based on creating conditions for implementing many professional and universal competencies. In Russia, one of the significant competencies for a modern specialist is business communication in oral and written forms in the Russian language and a foreign language. Therefore, teaching students to write in a foreign language is one of the modern requirements for young specialists’ professional training. This article aimed to study the tools of online communication that are used in teaching foreign (...)
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    Online Personalized Learning Remediation/Tutoring Tool: A Teacher Recommendation System.D. J. Abhiram - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (5):1-16.
    Online education will be paired by developing intelligent systems that can provide personalization to the learner. To that extent ,this paper is proposing the design for an Online Personalized Learning Remediation/Tutoring Tool to help learners find the most suitable teachers for certain topics. The tool relies on a dataset of teacher profiles, comprising the subjects taught, video links, ratings, and experience, so that using machine learning techniques, it could recommend top educators. Applying feature extraction using CountVectorizer and (...)
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  6. Learning Strategies, Motivation, and Its Relationship to the Online Learning Environment Among College Students.Ana Mhey M. Tabinas, Jemimah Abigail R. Panuncio, Dianah Marie T. Salvo, Rebecca A. Oliquino, Shaena Bernadette D. Villar & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):622-628.
    Online education has become an essential component of education. Thus, several factors, such as the student’s learning strategy and motivation, generally contribute to their academic success. This study investigates the relationship between learning strategies, motivation, and online learning environment among 150 first-year college students. Employing correlational design, the statistical findings of the study reveal that the r coefficient of 0.59 indicates a moderate positive correlation between the variables. The p-value of 0.00, which is less than 0.05, (...)
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  7. “Participation” In Online Discussion Forum in Distance Education: An Autoethnographic Inquiry.Job Vincent M. Arcebuche & Mark Nickhole R. Bernardino - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (1):25-37.
    Interactions are important in establishing deep and meaningful learning experiences for learners in a distance education setup. Of all the activities in an online classroom, the discussion forum proved to be the one that had the most interactions. A discussion forum lets learners interact with the content, peers, and teachers. Participation in these learning activities is one important factor. The more the learners participate, the more they learn. This paper uses the researcher’s experience in determining what participation is (...)
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    The switch to online education that occurred during the Corona pandemic brought to the fore questions about the value and desirability of a fully online university. This article explores to what extent is a fully online university desirable from an educational perspective, whereby education is seen as a valuable experience taken in itself, regardless of its output. I start from the hypothesis that a fundamental dimension of study practices at the university is the experience of (...)
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  9. Plato's Massive Open Online Cave?Mark McIntire - unknown
    Abstract: Despite stampeding popularity over the last few years since its creation, serious doubts persist about the fundamental MOOC conceptual model of Massive Open Online Courses as verifiable learning environments especially for liberal arts courses. This paper will defend the valid argument that: All MOOCs, except perhaps those at The University of Edinburgh, as currently construed and deployed, are MOOCs that fail to provide verifiable learning outcomes. No MOOCs that fail to provide verifiable learning outcomes are acceptable liberal arts (...)
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  10. What students want? Exploring the role of the institution in supporting successful learning journeys in online distance education.Dawn Mannay & Ceri Wilcock - 2015 - Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 17 (1): 49-63..
    There have been numerous initiatives to increase access to higher education for those residing in marginalised locales in Wales. However, entrance in itself does not guarantee success and it is important for educators and policy makers to explore issues of retention. Classed and relational positionings often conflict with non-traditional students' education trajectories and sometimes contribute to their withdrawal from academia. In response to this challenge the current paper focuses on the accounts of non-traditional students in Communities First[1] areas (...)
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  11. Learner Support Services and Business Education Students' Readiness for Online Learning at the University of Calabar.Stephen Bepeh Undie, Jenny Ojobi Ibiang, Otu Francis Ejue, Omini Lekam Ibiang & Ezekiel Usip Mfon - 2023 - Prestige Journal of Education 6 (1):93-105.
    This study investigated how learner support services at the University of Calabar predict business education students' preparation for online learning. Two specific objectives were established, two research questions were posed, and two null hypotheses were developed and tested at a significant level of .05. Pertinent literature was reviewed. The population consisted of 147 University of Calabar 400-level business education students. This population also formed the sample using a census process. Data were gathered using a structured questionnaire with (...)
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  12. On Regression Modeling for Students’ Attitude towards Statistics Online Learning in Higher Education.Leomarich Casinillo & Ginna Tavera - 2023 - St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 9 (2):60-74.
    Students during the distance education were experiencing solitude and depression in their studies due to no social interaction which led to psychological suffering. In this article, college students' attitudes toward statistics learning were investigated, and its predictors by statistical modeling. Secondary data was extracted from a current study from the literature, summarized using descriptive statistics, and presented in tabular form. As for modeling the predictors of students' attitudes in learning statistics, it was done through multiple linear regression via the (...)
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  13. Development and Validation of Online Survey Instrument on Sustainable Development for Science Teachers: Focus on Pili (Canarium ovatum).Aaron Funa, Renz Alvin E. Gabay, Aldrin John J. Estonanto & Maricar S. Prudente - 2022 - Journal of Turkish Science Education 2 (19):559-576.
    Teachers are the frontline workers in sustaining quality education; hence, assessing their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors (KAB) allows them and the administrators to create better training, programs, and instructional materials. The objective is to develop and validate a quick and accessible online instrument to assess the teachers’ KAB towards sustainable development in the Philippine context, as part of a bigger project to integrate Pili (Canarium ovatum) into education. The researchers administered the instrument using a cross-sectional survey method (...)
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  14. Amidst the Online Learning Modality: The Social Support and Its Relationship to the Anxiety of Senior High School Students.Jastine Joy Basilio, Twinkle Pangilinan, Jeremiah Joy Kalong & Jhoselle Tus - 2022 - Psychology Abd Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (1):1-6.
    Senior high school is known to be part of the newly implemented K-12 program in the Philippines' educational system. Hence, this program added two years to the academic learning program of students, which mainly focuses on different theoretical and vocational strands that aim to prepare and fully furnish the students for education and employment in the future. Due to adjustments to new online learning amidst the pandemic, students begin to experience various challenges, primarily social support and mental well-being. (...)
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  15. Distributed learning: Educating and assessing extended cognitive systems.Richard Heersmink & Simon Knight - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (6):969-990.
    Extended and distributed cognition theories argue that human cognitive systems sometimes include non-biological objects. On these views, the physical supervenience base of cognitive systems is thus not the biological brain or even the embodied organism, but an organism-plus-artifacts. In this paper, we provide a novel account of the implications of these views for learning, education, and assessment. We start by conceptualising how we learn to assemble extended cognitive systems by internalising cultural norms and practices. Having a better grip on (...)
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  16. Online Forums Can Alleviate the Care Crisis.Mahdi Khalili & Saeedeh Babaei - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 16 (41):174-188.
    According to the care crisis in modern medicine, the existential needs of patients are not sufficiently satisfied. One idea is that to address the crisis physicians should be educated to be virtuous. This suggestion is helpful but incomplete. It does not take into account the part of (non-)human factors, including (medical) technologies. In particular, the paper focuses on online caring forums and argues that they are technological factors that can play the role of focal things, in which the members (...)
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  17. Language Teachers’ Pedagogical Orientations in Integrating Technology in the Online Classroom: Its Effect on Students’ Motivation and Engagement.Russell de Souza, Rehana Parveen, Supat Chupradit, Lovella G. Velasco, Myla M. Arcinas, Almighty Tabuena, Jupeth Pentang & Randy Joy M. Ventayen - 2021 - Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (10):5001-5014.
    The present study assessed the language teachers' pedagogical beliefs and orientations in integrating technology in the online classroom and its effect on students' motivation and engagement. It utilized a cross-sectional correlational research survey. The study respondents were the randomly sampled 205 language teachers (μ= 437, n= 205) and 317 language students (μ= 1800, n= 317) of select higher educational institutions in the Philippines. The study results revealed that respondents hold positive pedagogical beliefs and orientations using technology-based teaching in their (...)
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  18. Online Sellers' Lived Experiences and Challenges: A Qualitative Study Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic.Rhoyet Cruz, Eden Joy Frontuna, Lauren Grace Tabieros, Janz Glenn Lanozo, Ernest John Deato & Jhoselle Tus - 2022 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 12 (1):59-105.
    With the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic, online sellers faced challenges in managing their online business daily. Aside from it, their work-life balance has been negatively affected as well, considering that they work from home and are responsible for household responsibilities. Thus, this study is conducted during the pandemic and gathered data using a semi-structured interview through Messenger call. It is conducted to explore the lived experiences of online sellers and how they managed their online business (...)
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  19. SHS Students’ Engagement in Online Synchronous Collaborative Learning Activities: Correlations with Self-efficacy, Peer Social Support, Well-being and Academic Performance.Trisha Mae M. Afable, Jilian Casandra D. Lamberto, Trixia Anne Nicole P. Ng, Ashley Nicole S. Umandap & Myla M. Arcinas - 2022 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research 3 (6):1128-1138.
    The pandemic of COVID-19 prompted several paradigm shifts throughout society, including in education. This study aimed to examine the relationships of students' engagement in online synchronous collaborative learning activities (OSCLA) with their self-efficacy (LSE), peer social support (LPSS), state of well-being (SWB), and level of academic performance (LAP). A total of 176 Filipino Grade 12 SHS students, 18 years old and older, from a private educational institution were purposively selected for this study. Data were generated using an (...) survey. Results show that collaborative learning activities are frequently conducted (median = 4) in their synchronous online classes. It also revealed that their LSE is high (median = 4), their LPSS is high (median = 4), their LE is moderate (median = 3), their SWB is high (median = 4), and their LAP is high (median = 94.85). The results showed a statistically significant correlation of their LSE (r = 0.69, p 0.001) and LPSS with their OSCLA LE (r = 0.438, p 0.001). A statistically significant positive moderate correlation between LE and SWB (r = 0.536, p 0.001) was also found, however, no correlation was found between their OSCLA LE and LAP (r = 0.065, p = 0.393). Thus, the use of a well-designed OSCLA is strongly recommended as it positively impacts students' SWB but should be regularly reviewed for its effectiveness in sustaining improvement in the LAP of the students. (shrink)
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  20. Online Footprint -A Serious Game for Reducing Digital Carbon Emission.Sepehr Vaez Afshar, Gülşen Aytaç, Sarvin Eshaghi & Sana Vaez Afshar - 2022 - In Sepehr Vaez Afshar, Gülşen Aytaç, Sarvin Eshaghi & Sana Vaez Afshar (eds.), XXVI International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas: Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics. pp. 1043-1052.
    Life is getting digital more than ever as technology improves. While the Internet is responsible for two percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, it is underestimated as a pollutant. Since public awareness is one of the most important preservation methods, it can contribute to protecting the environment from carbon emissions by raising people's understanding. In this regard, serious games, as a type of gamification transmitting educational content besides entertainment, immerse the player in enjoyment while teaching them a specific topic or (...)
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  21. GIS-Based Educational Game Through Low-Cost Virtual Tour Experience-Khan Game.Guzden Varinlioğlu, Sepehr Vaez Afshar, Sarvin Eshaghi, Ozgun Balaban & Takehiko Nagakura - 2022 - In Guzden Varinlioğlu, Sepehr Vaez Afshar, Sarvin Eshaghi, Ozgun Balaban & Takehiko Nagakura (eds.), 27th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia: Post Carbon, CAADRIA 2022. Sydney: The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. pp. 69-78.
    The pandemic brought new norms and techniques of pedagogical strategies in formal education. The synchronous/ asynchronous video streaming brought an emphasis on virtual and augmented realities, which are rapidly replacing textbooks as the main medium for learning and teaching. This transformation requires more extensive online and interactive content with simpler user interfaces. The aim of this study is to report on the design, implementation, and testing of a game based on low-cost and user-friendly content for digital cultural heritage. (...)
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  22. Higher Education's Microcredentialing Craze: A Postdigital-Deweyan Critique.Shane J. Ralston - 2021 - Postdigital Science and Education 3 (1):83-101.
    As the value of a university degree plummets, the popularity of digital microcredentials has soared. Similar to recent calls for the early adoption of Blockchain technology, the so-called ‘microcredentialing craze’ could be no more than a fad, marketing hype or another case of ‘learning innovation theater’. Alternatively, the introduction of these compact skills- and competency-based online certificate programs might augur the arrival of a legitimate successor to the four-year university diploma. The thesis of this article is that the craze (...)
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  23. The Acceptability of Online Learning Action Cell Session Practice to Tagumpay National High School Teachers.Ann Michelle S. Medina, Mari Cris O. Lim & Aldren E. Camposagrado - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (2):99-109.
    This quantitative study explores the acceptability of Online Learning Action Cell (LAC) practice as a school-based professional development strategy for Tagumpay National High School (TNHS) teachers. The research was motivated by the Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 35 s. 2016 which prompts public schools to comply with the implementation of LAC sessions because it has a positive impact on teachers’ beliefs and practices resulting in education reforms for learners’ benefit. However, in compliance with DepEd’s policy on (...)
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  24. Social Connectedness in Physical Isolation: Online Teaching Practices That Support Under-Represented Undergraduate Students’ Feelings of Belonging and Engagement in STEM.Ian Thacker, Viviane Seyranian, Alex Madva, Nicole T. Duong & Paul Beardsley - 2022 - Education Sciences 12 (2):61-82.
    The COVID-19 outbreak spurred unplanned closures and transitions to online classes. Physical environments that once fostered social interaction and community were rendered inactive. We conducted interviews and administered surveys to examine undergraduate STEM students’ feelings of belonging and engagement while in physical isolation, and identified online teaching modes associated with these feelings. Surveys from a racially diverse group of 43 undergraduate students at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) revealed that interactive synchronous instruction was positively associated with feelings of (...)
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  25. 'Heidegger and Joe:' Revisiting the thing in the context of a student's experience of an online community.Christopher Naughton - 2012 - British Jounral of Music Education 29 (03):331-341.
    A great deal of music making that occurs amongst young people in our communities has its origins in self initiated out-of-school activity. This making reflects the social setting where the musical work is produced, including the manner in which the music is developed and how the musical activity is evaluated by the students. Recognising the origin of where the work is made is taken in this paper as an analogue of the thing (Heidegger, 1949). The thing in Heidegger, is not (...)
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  26. A matter of trust: : Higher education institutions as information fiduciaries in an age of educational data mining and learning analytics.Kyle M. L. Jones, Alan Rubel & Ellen LeClere - forthcoming - JASIST: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
    Higher education institutions are mining and analyzing student data to effect educational, political, and managerial outcomes. Done under the banner of “learning analytics,” this work can—and often does—surface sensitive data and information about, inter alia, a student’s demographics, academic performance, offline and online movements, physical fitness, mental wellbeing, and social network. With these data, institutions and third parties are able to describe student life, predict future behaviors, and intervene to address academic or other barriers to student success (however (...)
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    Education System in Rural Areas.B. Ujwala - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies, 1 (3):1-13.
    The lack of access to quality education in rural areas presents a critical challenge, with students in these regions facing significant barriers such as limited educational resources, a shortage of qualified teachers, and inadequate infrastructure. This disparity leads to a substantial gap in learning opportunities compared to urban counterparts. To address this issue, we propose the development of an edtech platform that provides accessible online courses, assessments, and educational materials tailored for rural students. The platform is designed to (...)
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  28. Struggle Is Real: The Experiences and Challenges Faced by Filipino Tertiary Students on Lack of Gadgets Amidst the Online Learning.Janelle Jose, Kristian Lloyd Miguel P. Juan, John Patrick Tabiliran, Franz Cedrick Yapo, Jonadel Gatchalian, Melanie Kyle Baluyot, Ken Andrei Torrero, Jayra Blanco & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):174-181.
    Education is essential to life, and the epidemic affected everything. Parents want to get their kids the most important teaching. However, since COVID-19 has affected schools and other institutions, providing education has become the most significant issue. Online learning pedagogy uses technology to provide high-quality learning environments for student-centered learning. Further, this study explores the experiences and challenges faced by Filipino tertiary students regarding the lack of gadgets amidst online learning. Employing the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the (...)
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  29. ONLINE LEARNING AND EMOTIONAL PRESENCE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.Jowenie A. Mangarin - 2023 - Get International Research Journal 1 (2):66-67.
    This study delved into the realm of emotional presence and its potential impact on students' academic performance within collaborative online learning environments. While emotions were recognized as influential factors in the learning process, the specific relationship between emotional presence and cognitive outcomes remained elusive, particularly in the context of virtual classrooms. This research addressed a critical gap by investigating the relationships between emotional presence and students’ academic achievements in online classes. An exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach incorporating both quantitative (...)
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  30. Mindset and Levels of Conceptual Understanding in the Problem-Solving of Preservice Mathematics Teachers in an Online Learning Environment.Ma Luisa Mariano-Dolesh, Leila Collantes, Edwin Ibañez & Jupeth Pentang - 2022 - International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (6):18-33.
    Mindset plays a vital role in tackling the barriers to improving the preservice mathematics teachers’ (PMTs) conceptual understanding of problem-solving. As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to pose a challenge, online learning has been adopted. This led this study to determining the PMTs’ mindset and level of conceptual understanding in problem-solving in an online learning environment utilising Google Classroom and the Khan Academy. A quantitative research design was employed specifically utilising a descriptive, comparative, and correlational design. Forty-five PMTs (...)
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  31. Maternal Education and Child Health.Hang Khanh, Kien Le, Huong T. T. Hoang, Khoi Duc, My Nguyen & Thuy Trang - 2016
    This pаpеr invеstigаtеs thе intеrgеnеrаtiоnаl еffеcts оf mаtеrnаl еducаtiоn оn child hеаlth in 68 dеvеlоping cоuntriеs аcrоss fivе cоntinеnts оvеr nеаrly thrее dеcаdеs. Еxplоiting thе bеtwееn-sistеrs vаriаtiоn in thе еducаtiоnаl аttаinmеnt оf thе mоthеrs, wе find thаt mоthеr’s еducаtiоn is pоsitivеly аssоciаtеd with child hеаlth mеаsurеd by thе thrее mоst cоmmоnly usеd indicеs, nаmеly hеight-fоr-аgе, wеight-fоr-hеight, аnd wеight-fоr-аgе. Оur mеchаnism аnаlysеs furthеr shоw thаt thеsе fаvоrаblе еffеcts cоuld bе, аt lеаst in pаrt, аttributеd tо fеrtility bеhаviоr, аssоrtаtivе mаtching, hеаlth cаrе (...)
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  32. Heritage Education as an Effective Approach to Enhance Community Engagement: A Model for Classifying the Level of Engagement.Teng Wai Lao - 2022 - HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability.
    Seeking consensuses from the public is difficult, this also applies to the heritage sector, particularly in heritage preservation. ‘What, why and how to preserve?’ are the core of debates in the field and the differ- ences between points of views are basically due to the difference in valuation. In order to know everyone’s needs, views and expectations better and for sustainability, involving the community for preservation be- comes fundamental. Education, an experience which does not only provide opportunities for enlightenments (...)
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  33. Transitioning to Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study of a Pre-University Centre in Malaysia.Ahmad Alif Kamal, Norhunaini Mohd Shaipullah, Liyana Truna, Muna Sabri & Syahrul N. Junaini - 2020 - International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (6).
    In the last decade, online learning has grown rapidly. However, the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused learning institutions to embrace online learning due to the lockdown and campus closure. This paper presents an analysis of students’ feedback (n=354) from the Centre of Pre-University Studies (PPPU), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Malaysia, during the transition to fully online learning. Three phases of online surveys were conducted to measure the learners’ acceptance of the migration and to identify related (...)
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  34. Interplay of Personal Attitudinal Constructs towards Online Fashion Products, Consumer Decision-Making and Image Branding: The Case of Online Fashion Products in Thailand in COVID-19 Pandemic.Worakamol Wisetsri, Chi Hau Tan, Bayar Gardi, Kannapat Kankaew, Harsandaldeep Kaur & Jupeth Pentang - 2021 - Estudios de Economía Aplicada 39 (12).
    When it comes to online fashion, this research focused on the interaction between three factors: preferences for online fashion goods, consumer buying choices for online fashion products, and brand image. A descriptive correlational approach was used. A total of 184 sampled active online purchasers of fashion items from a population of 350 online buyers in Thailand participated in the research. The study was carried out with the use of tools that had been adopted. Descriptive data (...)
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  35. Expanding environmental education: Integrating animal welfare and overcoming human-centered thinking.Minh-Phuong Thi Duong - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    In recent years, environmental education has increasingly focused on the role of nonhuman animals in our ecosystems. However, even with growing research, animals are still not a central part of environmental education. Instead, the focus remains on human-centered issues. This reflects a larger societal problem, where influential groups—such as businesses and political or religious institutions—resist changes that might challenge human dominance. -/- A recent study points out that environmental education, shaped by the idea of “sustainable development,” often (...)
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  36. DIGITIZED EDUCATION AS TEACHING MODALITIES AS RELATED TO TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE IN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN PILA, LAGUNA.Angela Marie T. Martinez - 2022 - International Journal of Research Publications 107 (1):74-91.
    The objective of this study was to determine the teachers? performance in Digitized Education in Private and Public Schools in Pila, Laguna and their performance at school through different teaching modalities. It sought to answer three basic questions. What is the extent of the digitized education using different modalities as to Online teaching and learning, Modular Teaching/ Learning, Flexible and Blended Teaching and Learning?; What is the level of teachers? performance in terms of IPCRF Individual Performance Commitment (...)
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  37. Post-COVID-19: Education and Thai Society in Digital Era.Pattamawadee Sankheangaew - 2021 - Conference Proceedings 2.
    The article entitled “Post-COVID-19: Education and Thai Society in Digital Era” has two objectives: 1) to study digital technology 2) to study the living life in Thailand in the digital era after COVID-19 pandemics. According to the study, it was found that the new digitized service is a service process on digital platforms such as ordering food, hailing a taxi, and online trading. It is a service called via smartphone. The information is used digitally. Public relations, digital marketing, (...)
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    Book Review of the Encyclopedia of Female Pioneers in Online Learning.S. Hussain - 2022 - Open Praxis.
    The primary objective of this book titled ‘The encyclopedia of female pioneers in online learning’ is to record and disseminate the voices and contributions of women who pioneered online learning. The pioneers themselves contributed the majority of the content. Because of this, this book serves as a timeless, living record of these women’s experiences, stories, and accomplishments at a time when the majority of the world switched from traditional, print-based correspondence to a bewildering array of immersive-learning experiences that (...)
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  39. Evaluating ICT utilization in education administration and management during the COVID-19 outbreak in Pakistan: An empirical review.Abdul Rahim Chandio - 2021 - Journal of Research in Instructional e-Issn: 2776-222X 1 (1):81 – 94.
    Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the utilization of ICT in education administration and management in a Pakistan context during the pandemic outbreak. Adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has digitalized the learning process where education organizations were administrated by means of wireless-based instructions, electronic pedagogy, and online assessment in order to continue the educational activities while the government halted the physical appearance in education institutions. Data collection has been carried by three public universities in (...)
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    Online Block Chain Based Certificate Generation and The Validation.P. Vinayasree P. Vinayasree - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (12):1 - 7.
    Every year, thousands of people receive degrees as a result of an ineffective anti-forge process, events that cause the graduation certificate to be forged often get noticed. According to the Education statistics, a document certificate of document verification is a complex domain that involves various challenging processes to authenticate. Every node in the vast, publicly accessible Certificate of Block chain network saves and authenticates identical data. The handbook suggested block chain-based method lowers the probability of certificate forgery. The system's (...)
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  41. The Economics of Higher Education in the 21st Century.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2019 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    In the first part of this two-part work, the economics of higher education are explained. It is made clear how a university’s business model differs from that of a company that has to compete on the open market. On this basis, it is explained: -/- (i)Why universities are in no way threatened by low retention-rates and graduation-rates; (ii)Why universities cannot significantly improve or otherwise alter the quality of their educational services without imperiling their very existences; (iii)Why universities do not (...)
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    Transcending post-truth: Open educational practices in the information age.Michael Glassman, Shantanu Tilak & Min Ju Kang - 2023 - Distance Education 44 (4):637-654.
    This paper discusses operationalization of open educational practices (OEP) using innovative, Internet-influenced pedagogies to expose dangers of post-truth narratives. The first part reviews interpretations of OEP (associated with open-access and tools, collaboration, problem-centered learning, and democratic pedagogy) and explores possibilities for creating educational initiatives where students learn to create problem-solving communities mirroring an informationally healthy society. The second part suggests our society has reached a post-truth crossroads. Post-truth was initially discussed in the 1990s—a reification of critical theorists’ pessimism of social (...)
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  43. Online Teaching in Physics Using Just-In-Time Teaching (JiTT), Academic Achievement, and Conceptual Understanding of Grade 9 Students (2nd edition).Benjamin M. Maala - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (2):24-39.
    This study determined the effect of online teaching in Physics using the Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) strategy on the academic achievement and conceptual understanding of Grade 9 students. One intact class was subjected to a single-group pretest/posttest pre-experimental research design. Purposive sampling was applied, and selected 48 Grade 9 students for this study. The data gathered were interpreted quantitatively from the validated physics achievement test (PAT) and from the adopted energy-momentum concept test (EMCT), while, the learning experiences survey responses were (...)
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  44. What Does Success in Online Teaching Look Like?Boaz Faraday Schuman - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 44 (3):339-67.
    What does success in online teaching look like? There are two ways to answer this question. The first defines success in terms of replacement of educational means: for example, how closely does an online lecture approximate its offline counterpart? The second defines success in terms of educational goals: for example, how well does an online lecture facilitate learning, compared with its offline counterpart? The first is a trap: it commits us to an endless online game of (...)
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  45. Sharing LiSQuP's leap: Lessons and experiences within an online advancement program in the Philippines.Jose Norman Bernardo Bajar, Henry Buemio & Reynald M. Cacho - 2023 - Open Praxis 16 (2):208-224.
    This paper examines the experiences of a group of values education teachers who are studying in a customized scholarship and online graduate program under the Linking Standards and Quality Practice (LiSQuP) project in the Philippines. It aimed to explore the attitudes, benefits, and challenges encountered by the values education teachers by participating in the LiSQuP program. Embedded single case study research design was used, and qualitative content analysis was utilized for analyzing and interpreting the data. Recorded focus (...)
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  46. Is Virtual Marriage Acceptable? A Psychological Study Investigating The Role of Ambiguity Tolerance and Intimacy Illusion in Online Dating among Adolescents and Early Adults.Juneman Abraham & Annisa Falah - 2017 - Journal of Psychological and Educational Research 24 (2):117-143.
    Marriage is one of the most important topics in the education field since life in this world is structured by interaction among families and between families and other social institutions. Dissatisfaction and unsustainability of marriage have led the urgency of premarital education in various countries. The problem is that the spread of virtual reality has made marriage itself to become more complex and experience reinterpretation and reconfiguration, moreover with the emergence of new kind of marriage in the digital (...)
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  47. Entrepreneurship Education and Training: an Urgent Need at Tertiary Level in Vietnam.Chu Quang Phê - 2017 - 2017 International Conference on Vietnamese Culture, Society and Education in the Economic Integration Era.
    The paper focuses itself on discussing the trend and practice of entrepreneurship education and training (EET) at tertiary level in the world. The author also supports the idea that entrepreneurship can be learnt through EET programs under certain circumstances. After examining the Vietnamese context for private entrepreneurs, including the government’s policy and the practice on startup since its independence in 1945, his analysis shows that Vietnam is a prospective market not only for domestic business people but also for foreign (...)
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  48. #ADD-TO-CART: APPLIED FINANCIAL LITERACY AND ONLINE PURCHASE DECISION-MAKING OF GRADE 12 STUDENTS.Gabriella P. Macalindong, Diana Lyn E. Cadacio, Karla Althea B. Oñate, Ronarica C. Delena, Jhon Jhomark C. Martinez, Meilin B. Hernandez & Jowenie A. Mangarin - 2024 - Get International Research Journal 2 (2):149-173.
    Financial literacy is becoming a pivotal skill in navigating the marketplaces within the predominant rising digital branches of trading domains; however, there remains a concerning gap in the purchasing behavior of adolescents, who are its primary users. With this in mind, the main objective of our research is to determine whether there is a relationship between a student's level of financial literacy and their online purchase decision-making. The researchers employed an explanatory mixed approach and purposive sampling to identify respondents (...)
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  49. The Impact of Online Instruction During the Covid Pandemic on MFTB and CBE Testing Outcomes.William Hahn & Chris Fairchild - 2024 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 3 (1):35-41.
    The present study examines how online instruction during the COVID pandemic impacted learning and performs a partial replication of a study by Hahn et al. (2012), which compared students’ testing outcomes of the Major Field Test in Business (MFTB) and the Comprehensive Business Exam (CBE). Our results find that online instruction during the 2020-2021 pandemic isolation period had no significant impact on pre- and post-COVID testing outcomes for either exam. It was further found that the question set employed (...)
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  50. Bizarre solutions to increase Chinese students’ online learning engagement.Ruining Jin - 2023 - Sm3D Knowledge Management.
    In Confucian education philosophy, the teacher is the center of a classroom [6], which has set the tone of the teacher-centered education model in China for thousands of years.
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