Results for 'Mitropolitii Firmilian Marin, Nestor Vornicescu, Mitropolia Olteniei, Teologie, Apologetica'

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    Lucrarea reprezintă o abordare istorico-teologică a vieţii şi activităţii mitropoliţilor Firmilian Marin şi Nestor Vornicescu.
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    Volumul de articole, studii, cuvântări şi Pastorale publicat la Editura Mitropolia Olteniei din Craiova în anul 1986 trebuie văzut şi analizat, pentru o bună şi corectă înţelegere, în lumina vremurilor în care a apărut. În acelaşi timp, ideile pe care IPS Nestor Vornicescu, Arhiepiscopul Craiovei şi Mitropolitul Olteniei, le dezvoltă în scrierile sale sunt actuale şi după aproape 30 de ani de la strângerea lor între paginile aceleaşi cărţi, după ce văzuseră lumina tiparului cu ani în urmă în (...)
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  3. Caracterización teológica de la cosmología de Platón en la apologética de Atenágoras.Estiven Valencia Marin - 2020 - Albertus Magnus 11 (2):63-83.
    Algunos elementos de la filosofía platónica establecidos en tratados apologéticos de muchos escritores cristianos entre los cuales se encuentra el ateniense Atenágoras y su conocida obra πρεσβεία περὶ χριστιανῶν, cuya versión del helenista y teólogo español Daniel Ruiz será el objeto de estudio en el presente texto, demuestran un especial interés por la exposición de la cosmología. Si bien esta temática hace las veces de un intento por demostrar racionalmente la trascendencia de lo divino y la seguida generación del universo (...)
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  4. Facerea lumii și a omului. Sinteză de Teologie Dogmatică (Creation of the world and man. Synthesis of Dogmatic Theology).PhD Bugiulescu Marin - 2015 - ICOANA CREDINȚEI. REVISTA INTERNATIONALA DE CERCETARE ȘTIINȚIFICA INTERDISCIPLINARA 1 (2):12-23.
    This articles presents the creation of the world and of man, and especially the relation between God and His creation. In the act of creation, God Shows His love for man. The man is the companion of God and the continuer of creation.This article presents the creation of man and alienation from God by sin and has the following themes: The image of God and man's relationship with God, Man's ikeness to God. Man was created as being different from the (...)
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  5. Activitatea ecumenică a Patriarhului Justinian Marina în perioada 1948-1977. Istorie și teologie.Doru Marcu - 2017 - Mitropolia Olteniei (9-12):196-204.
    For this study, we will present the most important ecumenical activities of Patriarch Justinian Marina. He was the third Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church between 1948 and 1977. During this period, he was very concerned to establish a relationship with the main ecumenical institutions. We will speak about his dialogue with one of the most important ecumenical group, namely the World Council of Churches, founded in 1948 in Geneva, Switzerland. Of course, the dialogue with the Church of England must (...)
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  6. Preocupări culturale românești în Istoria Religiilor și în teologie: de la Mircea Eliade la Pr. Dumitru Stăniloae.Adrian Boldisor - 2014 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):184-206.
    Theology from Mircea Eliade to Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae When someone tries to present the spiritual characteristics of a people, his findings will be both appreciated and criticized. It is very difficult to talk about the people among whom you were born and have lived without falling into overrating or underestimation errors of the role and the place it had and it played in human history, in general, and that of each individual, in particular. From these positions, two of the brand (...)
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  7. Pagini din contribuțiile revistei Mitropolia Olteniei aduse studiului Istoriei și filosofiei religiilor.Adrian Boldișor & Daniel-Alin Ionică - 2013 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):141-160.
    With a length of over 60 years (first issue appeared in 1950), the magazine ,,Mitropolia Olteniei” had an important contribution to the study of history and philosophy of religions. In this review have been approached numerous issues of dogmatic theology, moral, religious and history and philosophy of religions. This study approached topics ranging from religions of Dacians and neighboring peoples to the important topics as inter-religious dialogue for modern society. If publications are spread over period of 60 years, one (...)
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    Activitatea ecumenică a Patriarhului Justinian Marina în perioada 1948-1977. Istorie şi teologie.Marcu Doru - 2017 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):196-204.
    For this study, we will present the most important ecumenical activities of Patriarch Justinian Marina. He was the third Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church between 1948 and 1977. During this period, he was very concerned to establish a relationship with the main ecumenical institutions. We will speak about his dialogue with one of the most important ecumenical group, namely the World Council of Churches, founded in 1948 in Geneva, Switzerland. Of course, the dialogue with the Church of England must (...)
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  9. MISCELLANEA APOLOGETICĂ. Dialogul dintre Teologie şi Filosofie.Apostolache Ionita - 2024 - Craiova: Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Omul a căutat dintotdeauna să descopere în viața sa chintesența elementelor existențiale. Adunate laolaltă ca un imens puzzle cosmologic, întrebările Filosofiei au avut cel puțin capacitatea revelatoare a marilor problematizări în ascendența omului de la imanent la transcendent. Prima etapă notabilă în atingerea acestei performanțe îi este negreșit tributată „Filosofiei”, socotită de Platon drept „cea mai mare artă”. Mai concis, pornind de la termenul de artă (gr. μουσικη – lumea muzelor), ni se arată în mod inspirat că „Filosofia este cea (...)
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    Recenzie la lucrarea: Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Nicolae Răzvan Stan (coord.), Rugăciunea în cultul Bisericii și în viața creștinului, Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2022, 346p. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2022 - Orthodox Theology in Dialogue 8:221-225.
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  11. Recenzie la lucrarea: Pr. Conf. Univ. Dr. Nicolae Răzvan Stan coord., Misiunea Bisericii Ortodoxe în Contextul Actual, Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2016, 332 p. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2016 - Mitropolia Olteniei (5-8):285-291.
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  12. Recenzie la lucrarea: Sebastian P. Brock, Părinţii şi Scriitorii Sirieni de Ieri şi de Azi, traducere din limba engleză de Arhid. Lect. Univ. Dr. Ioniţă Apostolache şi de Prof. Hermina Maria Apostolache, Ed. Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2016, 325 p. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2016 - Mitropolia Olteniei (9-12):235-236.
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    Recenzie la lucrarea: Pr. dr. Adrian Boldişor, Ortodoxia ieri, azi, mâine. Teme intercreştine şi interreligioase pentru secolul XXI, Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2019, 240 p. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2019 - Mitropolia Olteniei (5-8):288-290.
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  14. Comparing public policy implementation in Taiwan and Vietnam in the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak: A review.Matias Acosta & Matias Nestore - 2020 - SocArXiv 2020 (4):1-7.
    Taiwan and Vietnam have taken successful measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 at the early stages. Many authors attributed the successful policies to the lessons learned by these countries during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) pandemic in 2002.(Ohara, 2004) This manuscript provides a summary of recent early-stage policies that were successful in mitigating the spread and creating resilience against the negative consequences of COVID-19 in Taiwan and Vietnam. Crucially, these policies go beyond and complement social isolation. As social (...)
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  15. Un filosof şi istoric al religiilor despre un sfânt: Însemnările lui Mircea Eliade cu privire la Sf. Grigorie Palama şi la isihasm.Boldisor Adrian - 2010 - In TEOLOGIE ŞI VIAŢĂ ISIHASTĂ ȊN OPERA SF. GRIGORIE PALAMA. Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 343-372.
    În lucrarea noastră despre însemnările lui Mircea Eliade cu privire la Sfântul Grigorie Palama şi la isihasm am încercat să propunem o altfel de abordare a învăţăturii ortodoxe, aşa cum a fost ea formulată în secolul al paisprezecelea. Dacă abordarea teologică este cea care scoate la iveală frumuseţea învăţăturii ortodoxe, ideile Sfântului Grigorie Palama fiind o continuare a tradiţiei creştine din primele secole, încercarea de a compara aceste învăţături, ca şi a tradiţiei isihaste, cu alte învăţături şi tradiţii, este un (...)
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  16. Ausencia de un Estado nación en Noticia de un secuestro (1996), a partir de un periodo de macrocriminalidad (dos últimos decenios del siglo XX en Colombia).Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Dissertation, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
    Esta investigación retoma la obra de Gabriel García Márquez, Noticia de un secuestro (1996), con la volición de cuestionar la idea de Estado nación que está inmersa en el libro. Para ello, es necesario entender que la naturaleza del texto exige un conocimiento amplio al lector o al intérprete, puesto que su contenido revela datos multidisciplinarios. Además, es insoslayable realizar un análisis discursivo de la historia de ese contexto y cotejar con pasajes del mismo libro. Para facilitar esta labor, la (...)
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  17. Problemas para inscribir una teoría literaria latinoamericana hegemónica.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Sapientiae 7 (2):203-220.
    Este artículo fundamenta los factores que impiden que en Latinoamérica no sea notorio un desarrollo asequible de la creación de formulaciones teóricas. Uno de los grandes problemas se corrobora al detectar que sus postulados no son tan auténticos como sí los son en otros continentes. Y eso será debido a su estado de subordinación con respecto a estos países. Esa realidad los pone en una condición periférica, propia del “sur global”. Y lo que se busca es fluctuar propuestas antisistemas, socialistas (...)
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  18. Apologetica Bisericii Primare.Ionioţă Apostolache (ed.) - 2021 - Craiova: Mitropolia Olteniei.
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  19. The Daco-Roman Spirituality as an Argument for Romanian Theology, Philosophy and Culture.Ionita Apostolache - 2017 - Orthodox Theology in Dialogue 3 (3):225-240.
    The existence of a daco-roman Christianity in the carpato-danubiano-pontic areal is confirmed not only by the historians, but also by the Romanian theologians and philosophers. Inspired by the Scripture’s letter and by the teachings of the Holy Fathers, most of them developed this link in the purpose of argumentation of a “Romanian dimension of the existence”. From Nae Ionescu, Crainic, to Vulcănescu, Cioran, Ţuţea, and then Ioan Gh. Savin, Dumitru Stăniloae, I.G. Coman or Nestor Vornicescu, the entire Romanian cultural (...)
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    Fish Classification Using Deep Learning.M. N. Ayyad & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) 8 (4):51-58.
    Abstract: Fish are important for both nutritional and economic reasons. They are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals and play a significant role in human diets, especially in coastal and island communities. In addition, fishing and fish farming are major industries that provide employment and income for millions of people worldwide. Moreover, fish play a critical role in marine ecosystems, serving as prey for larger predators and helping to maintain the balance of aquatic food chains. Overall, fish play (...)
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  21. Gli ultimi (e avvelenati) giorni della breve e luminosa vita di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: un “giallo” rinascimentale.Marco Bertozzi - 2019 - In Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina & Andrea Strazzoni (eds.), _Tra antichità e modernità. Studi di storia della filosofia medievale e rinascimentale_. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina e Andrea Strazzoni. Parma: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni. pp. 359-371.
    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was (probably) poisoned by his secretary, Cristoforo da Casalmaggiore, as Marin Sanudo testifies in his Diarii. After Pico’s remains exhumation, some years ago, it was also supposed that the main responsible of the poisoning was Marsilio Ficino. The purpose of this paper is to trace the ‘romance’ sources of this strange supposition.
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  22. Pučka psihologija: znanstvene perspektive realizma, eliminativizma i instrumentalizma.Marin Biondić - 2017 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 37 (3):559-578.
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    Review of Marine Picon, Normes et objets du savoir dans les premiers essais leibnitiens. [REVIEW]Andreas Blank - 2020 - Studia Leibnitiana 52 (1-2):268-269.
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  24. Actualitatea Sfinților Trei Ierarhi.Adrian Boldișor - 2013 - Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):244-254.
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  25. Concepte Deschise: Simbolul Între Istoria Religiilor Și Teologie. Mircea Eliade - Alexander Schmemann.Adrian Boldisor - 2014 - In SIMPOZIONUL NAȚIONAL „CONSTANTIN NOICA”, Ediția a VI-a, „CONCEPTE DESCHISE”. București: Editura Academiei Române. pp. 234-247.
    Simbolismul religios a trezit mereu interesul cercetătorilor din domenii diferite de activitate, lumea întreagă reprezentând un mare simbol ce trebuie să fie descifrat. În dorința de a înțelege sensurile universului înconjurător, oamenii de știință au folosit descoperirile din domenii conexe pentru a-și formula propriile teorii. În acest sens, se pot realiza conexiuni pertinente între felurile în care istoricul religiilor Mircea Eliade și teologul ortodox Alexander Schmemann au definit simbolul și felul în care acesta este prezent în viața de zi cu (...)
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  26. Coincidentia oppositorum de la Sfântul Dionisie Areopagitul la Mircea Eliade.Adrian BOLDIŞOR - 2012 - In Teologie și filosofie în opera Sf. Dionisie Areopagitul. Craiova: Ed. Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 287-398.
    Coincidenţa contrariilor reprezintă un punct esenţial în gândirea umanităţii, echivalând, în cele din urmă, cu dorinţa omului de a aduna într-un tot unitar pe cele ce se opun în univers. Această preocupare a stat la baza scrierilor unor gânditori importanţi, între care se numără Sfântul Dionisie Areopagitul, Meister Eckhart, Nicolaus Cusanus sau Mircea Eliade. Deşi au scris în perioade de timp diferite şi au aparţinut unor tradiţii diferite, operele lor stau mărturie faptului că motivul coincidentia oppositorum a fost şi continuă (...)
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  27. Despărțirea de maeștri. Creştinismul lui Mircea Eliade în viziunea lui I.P. Culianu.Adrian Boldișor - 2011 - Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):229-241.
    Many pages have been written about the relationship between Mircea Eliade and I.P. Culianu, but the subject is still open for the future. The master-disciple relationship they established during the time was often scattered with moments of tension. Anyway, every time we remember the name Culianu, it will stand beside his master’s name from Chicago, whose place he took after the latter’s disappearance. The way in which Christianity is analyzed in their work occupies a certain place. And thus, because along (...)
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  28. Este hermeneutica o metodă actuală în studiul Istoriei religiilor ?Adrian Boldisor - 2018 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):119-138.
    In this academic article, we articulate the relation between hermeneutics as a method and History of Religion as a study filed. In introduction, the word hermeneutics is explained both from an etymological point of view and from a mythological one. Throughout history, theologians and historians used this concept in their research. In special, the author Mircea Eliade, as an historian, used in his studies about religion the method of hermeneutics. We present in a creative way the most important critics on (...)
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  29. Fenomenul religios între filozofie și teologie.Adrian Boldișor - 2013 - Revista Teologică 95 (4):85-104.
    În anul 1942 Pr. D. Stăniloae publica cartea Poziţia Domnului Blaga faţă de Creştinism şi Ortodoxie, o „reacţie” la ideile pe care filozoful Lucian Blaga le formulase în cărţile sale, mai ales în Trilogii. Atitudinea Pr. Stăniloae nu este singulară, dar este cea care a stârnit controverse dintre cele mai interesante. Ideile de bază ale acestei cărţi, ca şi ale articolelor ce s-au scris după, au în centrul lor definirea religiei şi caracteristicile fenomenului religios, poziţiile fiind diferite: teologică şi filozofică. (...)
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  30. Istoria credinţelor şi ideilor religioase, opus magnum eliadian.Adrian Boldisor - 2021 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):82-92.
    The History of Religious Beliefs and Ideas represents the Eliadian opus magnum, as the Romanian scholar notes in the pages of his Journal. The work, published in three volumes, contains, from a historical perspective, the ideas about the sacred and the profane that Eliade developed in previous works from a phenomenological perspective. Although criticisms have been leveled at Mircea Eliade’s presentation of religious data in this monumental work, The History of Religious Beliefs and Ideas remains a point of reference for (...)
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  31. Impactul fenomenului migraţiei asupra dialogului interreligios. Perspectivă ortodoxă.Adrian Boldisor - 2019 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):109-121.
    The current phenomenon of migration is a consequence of contemporary globalization, having a major impact on interreligious dialogue. In the beginning of our article, we give a short introduction regarding the most major migrations in the Christian history. We can say today there is no nation on earth that has not experienced migration. Within the Orthodox world, we speak about migration using the word diaspora, those who are outside the national territory of the Church. In connection with the phenomenon of (...)
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  32. Locul sincretismului religios în Istoria religiilor și pericolele lui pentru lumea contemporană.Adrian Boldisor - 2012 - Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):116-138.
    The Syncretism, specific of old and new religious currents, is a phenomenon closely linked to millenarian movements and the emergence of so-called prophets that say that transmit divine messages being dependent at the same time, important social changes, economic political and, not least, religious. In the history of religions, syncretism is determined by several factors, among which are the changes in social, political, economic, and new philosophical and religious synthesis, the term acquiring a cosmopolitan sense. Syncretism occurs when two or (...)
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  33. Momente tensionate în cadrul dialogului modern dintre creștini și musulmani.Adrian Boldișor - 2018 - Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):94-105.
    Besides dialogue with the Jews, Christians were most involved in the dialogue with Muslims. This dialogue was accentuated and became visible especially in modern and contemporary times, with the increase in violence, which had often religious justifications on the part of those involved. The dialogue between Christians and Muslims took a new direction after the attacks of September 11, 2001, in New York and after those that followed in Europe and all over the world. It was discussed in those days (...)
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  34. Orthodoxy and Islam in the 18th Century. The Place and Role of Dimitrie Cantemir in this Period.Adrian Boldisor - 2016 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):86-95.
    The interreligious dialogue is not a new theme in the history of Christianity, the possibility of its realization being analyzed from the early centuries. Nowadays, the way that other religions are viewed has changed essentially, the religious, political, economic and social realities, being completely different than in the beginning. However, a correct handling of interreligious dialogue cannot disregard the past, more than that, the ideas from the works of the Holy Fathers, church writers, theologians and old thinkers remain valid and (...)
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  35. Presa Creştin-Ortodoxă Craioveană: Trecut Şi Prezent.Ileana Boldișor - 2022 - In Mediamorfoze VII. Presa de nișă din România. București: Tritonic. pp. 51-72.
    Presa creştin-ortodoxă craioveană a ocupat un loc important în viaţa culturală şi duhovnicească a locuitorilor Cetăţii Presa creştin-ortodoxă craioveană: trecut şi prezent 71 Băniei şi nu numai, începând cu secolul al XX-lea. Publicaţiile apărute de-a lungul timpului au avut ca principal scop clădirea sufletească a credincioşilor olteni, fară a uita de pregătirea lor teologică şi de conectarea la realităţile religioase şi laice din anumite perioade. între apariţiile de acest fel din Craiova (din consideraţii de spaţiu nu ne-am ocupat în aceste (...)
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  36. Privire ortodoxă asupra provocărilor intercreştine şi interreligioase din România actuală.Adrian Boldisor - 2020 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 2 (5-8):72-90.
    According to our understanding, when we discuss about the religious life in Romania, one must take into account, first of all, the characteristics of this people, its culture and traditions that are over two millennia old. The similarities and differences with the organization and functioning of other religious systems in Europe and around the world cannot and must not exclude the defining elements of a people that has asserted its origins and defended its spiritual integrity over the centuries. In our (...)
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  37. Raportul dintre Ortodoxie și folclorul românesc.Ileana Boldişor - 2020 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):238-263.
    Folklore has often been seen as an independent element, specific to a certain time and space, forgetting that it does not belong only to a territory, but is present in universal culture. Clearly, when analyzing Romanian culture, we must start from the fact that local folklore is an essential component of national culture. The study of popular culture should not be profoundly affected by new trends in modern research or by new mass media, but rather should be combined to modernize (...)
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  38. Relația maestru-discipol în Istoria și filosofia religiilor.Boldișor Adrian - 2013 - Mitropolia Olteniei 2 (5-8):102-116.
    The master-disciple relationship has raised up over time a great interest among researchers who were bent both on areas of secular life and those interreligious life. A brief look in to the history and philosophy of religion reveals that masters and disciples were present in each cultural and religious area. The relationship that has been established between them has depended on the nature of the religion in the midst of which was manifested. The fact that the same relationship is also (...)
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  39. Se poate vorbi despre o „ciocnire a civilizaţiilor” în secolul XXI ?Adrian Boldisor - 2020 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):70-84.
    Nowadays, in the context of the growing migration of the Muslim population in Europe, caused by the wars in Syria and other areas, the question is increasingly being asked whether there is a danger of „Islamization of Europe” following the „clash of civilizations”. The last formula is not new. It created a real dispute in the past. But the discussions must also take into account other questions that are currently being asked: is there still a Christian Europe? Is it possible (...)
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  40. The Encyclopedia of Religion, Mircea Eliade, Editor in Chief – istorie, aprecieri, critici.Adrian Boldișor - 2022 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 2 (5-8):47-68.
    The monumental Encyclopedia of Religion (16 volumes), whose editor-in-chief was Mircea Eliade and which appeared in 1987, did not enjoy a welcome as expected, criticisms soon coming from researchers in several scientific fields. These criticisms related to the method used and the deep imprint that Eliade had on the work. The opinions echoed earlier criticisms of Eliade and his research method with reference to the field of History of Religions. If in the middle of the last century Eliade was considered (...)
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  41. Importanţa templului din Ierusalim pentru autorul şi destinatarii Epistolei către Evrei.Ion-Sorin Bora - 2018 - Mitropolia Olteniei 70 (9-12):139–159.
    The temple from Jerusalem was never more defended by Jewish servants and believers, as when the Apostle Paul wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews. We are not referring to the armies of the revolutionaries. We should know that in Sanhedrin was judged every word that a Jew talked about the temple. But when St. Stephan was killed, and after too, St. James, because they have seen the True temple of Christ, the Levites and the Priests became killers not worshipers. With (...)
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  42. Wirkungsgeschichte et la veritable interpretation-quelques considerations sur cette methode interpretative du Nouveau Testament.Ion Sorin Bora - 2015 - Mitropolia Olteniei 5 (797-800):160–179.
    The interpretation of the Holy Bible has always done in two distinct environments: in the Church and outside it. If for the Holy Fathers the Church was the only institution that can guarantee the integrity, apostolicity, inspiration and canonicity of the sacred text, as well as the right way of interpreting, heretics have read the Bible for widening an already created gap between them and the Church. The current Protestant exegesis tends to reconsider the interpretative tradition, inquiring about the effects (...)
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  43. Brian O’Connor. (2022). El legado filosófico de Theodor W. Adorno (Trad. Leandro Sánchez Marín).O'Connor Brian & Sánchez Marín Leandro - 2022 - Revista Filosofía (UIS) 21 (2):293-303.
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  44. La desesperación especulativa de Søren Kierkegaard.Judith Butler, Leandro Sánchez Marín & Jhoan Sebastian David Giraldo (eds.) - 2020 - Medellín, Colombia: Ennegativo Ediciones.
    “Postularse como un ser radicalmente autogenerado, ser el autor de la propia voluntad y conocimiento, es negar que uno está constituido en y por lo que es infinitamente más grande que el individuo humano. Kierkegaard llamará a esta fuente más grande que todo lo humano 'Dios' o 'el infinito'. Negar que uno está constituido en lo que es más grande que uno mismo es, para Kierkegaard, estar en una especie de desesperación”.
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    From Poetics to Mathematics: Vicente Mariner’s Latin Translation of Proclus’ In Euclidem.Álvaro José Campillo Bo - 2024 - Noctua 11 (2):258-294.
    This paper discusses the 17th-century Latin translation of Proclus’ Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’s Elements, preserved in Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, MS 9871, produced by the Spaniard Vicente Mariner. The author examines the historical context, sources, and motivations behind Mariner’s translation, his intellectual profile, and the potential reasons for translating a mathematical text given his background in literature. Via a comparison of Mariner’s text with the original Greek, this paper delves into Mariner’s translation choices and linguistic nuances (...)
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    Sức nặng của đồng tiền “bác ái” cho nghị sự nghiên cứu bảo vệ môi sinh.Dai Duong Ca Ngu - manuscript
    Nghiên cứu của Enrici et al. (2023) trên tạp chí Ecology and Society [1] là một trong số không nhiều những thảo luận kỹ về sức nặng tiền bạc đối với cách con người (bao gồm cả học giới, chính giới và cư dân) hiểu về tác động của con người đối với môi sinh. Rõ ràng, những hiểu biết này rất quan trọng, nhất là khi sự cấp bách đối với tác động của con người lên môi trường đã (...)
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  47. Marine debris ingestion by sea turtles (Testudines) on the Brazilian coast: an underestimated threat?Robson Henrique Carvalho, Pedro Dutra Lacerda, Sarah da Silva Mendes, Bruno Corrêa Barbosa, Mariana Paschoalini, Fábio Prezoto & Bernadete Maria de Sousa - 2015 - Marine Pollution Bulletin 101 (3):746-749.
    Assessment of marine debris ingestion by sea turtles is important, especially to ensure their survival. From January to December 2011, 23 specimens of five species of sea turtleswere found dead or dying after being rehabilitated, along the coast of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To detect the presence of marine debris in the digestive tract of these turtles, we conducted a postmortemexamination from the esophagus until the distal portion of the large intestine for each specimen. Of the total (...)
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  48. Descartes: Diálogos musicais.Tiago de Lima Castro - 2022 - Dissertation, Unesp
    The philosopher René Descartes wrote the Compendium musicæ in 1618. Even though he was not known for his music production, he maintained a long correspondence around the subject in dialogue with Marin Mersenne, Constantjin Huygens, Isaac Beeckman and Joan-Albert Ban. However, his musical propositions appear as a marginal subject in his intellectual journey. To understand whether the musical theme relates to the development of his ideas, first, the organization of his correspondence about music and the citations to it in his (...)
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    [ ] The phenomenal description on own thoughts regard me to describe Coleridge, along with William Wordsworth, was instrumental in initiating a poetic revolution in the early nineteenth century which is known as the Romantic Movement. Coleridge invokes the Divine Spirit that blows upon the wild Harp of Time. Time is like the stringed musical instrument on which the Spirit produces sweet harmonious melodies. Coleridge is perhaps best known for his haunting ballad Rime of Ancient Mariner, the dream-like Kubla (...)
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  50. Reprezentarea vieții și activității M'ntuitorului în Coran.Mihai Ciurea - 2022 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 74 (9-12):141-157.
    Regarding the connection between the Qur'an and the New Testament, we noted that Jesus Christ is often presented in the pages of the Qur'an as a moral model, along with his mother Mary. The events of the life of "Qur'an Jesus" are marked by marginal Christianity of the Monophysitism and by the Christian apocrypha circulating in the time of Muhammad in the Eastern space. The Qur'anic images of the figure of Jesus Christ present Him in His dignity as the Messiah, (...)
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