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  1. Religious and political organizations as subjects of national processes in Ukraine.Olena Bortnikova - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:49-53.
    Olena Bortnikova. Religious and political organizations as subjects of national processes in Ukraine In the article the different approaches to defining the essence of religious and political organizations as subjects of national processes and their role in the functioning and development of society. Attempted to characterize the basic methodological provisions for disclosure of the nature of religious and political actors as structural elements of ethnonational system, identifying different levels of accommodation in terms of social change.
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  • Semantic and Stylistic Features of Kant’s Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime: The Art of Seeing and Describing an Object.Anastasia V. Babaeva, Ludmila V. Guseva & Olga M. Kim - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (2):68-95.
    Immanuel Kant’s Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime is examined in the context of the emergence of the epistemological practice of scientific observation. By focusing on the genre-stylistic and semantic-structural features of the text the authors demonstrate the mechanisms of observation as well as the methods of describing the results characteristic of mid-eighteenth century science. The authors consider Kant’s treatise to be a hybrid text: on the one hand, it attests to the importance of the natural (...)
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  • (3 other versions)Слепые тени Нарцисса.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2023 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    В данной работе рассматриваются важнейшие вопросы о коллективном воображаемом и его отношениях с реальностью и истиной. Сначала мы рассмотрим эту тему в концептуальных рамках, а затем проведем соответствующий фактологический анализ наглядных поведенческих реалий. Мы будем опираться не только на методологию, но и, главным образом, на постулаты и положения аналитической философии, которые, безусловно, будут проявляться на протяжении всего исследования и могут быть идентифицированы по признакам, описанным Пересом : Рабосси (1975) отстаивает идею, что аналитическая философия может быть идентифицирована путем рассмотрения некоторых семейных (...)
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  • (12 other versions)Денежная реформа.Andrej Poleev - 2022 - Enzymes 20.
    В апреле 2022 года исполнится 10 лет со времени опубликования концепции новой экономической модели. К этому сроку, т.е. ещё в текущем году, я намереваюсь провести денежную реформу на территории, находящейся в юрисдикции общности Русь.
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  • (1 other version)Філософія ніцше як творення концептів.Тaras Lyuty - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 1:20-28.
    In this article, the author examines the relationship between the human self and its two distinctive conditions – the Other, as any alternative form of being, and the Stranger, as hostility. In the first part of the article, the author shows historical and cultural dimensions of Self and the Other in the European context. In this regard, anything that does not belong to a particular cultural area is deprived of ontological status and expelled. The Other has attributes of femininity or (...)
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  • The connection between mathematics and philosophy on the discrete–structural plane of thinking: the discrete–structural model of the world.Eldar Amirov - 2017 - Гілея: Науковий Вісник 126 (11):266-270.
    The discrete–structural structure of the world is described. In comparison with the idea of Heraclitus about an indissoluble world, preference is given to the discrete world of Democritus. It is noted that if the discrete atoms of Democritus were simple and indivisible, the atoms of the modern world indicated in the article would possess, rather, a structural structure. The article proves the problem of how the mutual connection of mathematics and philosophy influences cognition, which creates a discrete–structural worldview. The author (...)
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  • The antinomy "man-woman" in the personal perspective of the formation of the individual religiosity of the Orthodox believer.Hanna Kulagina-Stadnichenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 85:16-23.
    In this article "The antinomy "man-woman" in the personal perspective of the formation of the individual religiosity of the Orthodox believer" by Anna Kulagina-Stadnychenko explores the antinomy of the phenomenon of "manwoman" from the point of view of theology and secular science, examines the peculiarities of its functioning at the level of individual religiosity of the Orthodox believer and in the Ukrainian context. Attention is drawn to several challenges that have always been the cornerstone of the collision of alternative thoughts (...)
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  • Комунікативнa тактикa позиціонування в українськомовному маркетинговому дискурсі.Maya Klishchevska - 2017 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 3:36-45.
    У статті здійснено аналіз понять комунікативної тактики, схарактеризовано білінгвальність комунікативної тактики у текстах українськомовного маркетингового дискурсу на матеріалі українських веб-ресурсів.
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  • Philosophical and sociocultural dimensions of personality psychological security.O. Y. Blynova, L. S. Holovkova & O. V. Sheviakov - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:73-83.
    Purpose. The dynamics and pace of social and economic transformations that are characteristic of modern society, lead to an increase in tension and the destruction of habitual stereotypes – ideals, values, norms, patterns of behaviour that unite people. These moments encourage us to rethink the understanding of "security" essence, in particular, psychological, which emphasizes the urgency of its study in the philosophical and sociocultural coordinates. Theoretical basis of the research is based on the philosophical methodology of K. Jaspers, E. Fromm (...)
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  • (1 other version)Становлення великих груп: Від натовпу та публіки до владно-видовищних масових рухів.Тaras Lyuty - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:3-16.
    In this article, the author examines different theories and approaches to mass movements in the historical process and their impact on the condition of Western culture. In the short introduction, the main historical, cultural and philosophical origins of the mass movements from antiquity to present time are described. This paper examines the question why the social and cultural influence of the man of mass is difficult to predict. To answer this question, the author demonstrates the continuing transition from the psychology (...)
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  • Тринітарна еклезіологія Мирослава Вольфа.Fedir Strizhachuk - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 5:140-153.
    Відродження доктрини про Трійцю у XX ст. позначилося на всіх сферах християнського богослов’я і практики. Вчення про церкву також не залишилося поза впливом сучасного тринітарного богослов’я. Еклезіологія Мирослава Вольфа є яскравим прикладом інтеграції тринітарного богослов’я у вчення про церкву з перспективи незалежних євангельських церков. Вольф відштовхується від концепції першого баптиста Джона Сміта про те, що церква – це спільнота людей, зібраних в ім’я Христа. Тринітарну складову своєї еклезіології Вольф розвиває в діалозі з двома видними представниками римо-католицької та православної еклезіології: Йозефом (...)
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  • Діяльність вітчизняних монастирів, чернецтва і національна рукописна духовна спадщина.Valeriy V. Klymov - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 42:77-88.
    Most of the manuscript monuments of Ukrainian spirituality of the XI-XVII centuries., preserved in our days, by their origin, origin, content, use, historical fate, are in many cases obliged to the Institute of monasteries and monks., copyists, compilers, editors, portholes, translators, proofreaders. This statement is supported by research by scientists of several generations of chronicle sources in a wide range - from outstanding chronicles and printed monuments of world and national significance of the level "Words on Law and Grace", "Tales (...)
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  • Проблема релігійного плюралізму сучасного грекокатолицизму в умовах постмодерну.O. I. Savchuk - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:106-114.
    Modern Christian religiosity as a whole, and in particular the Greek-Catholic way of expressing it, are all-round in the public consciousness. Religion is transformed as intensely as other components of the latter. That is why today it is relevant to analyze, on the one hand, the relation of existential and anthropocentric, and on the other - the pluralistic filling of modern Ukrainian Greek Catholicism and to find out the optimal degree of this relation.
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  • Interfaith dialogue in contemporary Ukraine: expediency and efficiency of its implementation in the conditions of War.Oksana Gorkusha & Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 85:4-16.
    The article O.Horkusha, L.Fylypovych «Interfaith dialogue in contemporary Ukraine: expediency and efficiency of its implementation in the conditions of War» discusses the state of interfaith communication in Ukraine, available dialogue platforms, which were created spontaneously for a long time, and now they grow up to a certain network. There are 5 types of interfaith dialogs, their effectiveness is analyzed, based on the purpose of the dialogue, topics, language, methodological approaches, criteria for the rules of conduct and subjects invited to the (...)
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  • (9 other versions)Аналитическая история античной философии (Analytic History of Ancient Philosophy).Marina Volf, Pavel Butakov & Igor Berestov - 2013 - Sententiae 28 (1):96-108.
    The paper discusses the peculiarities of the analytic approach to the history of Ancient philosophy in the context of other, more popular approaches and genres. This approach is based on finding out an implicit argumentation and problems in the philosophical texts, and establishing logical connections between them. The paper also considers the perspectives of application of this approach to patristic texts. In addition, it shows the necessity of formalization and symbolization in the analytic history of philosophy.
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  • (270 other versions)Філософсько-освітні перспективи пізнання всесвіту та виховання духовних людей космічно-інопланетного майбутнього.Поліщук Н В - 2013 - Философия И Космология 12 (1):190-200.
    In clause an object of research are prospects of the further knowledge of the world and scientific and technical development of a civilization during an epoch of modern information-highly technological progress. Proves, that only in unity of reason and spirituality of mankind it is possible space-planetary the future sew civilizations. It is confirmed, that the strategic purpose of philosophy of formation is a formation space-planetary type of the person as image of the person of the future. The concept of the (...)
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  • Georges Gurvitch and Sergey Hessen on the Possibility of Forming Social Unity.M. Yu Zagirnyak - forthcoming - Kantian Journal:72-96.
    The early decades of the last century saw European philosophical thought becoming increasingly interested in the sociological extension of the idea of law. From the viewpoint of the sociology of law, law is formed in the process of social interactions and is not sanctioned by the state. Sergey Hessen and Georges Gurvitch base their conceptions of social law on the sociology of law in the 1920s and 1930s. They start a polemic in the pages of the journal Sovremenniye zapiski. Although (...)
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