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  1. Existentialist component of P. Tillich’s Protestant theology.А. D. Emelianenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 77:73-82.
    А. D. Emelianenko. Existentialist component of P. Tillich’s Protestant theology. The article deals with the specifics of the application of well-known Protestant theologian Paul Tillich postulates of existentialist and existentialist symbolism in the practice of creating his three-volume work 'Systematic Theology'. It is emphasized that these postulates play in the teaching of P. Tillich 'auxiliary', and mainly 'educate' rather than a system-role, that they played in the existential analytics by M. Heidegger, or the philosophy of Karl Jaspers.
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  • Ми замість я: семантика і прагматика.Nataliya Yasakova - 2017 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 3:121-131.
    У статті проаналізовано семантико-прагматичні варіанти значення першої особи, що виникають унаслідок взаємодії категорій персональності та числа. Виокремлено ми авторське, царське, скромне, родинне, батьківське (опікунське), корпоративне, ми соціальної вагомості, ідеологічне, універсальне (філософське), ми привілейованої групи.
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  • Превод Библије краља Џемса (King James Authorised Version) Поводом 400-годишњице (1611-2011).Радомир Ракић - 2011 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 5 (2):313-324.
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  • Проблема зла в кабалістичній традиції.V. V. Kuzev - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:24-30.
    The answer to the question "unde malum?" has never been idle in monotheistic theology. In an effort to understand this issue, the Kabbalistic tradition has built complex systems. In the scope of this work, we do not claim to be considered in detail. We will conduct a brief review of these issues, first of all, to find out the essential basis on which the interpretation of the origin of evil and its manifestations within the framework of the mentioned religious and (...)
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  • Навчання югослов'ян у київській духовній академії.Galyna V. Sagan - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:115-127.
    The study of Orthodox Yugoslavs at the Kyiv Theological Academy during 1900-1918 was a continuation of the tradition laid down in previous centuries by the priority acquisition of higher education in the southern territories of the Russian territory.. Not only the Yugoslavs studied at the Kiev Academy, but also the Bulgarians, Romanians, Syrians, Czechs, Greeks and other Orthodox foreigners. However, when choosing an educational institution, these students tried to choose the ones that were on the territory of Ukraine. Officially, this (...)
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  • Methodological peculiarities of study of polyvector history of parishes, monasteries and eparchies of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.Yaroslav Stockiy - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 71:161-171.
    Jaroslav Stotskyi. Methodological peculiarities of study of polyvector history of parishes, monasteries and eparchies of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The article reveals investigation methodology of history of eparchy main activity constituents, namely history of establishment, development, integral parts of eparchy transformations – parishes, monasteries, parish communities, brotherhoods, catechetic processes, monastery religious and social institutions etc.
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  • Methodology for studying the problem of war and peace in personal religious beliefs.Z. V. Shwed - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 13:87-99.
    Purpose. The main purpose of this paper is to consider the methodological peculiarities in the formation and interpretation of war and peace, in the context of the spiritual rethinking by humanity and the nature of social phenomena, among which a special place is occupied by the political and legal phenomena of the modern world. This involves solving the following tasks: firstly, to reveal the meaning of modern approaches in understanding the features of religious fundamentalism, and, secondly, to reconstruct the dynamics (...)
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  • Еволюція теорії секуляризації: Від монополізму до кризи.K. I. Shvalagina - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:31-38.
    Secularization theory is one of those intellectual products that determine the understanding of religion, its status in society, and the changes that take place between faith and unbelief, between church and state, for quite some time. Constituted in the United States in the mid-twentieth century, this theory has found many followers both in America and in Europe, even in the USSR. Its validity and integrity, evidentiality and obviousness did not cause any doubt either to scholars or to religious and statesmen. (...)
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  • The key transformative tendencies of the Pentecostal religious centres in post-soviet Ukraine.M. Mokienko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 77:66-73.
    M. Mokienko in his article “The key transformative tendencies of the Pentecostal religious centres in post-soviet Ukraine” points to the direction of development of translocal structures of Ukrainian Pentecostalism. The author examines historical-theological and ecclesiological prerequisites of institutionalisation and argues that integrative processes among Pentecostals led to centralisation of their structures and government and stimulated establishment of these in Ukrainian religious landscape.
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  • New Science of the Civil World. An Analytical-Historical Commentary on Giovanni Battista Vico’s "Idea of the Work". Part One.Ivan Ivashchenko - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (1):152-165.
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  • Роль духовенства волинської єпархії у веденні та збереженні церковної документації.B. Ye Boyko - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:127-134.
    In the mid-decade, researchers have been researching large scale scientific studies on major archival documents. Certain things could be said about the emergence of trends that produce books of historical and religious personnel in the format of published archival files, which first appear when introduced: the opening of an archive, the preservation of the regime of inaccessible funds that allow scientists to access primary sources. In connection with this topic, this study is relevant and relevant.
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  • (72 other versions)Філософія освіти: Соціокультурний вимір.М. М Міщенко - 2015 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 60:253-268.
    В статті дається аналіз проблем культури буття людини, становлення універсалій культури та традицій, що стають інтеграційним механізмом формування буття людини в культурі і через культуру; дається аналіз культурних чинників, що детермінують культуру буття людини; визначється понятійно-категоріальний апарат культури буття людини та буття культури людини як генерального простору людської життєдіяльності; визначається різниця між західною і східною парадигимами культури буття людини; культура буття – це розуміння феноменів соціуму, екзистенції, формування людини, що поєднуються з проблематикою удосконалення людини у бутті культури.
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