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  1. On losing certainty.Matthew Ratcliffe - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-19.
    This paper develops a phenomenological account of what it is to lose a primitive and pervasive sense of certainty. I begin by considering Wolfgang Blankenburg’s descriptions of losing common sense or natural self-evidence. Although Blankenburg focuses primarily on schizophrenia, I note that a wider range of phenomenological disturbances can be understood in similar terms—one loses something that previously operated as a pre-reflective, unquestioned basis for experience, thought, and practice. I refer to this as the loss of certainty. Drawing upon and (...)
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  • Is acting on delusions autonomous?Jann E. Schlimme - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:14.
    In this paper the question of autonomy in delusional disorders is investigated using a phenomenological approach. I refer to the distinction between freedom of intentional action, and freedom of the will, and develop phenomenological descriptions of lived autonomy, taking into account the distinction between a pre-reflective and a reflective type. Drawing on a case report, I deliver finely-grained phenomenological descriptions of lived autonomy and experienced self-determination when acting on delusions. This analysis seeks to demonstrate that a person with delusions can (...)
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  • Disconnection of External and Internal in the Conscious Experience of Schizophrenia: Phenomenological Literary and Neuroanatomical Archaeologies of Self.Aaron L. Mishara - 2004 - Philosophica 73 (1):87-126.
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  • Why Tourette syndrome research needs philosophical phenomenology.Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt & Jack Reynolds - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):573-600.
    Despite a recent surge in publications on Tourette Syndrome, we still lack substantial insight into first-personal aspects of “what it is like” to live with this condition. This is despite the fact that developments in phenomenological psychiatry have demonstrated the scientific and clinical importance of understanding subjective experience in a range of other neuropsychiatric conditions. We argue that it is time for Tourette Syndrome research to tap into the sophisticated frameworks developed in the philosophical tradition of phenomenology for describing experience (...)
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  • Philosophie de la psychiatrie et phénoménologie du quotidien : Les bouleversements de l’expérience ordinaire dans la clinique des psychosesPhilosophy of psychiatry and phenomenology of everyday life: The disruptions of ordinary experience in schizophreniaPhilosophie Der Psychiatrie Und Phänomenologie Des Alltagslebens: Die Erschütterungen Der Gewöhnlichen Erfahrung Bei Der Klinik Der Psychose.Sarah Troubé - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1):61-86.
    RésuméL’article se propose d’interroger la philosophie de la psychiatrie à partir du registre de la quotidienneté, et des questions que les bouleversements de cette dimension de l’expérience dans les psychoses sont susceptibles d’adresser à une phénoménologie du quotidien. Si cette dernière représente une jonction entre clinique et philosophie, elle questionne les articulations entre conditions transcendantales de l’expérience, construction d’une forme concrète de l’ordinaire, et incarnation d’une valeur sociale et anthropologique normative. La quotidienneté ouvre ainsi à une réflexion réciproque entre philosophie (...)
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