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  1. The semantics of 'things in themselves': A deflationary account.Frederick Kroon - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (203):165-181.
    Kant's distinction between things in themselves and things as they appear, or appearances, is commonly attacked on the ground that it delivers a radical and incoherent ‘two world’ picture of what there is. I attempt to deflect this attack by questioning these terms of dismissal. Distinctions of the kind Kant draws on are in fact legion, and they make perfectly good sense. The way to make sense of them, however, is not by buying into a profligate ontology but by using (...)
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  • Intuition and Nature in Kant and Goethe.Jennifer Mensch - 2009 - European Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):431-453.
    Abstract: This essay addresses three specific moments in the history of the role played by intuition in Kant's system. Part one develops Kant's attitude toward intuition in order to understand how ‘sensible intuition’ becomes the first step in his development of transcendental idealism and how this in turn requires him to reject the possibility of an ‘intellectual intuition’ for human cognition. Part two considers the role of Jacobi when it came to interpreting both Kant's epistemic achievement and what were taken (...)
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  • Langton on things in themselves: a critique of Kantian humility.Angela Breitenbach - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (1):137-148.
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  • Six Perspectives on the Object in Kant's Theory of Knowledge.S. R. Palmquist - 1986 - Dialectica 40 (2):121-151.
    SummaryAn accurate framework for interpreting Kant's theory of knowledge must clearly distinguish between the six terms he uses to describe the various stages in the epistemological development of the‘object’of knowledge. Kant portrays the object transcendentally in the first Critique as passing from an unknowable‘thing in itself through the intermediate stage of being a‘transcendental object’, and finally attaining the ideal status of an‘appearance’. When the object is considered empirically, it passes through three corresponding stages: the‘phenomenon’is the real object as known in (...)
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  • Making Kant's Empirical Realism Possible.Simon Gurofsky - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Chicago
    Famously, Kant is a transcendental idealist. Yet he also endorses empirical realism, and even boasts that only the transcendental idealist can be an empirical realist. The difficulty of making sense of those commitments together leads many interpreters to begin by attributing to Kant some variant of conventional, subjective idealism. That in turn requires that Kant's empirical realism be at best a merely ersatz or quasi-realism. But that drains Kant's boast of its significance. For any idealist can be a realist if (...)
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  • Sobre las diferentes funciones del objeto trascendental en la Crítica de la Razón Pura de Kant.Nicolás Guzmán Grez - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (2):293-305.
    El presente artículo intenta describir la problemática de la noción de objeto trascendental tanto en la discusión exegética sobre la filosofía teórica de Kant, como en la Crítica de la Razón Pura. En primera instancia, se podrá comprobar un consenso en torno a la acepción que el término en discusión asume en la Analítica Trascendental. Sin embargo, los comentaristas no han acertado en distinguir la función del objeto trascendental en la Dialéctica Trascendental. De acuerdo a esto, se intentará desglosar los (...)
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  • Identity, Appearances, and Things in Themselves.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (3):421-437.
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  • (1 other version)13 Phaenomena/Noumena und die Amphibolie der Reflexionsbegriffe.Marcus Willaschek - 2024 - In Georg Mohr & Marcus Willaschek (eds.), Immanuel Kant: Kritik der reinen Vernunft. De Gruyter. pp. 259-280.
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  • Drawing From the Sources of Reason: Reflective Self-Knowledge in Kant's First "Critique".Melissa Mcbay Merritt - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    Kant advertises his Critique of Pure Reason as fulfilling reason's "most difficult" task: self-knowledge. As it is carried out in the Critique, this investigation is meant to be "scientific and fully illuminating"; for Kant, this means that it must follow a proper method. Commentators writing in English have tended to dismiss Kant's claim that the Critique is the scientific expression of reason's self-knowledge---either taking it to be sheer rhetoric, or worrying that it pollutes the Critique with an unfortunate residue of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Immanuel Kant: Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Georg Mohr & Marcus Willaschek (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Der Kommentar zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft bietet eine textnahe Erschließung der zentralen Begriffe, Thesen und Argumentationsgänge von Kants Hauptwerk auf aktuellem Forschungsstand. Es ist der erste Kommentar zur KrV, der den gesamten Text in der Fassung der ersten und zweiten Auflage gleichmäßig und lückenlos berücksichtigt. Davon profitieren vor allem die „Transzendentale Dialektik“ und die „Methodenlehre“, die in früheren Gesamtkommentaren meist nicht hinreichend berücksichtigt worden sind. Die Beiträge wurden nach einheitlichen Richtlinien verfasst, wobei unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen und Interpretationsansätze zur Geltung kommen. (...)
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