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  1. Enfranchising all affected interests, and its alternatives.Robert E. Goodin - 2007 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 35 (1):40–68.
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  • Safe at any scale? Food scares, food regulation, and scaled alternatives.Laura B. DeLind & Philip H. Howard - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (3):301-317.
    The 2006 outbreak of E. coli O157:H7, traced to bagged spinach from California, illustrates a number of contradictions. The solutions sought by many politicians and popular food analysts have been to create a centralized federal agency and a uniform set of production standards modeled after those of the animal industry. Such an approach would disproportionately harm smaller-scale producers, whose operations were not responsible for the epidemic, as well as reduce the agroecological diversity that is essential for maintaining healthy human beings (...)
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  • Corporate or Governmental Duties? Corporate Citizenship From a Governmental Perspective.Janina Curbach & Michael S. Aßländer - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (4):617-645.
    Recent discussions on corporate citizenship highlight the new political role of corporations in society by arguing that corporations increasingly act as quasi-governmental actors and take on what hitherto had originally been governmental tasks. By examining political and sociological citizenship theories, the authors show that such a corporate engagement can be explained by a changing conception of corporate citizens from corporate bourgeois to corporate citoyen. As an intermediate actor in society, the corporate citoyen assumes co-responsibilities for social and civic affairs and (...)
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  • The new anarchy: Globalisation and fragmentation in world politics.Philip G. Cerny & Alex Prichard - 2017 - Journal of International Political Theory 13 (3):378-394.
    Modern International Relations theory has consistently underestimated the depth of the problem of anarchy in world politics. Contemporary theories of globalisation bring this into bold relief. From this perspective, the complexity of transboundary networks and hierarchies, economic sectors, ethnic and religious ties, civil and cross-border wars, and internally disaggregated and transnationally connected state actors, leads to a complex and multidimensional restructuring of the global, the local and the uneven connections in between. We ought to abandon the idea of ‘high’ and (...)
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  • When are markets illegitimate?Amanda R. Greene - 2019 - Social Philosophy and Policy 36 (2):212-241.
    :In this essay I defend an alternative account of why markets are legitimate. I argue that markets have a raison d’être—a potential to be valuable that, if fulfilled, would justify their existence. I characterize this potential in terms of the goods that are promoted by the legal protection of economic agency: resource discretion, contribution esteem, wealth, diffusion of power, and freedom of association. I argue that market institutions deliver these goods without requiring the participants to have shared ends, or shared (...)
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  • The Principle of Subsidiarity as a Constitutional Principle in the EU and Canada.Andreas Follesdal & Victor M. Muñiz Fraticelli - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):89-106.
    Andreas Follesdal,Victor Muñiz Fraticelli | : A Principle of Subsidiarity regulates the allocation and/or use of authority within a political order where authority is dispersed between a centre and various sub-units. Section 1 sketches the role of such principle of subsidiarity in the EU, and some of its significance in Canada. Section 2 presents some conceptions of subsidiarity that indicate the range of alternatives. Section 3 considers some areas where such conceptions might add value to constitutional and political deliberations in (...)
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  • Survey Article: Four Models of a Global Order with Cosmopolitan Intent: An Empirical Assessment.Michael Zürn - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (1):88-119.
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  • A(nother) democratic case for federalism.Michael Da Silva - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    This work offers a new democratic case for federalism, understood as a form of governance in which multiple entities in a country possess final decision-making authority (viz., can make decisions free from others substituting their decisions, issuing fines, etc.) over at least one subject (e.g., immigration, defense). It argues that leading solutions to the democratic boundary problem provide overlapping arguments for federalism. The underlying logic and many details of the most commonly cited solutions focused on those relevantly affected by and (...)
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  • The epistemological status of subsidiarity in organizations: An insight from the notion of principle in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.Bernard Guéry - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (S1):660-681.
    Subsidiarity is often implicitly conceived as an organizational model or a Weberian ideal type. The purpose of this paper is to show that, in contrast, subsidiarity is a principle in the sense of the tradition originating from Thomas Aquinas. Considered as an ideal type, subsidiarity may be perceived as impossible to apply because of its ideal status, abstracted from the circumstances. Here, we will demonstrate the consequences of the fact that subsidiarity is one of the common principles of practical moral (...)
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  • The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Ethical Factor in Giuseppe Toniolo’s Thought.Luca Spataro & Alice Martini - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):105-119.
    In this work, we present some traits of the socio-political and economic thought of Giuseppe Toniolo, who lived in Italy at the turn of the XIX and XX century, with special reference to the contribution that the Italian economist and sociologist gave to the definition and implementation of the principle of subsidiarity and to the ethical foundation of economic science. After outlining the definition of the subsidiarity principle in the first paragraph, we sketch the historical background in which Toniolo lived (...)
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  • (1 other version)Federative global democracy.Eric Cavallero - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (1):42-64.
    Abstract: In this essay a set of principles is defended that yields a determinate allocation of sovereign competences across a global system of territorially nested jurisdictions. All local sovereign competences are constrained by a universal, justiciable human rights regime that also incorporates a conception of cross-border distributive justice and regulates the competence to control immigration for a given territory. Subject to human rights constraints, sovereign competences are allocated according to a conception of global democracy. The proposed allocation scheme can accommodate (...)
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  • Perfectionism as a requirement of justice: natural law, political authority, and the common good.Ján Tomaštík - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-19.
    Contrary to the recent argument developed by Matthew Kramer, edificatory perfectionism is an integral part of the purpose of the state and as such is required by justice. This claim can be supported by an appropriate understanding of the common good and the principle of subsidiarity. The purpose of the state rests in its duty to secure for its citizens the common good, which is a set of conditions under which all individuals and associations can attain for themselves various reasonable (...)
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  • Multiple citizenship: normative ideals and institutional challenges.Eva Erman & Andreas Follesdal - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (3):279-302.
    Institutional suggestions for how to rethink democracy in response to changing state responsibilities and capabilities have been numerous and often mutually incompatible. This suggests that conceptual unclarity still reigns concerning how the normative ideal of democracy as collective self-determination, i.e. ?rule by the people?, might best be brought to bear in a transnational and global context. The aim in this paper is twofold. First, it analyses some consequences of the tendency to smudge the distinction between democratic theory and moral theories (...)
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  • A tripartite model of federalism.Raf Geenens & Helder De Schutter - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (7):753-785.
    The classical account of federalism is bipartite. Federal systems are understood to have a dual nature: on the one hand, there is the central government, and on the other hand, there are the constituent units. We argue instead for a tripartite model of federalism. In this model, a third institutional pillar is added to federal systems. This third pillar deals exclusively with matters related to the institutional architecture of the system. We argue for tripartite federalism on three grounds: a tripartite (...)
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  • The principle of subsidiarity: A democratic reinterpretation.Trevor Latimer - 2018 - Constellations 25 (4):586-601.
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  • (1 other version)Universal human rights as a shared political identity impossible? Necessary? Sufficient?Andreas Føllesdal - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (1):77-91.
    Abstract: Would a global commitment to international human rights norms provide enough of a sense of community to sustain a legitimate and sufficiently democratic global order? Sceptics worry that human rights cannot help maintain the mutual trust among citizens required for a legitimate political order, since such rights are now too broadly shared. Thus prominent contributors to democratic theory insist that the members of the citizenry must share some features unique to them, to the exclusion of others—be it a European (...)
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  • Equality of Education and Citizenship: Challenges of European Integration.Andreas Follesdal - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (5):335-354.
    What kind of equality among Europeans does equal citizenship require, especially regarding education? In particular, is there good reason to insist of equality of education among Europeans—and if so, equality of what? To what extent should the same knowledge base and citizenship norms be taught across state borders and religious and other normative divides? At least three philosophical issues merit attention: (a) The requirements of multiple democratic citizenships beyond the nation state; (b) how to respect diversity while securing such equality (...)
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  • No Justice Without Democracy: A Deliberative Approach to the Global Distribution of Wealth.Stefan Rummens - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (5):657-680.
    The debate about global distributive justice is characterized by an often stark opposition between universalistic approaches, advocating an egalitarian global redistribution of wealth (Beitz, Pogge, Barry, Tan), and particularistic positions, aiming to justify a restriction of redistribution to the domestic community (D. Miller, R. Miller, Blake, Nagel, Rawls). I argue that an approach starting from the deliberative model of democracy (Habermas) can overcome this opposition. On the one hand, the increasingly global scope of economic interactions implies that the range of (...)
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  • Cascading Morality After Dewey: A Proposal for a Pluralist Meta-Ethics with a Subsidiarity Hierarchy.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2021 - Contemporary Pragmatism 18 (1):18-35.
    In response to challenges to moral philosophy presented by other disciplines and facing a diversity of approaches to the foundation and focus of morality, this paper argues for a pluralist meta-ethics that is methodologically hierarchical and guided by the principle of subsidiarity. Inspired by Deweyan pragmatism, this novel and original application of the subsidiarity principle and the related methodological proposal for a cascading meta-ethical architecture offer a “dirty” and instrumentalist understanding of meta-ethics that promises to work, not only in moral (...)
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  • Subsidiarity, federalism and the best constitution: Thomas Aquinas on city, province and empire. [REVIEW]Nicholas Aroney - 2006 - Law and Philosophy 26 (2):161-228.
    This article closely examines the way in which Thomas Aquinas understood the relationship between the various forms of human community. The article focuses on Aquinas's theory of law and politics and, in particular, on his use of political categories, such as city, province and empire, together with the associated concepts of kingdom and nation, as well as various social groupings, such as household, clan and village, alongside of the distinctly ecclesiastical categories of parish, diocese and universal church. The analysis of (...)
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