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The Works of Aristotle

Encyclopæia Britannica (1908)

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  1. (1 other version)Colloquium 3: Cosmic Orientation in Aristotle’s De Caelo.Owen Goldin - 2011 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 26 (1):91-129.
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  • On being stuck in time.Christoph Hoerl - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (4):485-500.
    It is sometimes claimed that non-human animals (and perhaps also young children) live their lives entirely in the present and are cognitively ‘stuck in time’. Adult humans, by contrast, are said to be able to engage in ‘mental time travel’. One possible way of making sense of this distinction is in terms of the idea that animals and young children cannot engage in tensed thought, which might seem a preposterous idea in the light of certain findings in comparative and developmental (...)
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  • John Dewey and Daoist thought.James Behuniak - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press, State University of New York.
    In this expansive and highly original two-volume work, Jim Behuniak reformulates John Dewey's late-period "Cultural turn" and proposes that its next logical step is an "intra-Cultural philosophy" that goes beyond what is commonly known as "comparative philosophy." Each volume models itself on this new approach, arguing that early Chinese thought is poised to join forces with Dewey in meeting an urgent cultural need: namely, helping the Western tradition to correct its outdated Greek-medieval assumptions, especially where these result in pre-Darwinian inferences (...)
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  • On the Nature of Persons; Persons as Constituted Events.Mohammad Reza Tahmasbi - 2021 - Metaphysica 22 (1):45-61.
    The diachronic question of persons deals with personal identity over time: “In virtue of what conditions is a person, P1, at t1, the same person, P2, at t2?” To answer the question, I suggest expanding the constitution theory from a static definition to a dynamic definition. ‘Life’ is an event and the stream of consciousness is an event too. Reflective self-consciousness—which I take to be definitive of persons—is an event. Persons are irreducible constituted events who remain the same through time (...)
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  • Between Logic and Mathematics: Al-Kindī's Approach to the Aristotelian Categories.Ahmad Ighbariah - 2012 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (1):51-68.
    What is the function of logic in al-Kindī's corpus? What kind of relation does it have with mathematics? This article tackles these questions by examining al-Kindī's theory of categories as it was presented in his epistle On the Number of Aristotle's Books, from which we can learn about his special attitude towards Aristotle theory of categories and his interpretation, as well. Al-Kindī treats the Categories as a logical book, but in a manner different from that of the classical Aristotelian tradition. (...)
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  • Do Things Look Flat?Eric Schwitzgebel - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 72 (3):589-599.
    Does a penny viewed at an angle in some sense look elliptical, as though projected on a two-dimensional surface? Many philosophers have said such things, from Malebranche (1674/1997) and Hume (1739/1978), through early 20th-century sense-data theorists, to Tye (2000) and Noë (2004). I confess that it doesn't seem this way to me, though I'm somewhat baffled by the phenomenology and pessimistic about our ability to resolve the dispute. I raise geometrical complaints against the view and conjecture that views of this (...)
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  • Can virtue be taught and how? Confucius on the paradox of moral education.Yong Huang - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 40 (2):141-159.
    In this paper I shall first examine an apparent paradox in Confucius? view on whether everyone is perfectible through education: on the one hand, he states that education should be provided to all, on the other hand, he says that common people cannot be made to know things. To understand this apparent paradox, I shall argue that education for Confucius is primarily moral education, as he teaches his students to become virtuous persons. So the apparent paradox is really one about (...)
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  • (1 other version)Me and My Shadows: On the Accumulation of Body-Images in Western Society Part One - The Image and the Image of the Body in Pre-Modern Society.Harvie Ferguson - 1997 - Body and Society 3 (3):1-31.
    Granting that the `soul' was only an attractive and mysterious thought, from which philosophers rightly, but reluctantly, separated themselves - that which they have since learnt to put in its place is perhaps even more attractive and even more mysterious. The human body, in which the whole of the most distant and most recent past of all organic life once more becomes living and corporal, seems to flow through this past and right over it like a huge and inaudible torrent: (...)
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  • ‘ΠΡΟΤΑΣΙΣ’ in Aristotle’s Prior Analytics.Paolo Crivelli & David Charles - 2011 - Phronesis 56 (3):193 - 203.
    It has often been claimed that (i) Aristotle's expression 'protasis' means 'premiss' in syllogistic contexts and (ii) cannot refer to the conclusion of a syllogism in the Prior Analytics. In this essay we produce and defend a counter-example to these two claims. We argue that (i) the basic meaning of the expression is 'proposition' and (ii) while it is often used to refer to the premisses of a syllogism, in Prior Analytics 1.29, 45b4-8 it is used to refer to the (...)
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  • Biological matter and perceptual powers in Aristotle's de Anima.Theodore Scaltsas - 1996 - Topoi 15 (1):25-37.
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  • The role of inversion in the genesis, development and the structure of scientific knowledge.Nagarjuna G. - manuscript
    The main thrust of the argument of this thesis is to show the possibility of articulating a method of construction or of synthesis--as against the most common method of analysis or division--which has always been (so we shall argue) a necessary component of scientific theorization. This method will be shown to be based on a fundamental synthetic logical relation of thought, that we shall call inversion--to be understood as a species of logical opposition, and as one of the basic monadic (...)
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