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Corporate social responsibility reporting of banks operating in Ghana.Kwamena Minta Nyarku - 2017 - African Journal of Business Ethics 11 (2).details
Corporate social responsibility: review and roadmap of theoretical perspectives.Jędrzej George Frynas & Camila Yamahaki - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (3):258-285.details
Exploring Employee Engagement with Social Responsibility: A Social Exchange Perspective on Organisational Participation.R. E. Slack, S. Corlett & R. Morris - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (3):537-548.details
Whistle-Blowing Systems and Legitimacy Theory: A Study of the Motivation to Implement Whistle-Blowing Systems in German Organizations.Esther Pittroff - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):399-412.details
The State of Business Ethics in Israel: A Light Unto the Nations? [REVIEW]Mark S. Schwartz - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4):429-446.details
Do Announcements About Corporate Social Responsibility Create or Destroy Shareholder Wealth? Evidence from the UK.Iain Clacher & Jens Hagendorff - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (3):253-266.details
Influence of National Institutions on the Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Food-processing Industry: Differences Between France and Morocco.Jamal El Baz, Issam Laguir, Magalie Marais & Raffaele Staglianò - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):117-133.details
The Influence of Decision Frames and Vision Priming on Decision Outcomes in Work Groups: Motivating Stakeholder Considerations.Kevin D. Clark, Narda R. Quigley & Stephen A. Stumpf - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):27-38.details
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation: A Review and a Research Agenda Towards an Integrative Framework. [REVIEW]Tahniyath Fatima & Said Elbanna - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):105-121.details
Is Femvertising the New Greenwashing? Examining Corporate Commitment to Gender Equality.Yvette Sterbenk, Sara Champlin, Kasey Windels & Summer Shelton - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (3):491-505.details
Learning to Be Job Ready: Strategies for Greater Social Inclusion in Public Sector Employment. [REVIEW]A. J. W. Bennett - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (3):347-359.details
Surviving a Crisis: How Crisis Type and Psychological Distance Can Inform Corporate Crisis Responses.So Young Lee, Yoon Hi Sung, Dongwon Choi & Dong Hoo Kim - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (4):795-811.details
How Does It Fit? Exploring the Congruence Between Organizations and Their Corporate Social Responsibility Activities.Menno D. T. de Jong & Mark van der Meer - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):71-83.details
News about corporate social responsibility : the interplay of intermedia agenda setting influences between corporate news releases and press coverage.Lisa Tam - 2015 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 4 (2):117-130.details
Explicating Ethical Corporate Marketing. Insights from the BP Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe: The Ethical Brand that Exploded and then Imploded. [REVIEW]John M. T. Balmer, Shaun M. Powell & Stephen A. Greyser - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):1-14.details
How Do Firms Comply with International Sustainability Standards? Processes and Consequences of Adopting the Global Reporting Initiative.Laurence Vigneau, Michael Humphreys & Jeremy Moon - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):469-486.details
How did They Say That? Ethics Statements and Normative Frameworks at Best Companies to Work For.Kristine F. Hoover & Molly B. Pepper - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):605-617.details
CSR politics of non‐recognition: Justification fallacies marginalising criticism, society, and environment.Peter Norberg - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (4):694-705.details
Managing Impressions in the Face of Rising Stakeholder Pressures: Examining Oil Companies’ Shifting Stances in the Climate Change Debate.Mignon D. Van Halderen, Mamta Bhatt, Guido A. J. M. Berens, Tom J. Brown & Cees B. M. Van Riel - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (3):567-582.details
The Impact of Interactive Corporate Social Responsibility Communication on Corporate Reputation.David Eberle, Guido Berens & Ting Li - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):731-746.details