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  1. ¿Cómo pensar el cuerpo al margen de la idea de sujeto corporal? ‘Mera presencia’ y ‘claro del ser’ en ‘Zollikoner Seminare’ de Heidegger.Felipe Johnson - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (1):85-98.
    . Este artículo se propone discutir las dificultades que pertenecen al ejercicio de pensarnos en cuanto corporales. Guía de estas reflexiones son los índices heideggerianos sobre la corporalidad humana realizados en Zollikoner Seminare. Dichos seminarios advierten que la actual experiencia de nuestro cuerpo, pese a poder ser estimada como inmediata, se halla mediada por nuestros propios supuestos epocales y se enraiza ya en el pensar ontológico de Occidente. Así, este artículo intentará examinar las aporías filosóficas de tal mediación histórico-epocal, exponiendo (...)
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  • Heidegger on the Notion of Dasein as Habited Body.Akoijam Thoibisana - 2008 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 8 (2):1-5.
    Heidegger is often attacked for his failure to offer a thematic account of the body in his Being and Time (Aho, 2005). The general misunderstanding of Heidegger’s negation of body arises from the different meanings associated with the term ‘body’. Body can be understood from two perspectives: body in terms of corpse and body in terms of lived-body. Doctors study body as corpse or object because that is required in their training and education. Heidegger’s Being in his Being and Time (...)
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  • Disability: An Embodied Reality (or Space) of Dasein.Josephine A. Seguna - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):31-56.
    The ‘body’ has remained the pivotal and essential mechanism for analysis within disability scholarship. Yet while historically conceptualized as an individual’s fundamental feature, the ‘disabled identity’ has been more recently explained as a function of ‘normalcy’ through social, cultural political, and legal discriminations against difference and deviancy. Disability studies’ established tradition of consultation with philosophical endeavour remains apparently unwilling to exploit or utilize Martin Heidegger’s understanding of ‘Being’ and interpretation of Dasein as a possible framework for unravelling the complexities of (...)
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  • The missing dialogue between Heidegger and Merleau-ponty: On the importance of the zollikon seminars.Kevin A. Aho - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (2):1-23.
    Heidegger’s failure to discuss ‘the body’ in Being and Time has generated a cottage industry of criticism. In his recently translated Zollikon Seminars, Heidegger provides a response to the critics by offering a thematic account of the body that is strikingly similar to Merleau-Ponty’s account in Phenomenology of Perception. In this article, I draw on the parallels between these two texts in order to see how Heidegger’s neglect of the body affects his early project of fundamental ontology and to determine (...)
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