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  1. An Aristotelian Model of Moral Development.Wouter Sanderse - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (3):382-398.
    Despite the Aristotelian renaissance in the philosophy of education, the development of virtue has not received much attention. This is unfortunate, because an attempt to draft an Aristotelian model of moral development can help philosophers to evaluate the contribution Aristotelian virtue ethics can make to our understanding of moral development, provide psychologists with a potentially richer account of morality and its development, and help educators to understand the developmental phase people are in. In the article, it is argued that the (...)
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  • Is Shame an Ugly Emotion? Four Discourses—Two Contrasting Interpretations for Moral Education.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (5):495-511.
    This paper offers a sustained philosophical meditation on contrasting interpretations of the emotion of shame within four academic discourses—social psychology, psychological anthropology, educational psychology and Aristotelian scholarship—in order to elicit their implications for moral education. It turns out that within each of these discourses there is a mainstream interpretation which emphasises shame’s expendability or moral ugliness (and where shame is typically described as guilt’s ugly sister), but also a heterodox interpretation which seeks to retrieve and defend shame. As the heterodox (...)
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  • From (Apt) Contempt to (Legal) Dishonor: Two Kinds of Contempt and the Penalty of Atimia.Linda Rocchi - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (3):200-206.
    That contempt and dishonor are closely related has been shown not only in recent discussions of the subject, but also in Aristotle's investigation of emotions in the judiciary. In this paper, I will discuss the ways in which the ancient Greeks—and, in particular, the polis of Athens—institutionalized what Bell calls “apt contempt” (i.e., contempt as a response to actual and serious faults of character which stems from the contemnor's concern for the values at stake) through the legal penalty of atimia (...)
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  • Purification through emotions: The role of shame in Plato’s Sophist 230b4–e5.Laura Candiotto - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (6-7):576-585.
    This article proposes an analysis of Plato’s Sophist that underlines the bond between the logical and the emotional components of the Socratic elenchus, with the aim of depicting the social valence of this philosophical practice. The use of emotions characterizing the ‘elenctic’ method described by Plato is crucial in influencing the audience and is introduced at the very moment in which the interlocutor attempts to protect his social image by concealing his shame at being refuted. The audience, thanks to Plato’s (...)
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  • A Remorseful Criminal: Searching for Guilt in Aristotle.Andrei G. Zavaliy - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (3):334-356.
    Philosophical Investigations, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 334-356, July 2022.
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  • Antigone's Autonomy.David N. McNeill - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (5):411-441.
    Sophocles' Antigone contains the first recorded instance of the word αὑτ ό νομος, the source for our word “autonomous”. I argue that reflection upon the human aspiration toward autonomy is central to that work. I begin by focusing on the difficulty readers of the play have determining whether Antigone's actions in the play should be considered autonomous and then suggest that recognizing this difficulty is crucial to a proper understanding of the play. The very aspects of Antigone's character that seem (...)
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  • Plato on the Philosophical Benefits of Musical Education.Naly Thaler - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (4):410-435.
    I argue that musical education in Plato’sRepublicis not aimed at developing a moral discriminatory faculty in the spirited part, but rather that its benefits are predominantly intellectual, and become fully apparent only at the philosophical stage of the guardians’ education. In order to prove this point, I discuss the intellectual state which the guardians’ philosophical education is meant to bring about, and then show why it is dependent on the earlier cognitive effects of musical education. Ultimately, I show that musical (...)
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  • Shame and Ambiguity in Plato’s Gorgias.R. Bensen Cain - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (3):pp. 212-237.
    The paper concerns the refutation of Polus (474c-475e). My approach to the refutation is to give a logical analysis of the argument and the fallacy in it. I argue that the verbal nature of the refutation is a valuable key to understanding the special emphasis that Plato places on the sophistic misuse of language.
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  • Poetic Imitation: The Argument of Republic 10.Sarale Ben-Asher - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (1):55-81.
    The paper offers a new reading of the argument against poetry in Plato’s Republic 10. I argue that Socrates’ corruption charges rely on the tripartite theory of the soul, and that metaphysical doctrines play a role only in the first charge, which demonstrates that the poets are not qualified to teach by reducing tragic poetry to mimetic skill. This accusation clears the way for two corruption charges: the strengthening of appetite, and the softening of spirit (i.e., ‘the greatest charge’). The (...)
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  • Affect and Sensation: Plato’s Embodied Cognition.Ian McCready-Flora - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (2):117-147.
    I argue that Plato, in theTimaeus, draws deep theoretical distinctions between sensation and affect, which comprises pleasure, pain, desire and emotion. Sensation (but not affect) is both ‘fine-grained’ (having orderly causal connections with its fundamental explanatory items) and ‘immediate’ (being provoked absent any mediating psychological state). Emotions, by contrast, are mediated and coarse-grained. Pleasure and pain are coarse-grained but, in a range of important cases, immediate. TheTheaetetusassimilates affect to sensation in a way theTimaeusdoes not. Smell frustrates Timaeus because it is (...)
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  • Two Theories of Natural Justice in Plato’s Gorgias.Leo Catana - 2021 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 42 (2):209-228.
    In Plato’s Gorgias 482c4–484c3, Callicles advances a concept of natural justice: the laws of the polis must agree with nature, that is, human nature. Since human nature is characterised by its desire to get a greater share, nature itself makes it legitimate that stronger human beings get a greater share than weaker ones. Socrates objects: Callicles’ theoretical approach to civic life poses a threat to the polis’ community, its citizens, and to the friendship amongst its citizens. However, Socrates accepts Callicles’ (...)
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  • Introduction: Contempt, Ancient and Modern.Douglas Cairns - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (3):161-167.
    An introduction to a collection of nine papers on contempt, bringing contemporary philosophical approaches to the phenomenon into relation with its construction and presentation in the four classical cultures of China, Greece, India, and Rome. The introduction offers a brief summary of the papers and places the issues that they explore in the wider research context of the historical and cross-cultural study of emotion.
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  • (1 other version)The Christology of Shame and the Re‐evaluations of Hellenic Ideas in 1 and 2 Timothy.Giosuè Ghisalberti - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (5).
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  • The wisdom of Thales and the problem of the word IEPOΣ.Michael Clarke - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (2):296-317.
    Those who write about early Greek literature often assume that each item in the ancient vocabulary answers to a single concept in the world-view of its users. It seems reasonable to hope that the body of ideas represented by a particular Greek word will frame one's discussion better than any question that could be asked in English: so that a cautious scholar might prefer to discuss the phenomenon called αἰδώς, for example, than to plunge into a study of Greek ideas (...)
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  • ΑΙΔΩΕ in Euripides'Hippolytos373-430: review and reinterpretation.E. M. Craik - 1993 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 113:45-59.
    Lines 380–7 have been much discussed, sometimes in isolation, without due regard for context in speech, scene, and play; and sometimes with regard primarily to the history of ideas, or of Greek moral values. Phaidra states that virtue may be subverted, despite knowledge, by pleasure, of which αὶδώς—dual, harmless and harmful—is an instance. A notorious problem of interpretation centres on the related questions of how αὶδώς, shame can be listed among ήδοναί, pleasures; and of what is meant by dual αὶδώς. (...)
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  • La libération de la modernité?André Duhamel - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (2):379-.
    Voici un ouvrage fort bien traduit dont la lecture attentive récompensera aussi bien ceux que l’éthique des Grecs passionne, ceux que le sort de la modernité inquiète et ceux que l’œuvre de Bernard Williams intéresse. Le philosophe britannique présente ici une série de conférences Sather prononcées à Berkeley en 1989 et traitant des conceptions éthiques des Grecs anciens à travers l’œuvre des poètes épiques et tragiques. L’auteur reprend dans cet ouvrage nombre de thèmes déjà présents dans ses travaux antérieurs; il (...)
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  • Some Ancient and Modern Views on the Expression of Shame in Animals.Stephen T. Newmyer - 2012 - Journal of Animal Ethics 2 (1):87-97.
    Greco-Roman philosophers and historians frequently attempted to define the human being vis-á-vis other animals by isolating capacities, intellectual, physical, and emotional, judged unique to humans. The Stoic claim that only humans have a sense of shame because only humans are rational and therefore capable of emotions, which entail reasoning, was contradicted by other philosophers and naturalists who argued that some animal behaviors were analogous to behavior in humans that indicate shame. Ancient debates on both sides of the issue of animal (...)
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  • Xenophon's Hybris: Leadership, Violence and the Normative Use of Shame in Anabasis 5.8.Matteo Zaccarini - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):152-166.
    Through a detailed analysis of Xenophon's defence against a charge forhybrisamong the Ten Thousand, this paper discusses violence, reputation and hierarchy in Greek military and social contexts. Contrary to other recent treatments of the episode, the study highlights the centrality of honour/shame dynamics and of desert in establishing and upholding social order, showing that these notions are found consistently in numerous examples as early as Homer. Addressing the apparent lack of strict discipline in Greek armies, the paper concludes that shame (...)
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  • Finding their voices again: a media project offers a floor for vulnerable patients, clients and the socially deprived. [REVIEW]Ralf Stutzki, Markus Weber & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):739-750.
    ‘DU bist Radio’ (DBR) is an award winning [DBR has been awarded with the “Catholic Media Award of the German Bishops Conference, Prädikat WERTvoll” (2011), the Suisse “Media Prize Aargau/Solothurn” (2010), the German “Alternative Media Award” (2009) and was nominated for the “Prix Europa” (2009)] monthly radio format that goes on air on three Swiss radio stations. The purpose of this program which was first broadcast in 2009 is the development of a new media format which—without applying any journalistic (or (...)
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