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[author unknown]
Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:177-218 (1927)

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  1. The Nature of Appearance in Kant’s Transcendentalism: A Seman- tico-Cognitive Analysis.Sergey L. Katrechko - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (3):41-55.
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  • Jürgen Habermas. A bibliography. 2. Studies on Jürgen Habermas (1962-2015).Luca Corchia - manuscript
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  • Jürgen Habermas. A bibliography: works and studies (1952-2013). With an Introduction by Stefan Müller-Doohm.Luca Corchia (ed.) - 2013 - Pisa: Arnus University Press.
    Luca Corchia, Jürgen Habermas. A bibliography: works and studies (1952-2013). With an Introduction by Stefan Müller-Doohm, Pisa, Arnus University Books, 2013, pp. 606.
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  • Verwissenschaftlichung des Sozialen – Politisierung der Wissenschaft? Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politik in der Geschichtsschreibung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. [REVIEW]Roberto Sala - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (4):333-349.
    Scientization of the Social – Politization of Knowledge? On a Narrative of the History of the Twentieth Century. The spread of scientific methods and expert cultures in the social, political and economic fields represents a key aspect of twentieth century history. In German-speaking historiography, the “scientization of the social” has advanced to an influential concept for research into the role of social and human sciences within this development. Exploring this analytical framework against the background of methodological debates, this paper raises (...)
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  • Flusser hören – lesen – studieren. Der "Flusser-Hypertext" – von der Nachgeschichte zur Vorgeschichte.Bernd Wingert - 2017 - Flusser Studies 24 (1).
    On March 2, 1989, Vilém Flusser gave a lecture at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis. At the time, the Institue was part of the former Research Centre Karlsruhe, located in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, and today it is part of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology—KIT. The topic of the lecture was “Writing for Publishing” and fitted well into the research project under study at that time: Electronic Publishing. In a subsequent project on Electronic Books, we took this lecture as the (...)
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  • On the Composition and Sources of Boethius Second Peri Hermeneias Commentary.John Magee - 2010 - Vivarium 48 (1-2):7-54.
    The paper is in three parts, prefaced by general remarks concerning Boethius' logical translations and commentaries: the text of the Peri Hermeneias as known to and commented on by Boethius (and Ammonius); the organizational principles behind Boethius' second commentary on the Peri Hermeneias ; its source(s). One of the main purposes of the last section is to demonstrate that the Peri Hermeneias commentaries of Boethius and Ammonius are, although part of a common tradition, quite independent of one another, and special (...)
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