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  1. Emplaced Partnerships and the Ethics of Care, Recognition and Resilience.Annmarie Ryan, Susi Geiger, Helen Haugh, Oana Branzei, Barbara L. Gray, Thomas B. Lawrence, Tim Cresswell, Alastair Anderson, Sarah Jack & Ed McKeever - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (4):757-772.
    The aim of the SI is to bring to the fore the places in which cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) are formed; how place shapes the dynamics of CSPs, and how CSPs shape the specific settings in which they develop. The papers demonstrate that partnerships and place are intrinsically reciprocal: the morality and materiality inherent in places repeatedly reset the reference points for partners, trigger epiphanies, shift identities, and redistribute capacities to act. Place thus becomes generative of partnerships in the most profound (...)
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  • Gift exchange or quid pro quo? Temporality, ambiguity, and stigma in interactions between pedestrians and service-providing panhandlers.Mary Patrick - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (4):487-509.
    Based on ethnographic fieldwork with panhandlers who provide services while asking for money, informal interviews with pedestrians who have interacted with them, and formal interviews with twenty people who regularly interact with panhandlers, this article unpacks the relationship between temporality and ambiguity of meaning in exchange. In line with previous research, I find that providing a service while asking for money allows panhandlers to manage stigma by recasting their relationship with pedestrians who give as a market exchange. More surprisingly, I (...)
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  • Hosting the others’ child? Relational work and embodied responsibility in altruistic surrogate motherhood.Kristin Zeiler & Sarah Jane Toledano - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (2):159-175.
    Studies on surrogate motherhood have mostly explored paid arrangements through the lens of a contract model, as clinical work or as a maternal identity-building project. Turning to the under-examined case of unpaid, so-called altruistic surrogate motherhood and based on an analysis of interviews with women who had been unpaid surrogate mothers in a full gestational surrogacy with a friend or relative in Canada, the United States or Australia, this article explores altruistic surrogate motherhood as relational work. It argues that this (...)
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  • Analyzing the culture of markets.Frederick F. Wherry - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (3-4):421-436.
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  • Strategies of valuation: repertoires of worth at the financial margins.Anya Degenshein - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (5):387-409.
    This article draws upon thirteen months of ethnographic research in a Chicago pawnshop to show how prices of objects in pawnshops are actively, socially negotiated using what I term discursive strategies of valuation. Three kinds of discursive strategies of valuation emerge repeatedly in the data: a. references to the specific material attributes of the objects, b. references to the unique biographical histories of the objects, c. reference to the financial need and (relative) social positioning of the customer involved in the (...)
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  • Time, ties, transactions: temporality and relational work in economic exchange.Adam S. Hayes - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (3):625-651.
    This paper explores the intersection of time and relational economic sociology. Building on Viviana Zelizer’s relational framework, I argue that analyzing the temporal dimensions of exchange provides insight into how social ties gain meaning through economic practices. The paper shows time’s dual role as both an organizing structure bounding action, and a dynamic element that actors leverage to shape transactional contexts. As structure, time offers culturally-available templates like schedules and rhythms that facilitate coordination and signify predictable social meanings befitting particular (...)
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  • This is a handcraft: valuation, morality, and the social meanings of payments for psychoanalysis.Daniel Fridman - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (1):1-29.
    This article examines valuation and payment practices of psychoanalysts in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Psychoanalysts do not use explicit sliding scales but rather reach an agreement about fees in conversation with the patient. This negotiation is conducted with some principles of gift-giving, where parties try to give more, rather than through competitive bargaining (an inverted bazaar). Drawing on the sociology of money, morals and markets, and valuation studies literatures, I distinguish four factors to explain this: 1) Some formally produced prices as (...)
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  • Diverging by Gender: Syrian Refugees’ Divisions of Labor and Formation of Human Capital in the United States.Heba Gowayed - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (2):251-272.
    In this article, I examine how Syrian refugee men and women shifted their household divisions of labor in their initial years of resettlement in the United States. I combine and extend relational approaches from gender theory and economic sociology to examine how men’s and women’s behaviors shifted, the resources engendered by behavioral shifts, and how they interpreted and compensated for new behaviors and resources. I show that shifts in Syrian household divisions of labor occurred at the intersection of inequalities in (...)
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  • Between sacred gift and profane exchange: identity craft and relational work in asylum claims-making on religious grounds.Jaeeun Kim - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (2):303-333.
    Identity crafts for migration and citizenship purposes require the assistance of brokerage actors that help secure documents, advise on self-presentations, and vouch for relevant credentials. While recognizing the contradictory roles these intermediaries play in both facilitating and controlling migration and the porous boundary between for-profit and non-profit actors, scholars have yet to explore what challenges these characteristics pose to the organization of a particular brokerage transaction. How do these intermediaries reconcile their roles as migration facilitators and surrogate gatekeepers? Does it (...)
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  • Making platforms work: relationship labor and the management of publics.Benjamin Shestakofsky & Shreeharsh Kelkar - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (5):863-896.
    How do digital platforms govern their users? Existing studies, with their focus on impersonal and procedural modes of governance, have largely neglected to examine the human labor through which platform companies attempt to elicit the consent of their users. This study describes the relationship labor that is systematically excised from many platforms’ accounts of what they do and missing from much of the scholarship on platform governance. Relationship labor is carried out by agents of platform companies who engage in interpersonal (...)
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  • Constructing “Disinterested” Academic Science: Relational Work in University–Industry Research Collaborations.Dina Biscotti, William Lacy, Leland Glenna & Rick Welsh - 2012 - Politics and Society 40 (2):273-308.
    This article analyzes how exchange participants in university–industry agricultural biotechnology research collaborations manage and create differences between the academy and industry with regard to the open dissemination and commercialization of scientific knowledge. Our focus is on the constitutive relations that define the boundary between academic and commercial science. We identify a particular “relational package” that formalizes and standardizes exchanges of money from industry for privileged access to university research discoveries. Our analysis of academic scientists’ justificatory narratives about their patenting decisions (...)
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