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  1. Leaving the Cold Behind: The Role of Emotions and Cognitive Biases in Business Adaptation to Climate Change.Mercedes Bleda & Jonatan Pinkse - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (1):9-44.
    This article develops the argument that the interplay between emotions and cognitive biases influences corporate decision-making on climate change adaptation. Our theoretical analysis examines how emotions can change the effect of cognitive biases on adaptation decisions by influencing how firms select, access, and process complex and uncertain climatic information. We draw on research on climate adaptation, social psychology, and managerial cognition and focus on three forms of bias: availability heuristic, framing, and anchoring. We explain how each bias shapes the decision-making (...)
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  • Artist-led Practices for the Inclusion of Nonhuman Stakeholders.Nil Gulari, Anna Dziuba, Anna Hannula & Johanna Kujala - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-23.
    Stakeholder theory has become an influential framework for addressing organizational challenges, including those related to sustainability. Yet, the inclusion of nonhuman stakeholders in stakeholder theory is complicated by ontological and epistemological obstacles. To overcome these, we turn to art and posthumanist practice theory and examine artist-led practices by focusing on the projects of two pioneering eco-artists, Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison. In this way we identify the ontological and epistemological challenges that impede the inclusion of nonhumans into stakeholder theory, (...)
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  • Cultivating Sustainability Thinkers: Analyzing the Routes to Psychological Ownership in Local Business Units of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs).Merja Lähdesmäki & Martina Kurki - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (3):530-564.
    Although present research shows that ambitious corporate sustainability objectives improve employee engagement in business organizations, there is scarcity of research showing how employees engage in corporate sustainability objectives and become autonomous sustainability thinkers. We suggest that a strong, individual level of psychological ownership of corporate sustainability is a precondition for the development of sustainability thinking, and examine the factors that influence the emergence of such feelings of ownership. Our qualitative study, based on 29 interviews conducted in seven Finnish local business (...)
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  • Organizing Means–Ends Decoupling: Core–Compartment Separations in Fast Fashion.Hervé Corvellec & Herman I. Stål - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (4):857-885.
    Means–ends decoupling, the institutionally induced implementation of ineffective practices, has become increasingly common. Extant theory suggests that means–ends decoupling has real consequences, which makes it unstable and difficult for organizations to sustain. Yet little is known of how, and with what outcomes, firms organize such means–ends decoupling. We examine organizing via multiple qualitative and longitudinal case studies of how Swedish fast fashion retailers implement and manage the collection of used garments. We find that firms combine two organizational arrangements: structural and (...)
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  • A Time and Place for Sustainability: A Spatiotemporal Perspective on Organizational Sustainability Frame Development.Guido Palazzo, Natalie Slawinski & Daina Mazutis - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (7):1849-1890.
    In this article, we explore how sense of time and sense of place shape the development of organizational sustainability frames (OSFs). Time and place are fundamental cultural assumptions that influence the way organizations form these frames. Given that globalization and digitalization have fundamentally altered how organizations experience and value time and place, we develop a typology of OSF development and theorize how an organization’s sense of time and sense of place interact to shape the content and structure of OSFs. In (...)
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  • Individualist–Collectivist Differences in Climate Change Inaction: The Role of Perceived Intractability.Peng Xiang, Haibo Zhang, Liuna Geng, Kexin Zhou & Yuping Wu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Inclusive Business at the Base of the Pyramid: The Role of Embeddedness for Enabling Social Innovations.Addisu A. Lashitew, Lydia Bals & Rob van Tulder - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):421-448.
    Inclusive businesses that combine profit making with social impact are claimed to hold the potential for poverty alleviation while also creating new entrepreneurial and innovation opportunities. Current research, however, offers little insight on the processes through which for-profit business organizations introduce social innovations that can profitably create social impact. To understand how social innovations emerge and become sustained in business organizations, we studied a telecom firm in Kenya that successfully extended financial services across the country through a number of mobile (...)
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  • Toward Collaborative Cross-Sector Business Models for Sustainability.Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen, Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Irene Henriques & M. May Seitanidi - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (5):1039-1058.
    Sustainability challenges typically occur across sectoral boundaries, calling the state, market, and civil society to action. Although consensus exists on the merits of cross-sector collaboration, our understanding of whether and how it can create value for various, collaborating stakeholders is still limited. This special issue focuses on how new combined knowledge on cross-sector collaboration and business models for sustainability can inform the academic and practitioner debates about sustainability challenges and solutions. We discuss how cross-sector collaboration can play an important role (...)
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  • Modern Slavery in Business: The Sad and Sorry State of a Non-Field.Genevieve LeBaron, Stefan Gold, Andrew Crane & Robert Caruana - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):251-287.
    “Modern slavery,” a term used to describe severe forms of labor exploitation, is beginning to spark growing interest within business and society research. As a novel phenomenon, it offers potential for innovative theoretical and empirical pathways to a range of business and management research questions. And yet, development into what we might call a “field” of modern slavery research in business and management remains significantly, and disappointingly, underdeveloped. To explore this, we elaborate on the developments to date, the potential drawbacks, (...)
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  • Exploring the Cognitive Foundations of Managerial (Climate) Change Decisions.Belinda Wade & Andrew Griffiths - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (1):15-40.
    AbstractClimate change is a complex, multilevel challenge with implications of failure unimaginable for current and future generations. However, despite the Paris Agreement supporting the imperative for action in an atmosphere of scientific consensus, organisations are failing to take the decisive action required. We argue that this lack of organisational action needs to be addressed by examining the cognitive foundations of managerial decisions on climate change and sustainability. A systematic review of research on cognition, sensemaking and managerial interpretation where it is (...)
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  • Institutional-Political Scenarios for Anthropocene Society.P. Devereaux Jennings & Andrew J. Hoffman - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (1):57-94.
    Natural scientists have proposed that humankind has entered a new geologic epoch. Termed the “Anthropocene,” this new reality revolves around the central role of human activity in multiple Earth ecosystems. That challenge requires a rethinking of social science explanations of organization and environment relationships. In this article, we discuss the need to politicize institutional theory as a means understanding “Anthropocene Society,” and in turn what that resultant society means for the Anthropocene in the natural environment. We modify the constitutive elements (...)
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  • Experiences of Embedding Long-Term Thinking in an Environment of Short-Termism and Sub-par Business Performance: Investing in Intangibles for Sustainable Growth.Kosheek Sewchurran, Johan Dekker & Jennifer McDonogh - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):997-1041.
    This paper presents a case study of the South African operation of a logistics company, operating in a context of short-termism and under-performance. Frustration with managing in this context, and concern that this environment might erode the customer value proposition, prompted an exploration of the question: “How can the business prioritise its investment in intangibles to support sustainable growth in an environment of short-termism and sub-par business performance?” The study followed an inductive grounded theory approach and began with an exploration (...)
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  • Climate Change, Business, and Society: Building Relevance in Time and Space.Christopher Wright, Sheena Vachhani, George Ferns & Daniel Nyberg - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):1322-1352.
    Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity and has become an area of growing focus in Business & Society. Looking back and reviewing climate change discussion within this journal highlights the importance of time and space in addressing the climate crisis. Looking forward, we extend existing research by theorizing and politicizing the co-implication of time and space through the concept of “space-time.” To illustrate this, we employ the logical structure of “the trace” to advance business and (...)
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  • CEO personality and language use in CSR reporting.Fereshteh Mahmoudian, Jamal A. Nazari, Irene M. Gordon & Karel Hrazdil - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):338-359.
    We explore the relationship between chief executive officer (CEO) personality traits and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. Upper echelons theory indicates that the values, experiences, and personalities of top organizational managers influence their organization's strategic decisions and effectiveness. We utilize IBM Watson Personality Insights software to infer CEOs’ personality traits based on their responses to questions raised by analysts during year‐end conference calls; we obtain CEOs’ Big Five personality traits—openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism—from which we compute a measure of (...)
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  • Management Education and Earth System Science: Transformation as if Planetary Boundaries Mattered.Sarah E. Cornell, Jose M. Alcaraz & Mark G. Edwards - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (1):26-56.
    Earth system science (ESS) has identified worrying trends in the human impact on fundamental planetary systems. In this conceptual article, we discuss the implications of this research for business schools and management education (ME). We argue that ESS findings raise significant concerns about the relationship between business and nature and, consequently, a radical reframing is required to embed economic and social activity within the global sustainability of natural systems. This has transformative implications for ME. To illustrate this reframing, we apply (...)
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  • What on Earth Should Managers Learn About Corporate Sustainability? A Threshold Concept Approach.Ivan Montiel, Peter Jack Gallo & Raquel Antolin-Lopez - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (4):857-880.
    The Earth is facing pressing societal grand challenges that require urgent managerial action. Responsible management learning has emerged as a discipline to prepare managers to act as responsible leaders that can effectively address such pressing challenges. This article aims to extend current knowledge on RML in the domain of corporate sustainability through the application of threshold concepts, novel ideas which provide a doorway to new knowledge and transform a learner’s mindset. Specifically, after conducting a systematic review of the management literature, (...)
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  • Managing Physical Impacts of Climate Change: An Attentional Perspective on Corporate Adaptation.Federica Gasbarro & Jonatan Pinkse - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (2):333-368.
    Based on a study of the oil and gas industry, this article examines how physical impacts of climate change become events that firms notice and interpret in a way that leads to an active response to adapt to these impacts. Theoretically, the study draws on the attention-based view to highlight the potential biases that might occur as a consequence of firms’ preconceptions as well as organizational structure and context. In the empirical analysis, the article derives a model that explains the (...)
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  • Unsustainability of Sustainability: Cognitive Frames and Tensions in Bottom of the Pyramid Projects.Garima Sharma & Anand Kumar Jaiswal - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):291-307.
    Existing research posits that decision makers use specific cognitive frames to manage tensions in sustainability. However, we know less about how the cognitive frames of individuals at different levels in organization interact and what these interactions imply for managing sustainability tensions, such as in Bottom of the Pyramid projects. To address this omission, we ask do organizational and project leaders differ in their understanding of tensions in a BOP project, and if so, how? We answer this question by drawing on (...)
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  • Framing Collective Moral Responsibility for Climate Change: A Longitudinal Frame Analysis of Energy Company Climate Reporting.Melanie Feeney, Jarrod Ormiston, Wim Gijselaers, Pim Martens & Therese Grohnert - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-24.
    Responding to climate change and avoiding irreversible climate tipping points requires radical and drastic action by 2030. This urgency raises serious questions for energy companies, one of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs), in terms of how they frame, and reframe, their response to climate change. Despite the majority of energy companies releasing ambitious statements declaring net zero carbon ambitions, this ‘talk’ has not been matched with sufficient urgency or substantive climate action. To unpack the disconnect between talk (...)
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  • Walking, Talking, or Standing Still? Climate Commitment and Performance in Publicly Listed Firms in Five Major Economies.Kyle S. Herman, Caterina Schiavoni & Gianni Guastella - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Recent regulatory interventions are beginning to mandate climate disclosure in listed firms. Although compelling, prior studies demonstrate that firms can symbolically commit to climate and environmental disclosures yet not undertake action. Neo-institutional theory (NIT) suggests that two strategies exist: the legitimacy perspective, which manifests in symbolic efforts, and the efficiency perspective, which is more consistent with substantive efforts. In this article, we apply NIT to assess the climate transition efforts in large, publicly traded firms in five countries with similar regulatory (...)
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  • Being Reassuring About the Past While Promising a Better Future: How Companies Frame Temporal Focus in Social Responsibility Reporting.Annamaria Tuan, Matteo Corciolani & Elisa Giuliani - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (3):626-667.
    How is time framed in corporate social responsibility (CSR) talk? The literature mostly fails to analyze how multiple CSR activities are framed from a temporal perspective. Moreover, those researchers who undertake temporal framing tend to overlook the role of home-country cultural characteristics. Using a mixed-method analysis of 2,720 CSR reports from developing country companies, we show that CSR talk is mostly framed in the future tense when firms communicate complex human rights issues such as slavery or child labor, while the (...)
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  • Carbon Emissions and TCFD Aligned Climate-Related Information Disclosures.Dong Ding, Bin Liu & Millicent Chang - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):967-1001.
    We explore corporate environmental accountability by examining how carbon emissions affect voluntary climate-related information disclosure based on TCFD principles. Using computerized textual analysis to measure such climate-related disclosure, our results show that firms with higher levels of carbon emissions disclose more climate-related information. This relation is stronger in firms belonging to carbon-intensive industries, such as energy, materials, and utilities. We also examine this relationship at the category level for Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets, finding that carbon emissions (...)
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  • Managing Carbon Aspirations: The Influence of Corporate Climate Change Targets on Environmental Performance.Stephen Brammer, Layla Branicki & Frederik Dahlmann - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (1):1-24.
    Addressing climate change is among the most challenging ethical issues facing contemporary business and society. Unsustainable business activities are causing significant distributional and procedural injustices in areas such as public health and vulnerability to extreme weather events, primarily because of a distinction between primary emitters and those already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Business, as a significant contributor to climate change and beneficiary of externalizing environmental costs, has an obligation to address its environmental impacts. In this paper, we explore (...)
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  • Publishing Interdisciplinary Research in Business & Society.Bryan W. Husted, Irene Henriques, Andrew Crane & Frank de Bakker - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (3):443-452.
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  • Advancing Research on Corporate Sustainability: Off to Pastures New or Back to the Roots?Sanjay Sharma, J. Alberto Aragón-Correa, Frank Figge & Tobias Hahn - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (2):155-185.
    Over the last two decades, corporate sustainability has been established as a legitimate research topic among management and organization scholars. This introductory article explores potential avenues for advances in research on corporate sustainability by readdressing some of the fundamental aspects of the sustainability debate and approaching some novel perspectives and insights from outside the corporate sustainability field. This essay also sketches out how each of the six articles of this special issue contribute to the literature by going back to some (...)
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  • What Makes For an Exemplary Contribution? Introducing the Business & Society Best Article Award.Bryan W. Husted, Irene Henriques, Andrew Crane & Frank G. A. de Bakker - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1291-1300.
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  • Taking Stock at Business & Society: Reflections on Our Tenure as Co-Editors, 2015-2019.Bryan W. Husted, Irene Henriques, Frank G. A. de Bakker & Andrew Crane - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (8):1483-1495.
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