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  1. The structure of guanxi: Resolving problems of network assurance.Jack Barbalet - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (1):51-69.
    Two widespread assumptions concerning networks, including guanxi networks, are that they function in terms of trust relations and that their structure is dyadic. This article subjects both assumptions to critical assessment and proposes alternative formulations. When the distinctions between trust and trustworthiness and between trust and assurance are made, then broader understandings of guanxi relationships emerge. The article shows that the assurance mechanism of guanxi is public exposure of transgressions against network norms, leading to the transgressor’s loss of face (mianzi). (...)
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  • Dyadic characteristics of guanxi and their consequences.Jack Barbalet - 2017 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (3):332-347.
    Research on guanxi is conducted principally within the disciplines of anthropology, business studies and sociology. It typically takes the form of empirical case studies, applications of extrinsic theory and literature reviews cum trend reports. The present paper, on the other hand, provides an analysis of guanxi in consideration of its elemental relations, components and properties. Discussion indicates the limitations of treatments of guanxi in terms of trust, guanxi bases, tie-strength and the conveyance of influence and information. Having established the characteristic (...)
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  • Trust, clientelism and state intervention in disaster relief policy: The case of Southern Italy.Teresa Caruso - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):230-245.
    The aim of this article is to describe the consequences of state intervention at the local level after a destructive earthquake hit the south of Italy in 1980. The kind of intervention adopted, the amount of financial investment and the way in which it was distributed affected the social and economic equilibrium of the local community in terms of perceptions of trust, patronage and effects on development.
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  • Everyday morality in families and a critique of social capital: an investigation into moral judgements, responsibilities, and sentiments in Kyrgyzstani households. [REVIEW]Balihar Sanghera, Mehrigiul Ablezova & Aisalkyn Botoeva - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (2):167-190.
    This article examines individuals’ lay understandings of moral responsibilities between adult kin members. Moral sentiments and practical judgments are important in shaping kinship responsibilities. The article discusses how judgments on requests of support can be reflexive and critical, taking into account many factors, including merit, social proximity, a history of personal encounters, overlapping commitments, and moral identity in the family. In so doing, we argue that moral responsibilities are contextual and relational. We also analyze how class, gender, and capabilities affect (...)
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  • Italian Community Psychology in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Shared Feelings and Thoughts in the Storytelling of University Students.Immacolata Di Napoli, Elisa Guidi, Caterina Arcidiacono, Ciro Esposito, Elena Marta, Cinzia Novara, Fortuna Procentese, Andrea Guazzini, Barbara Agueli, Florencia Gonzáles Leone, Patrizia Meringolo & Daniela Marzana - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study investigated how young Italian people experienced the period of peak spread of COVID-19 in their country by probing their emotions, thoughts, events, and actions related to interpersonal and community bonds. This approach to the pandemic will highlight social dimensions that characterized contextual interactions from the specific perspective of Community Psychology. The aim was to investigate young people's experiences because they are the most fragile group due to their difficulty staying home and apart from their peers and because they (...)
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  • ‘Trust my doctor, trust my pancreas’: trust as an emergent quality of social practice.Simon Cohn - 2015 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10:9.
    Growing attention is being paid to the importance of trust, and its corollaries such as mistrust and distrust, in health service and the central place they have in assessments of quality of care. Although initially focussing on doctor-patient relationships, more recent literature has broadened its remit to include trust held in more abstract entities, such as organisations and institutions. There has consequently been growing interest to develop rigorous and universal measures of trust.
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  • A market of distrust: toward a cultural sociology of unofficial exchanges between patients and doctors in China.Cheris Shun-Ching Chan & Zelin Yao - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (6):737-772.
    This article examines how distrust drives exchange. We propose a theoretical framework integrating the literature of trust into cultural sociology and use a case of patients giving hongbao (red envelopes containing money) to doctors in China to examine how distrust drives different forms of unofficial exchange. Based on more than two years’ ethnography, we found that hongbao exchanges between Chinese patients and doctors were, ironically, bred by the public’s generalized distrust in doctors’ moral ethics. In the absence of institutional assurance, (...)
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  • Investigating Public trust in Expert Knowledge: Narrative, Ethics, and Engagement.Mark Davis, Maria Vaccarella & Silvia Camporesi - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (1):23-30.
    “Public Trust in Expert Knowledge: Narrative, Ethics, and Engagement” examines the social, cultural, and ethical ramifications of changing public trust in the expert biomedical knowledge systems of emergent and complex global societies. This symposium was conceived as an interdisciplinary project, drawing on bioethics, the social sciences, and the medical humanities. We settled on public trust as a topic for our work together because its problematization cuts across our fields and substantive research interests. For us, trust is simultaneously a matter of (...)
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  • Discourses of emotionality and rationality in the financial services industry.Dina V. Nekrassova - unknown
    This dissertation explores the practices of emotion work in the financial services industry as they are constructed in interviews with people employed in different financial organizations. The issues of emotion work in organizations are generally investigated in terms of emotion management, impression formation and negotiation or accomplishment. The previous research has also uncovered that emotions and market moods influence how people make financial decisions under conditions of fundamental uncertainty. In this study, I adopt a critical-interpretive approach and seek to develop (...)
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