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  1. Hermeneutical Injustice and Child Victims of Abuse.Arlene Lo - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (3):364-377.
    This article analyses how child victims of abuse may be subjected to hermeneutical injustice. I start by explaining how child victims are hermeneutically marginalised by adults’ social and epistemic authority, and the stigma around child abuse. In understanding their abuse, I highlight two epistemic obstacles child victims may face: (i) lack of access to concepts of child abuse, thereby causing victims not to know what abuse is; and (ii) myths of child abuse causing misunderstandings of abuse. When these epistemic obstacles (...)
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  • Arguing with Children: Exploring Problems of Charity and Strawmanning.Swagatanjali Bauri - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (3):415-438.
    This paper will highlight how the existing approaches to the Strawman Fallacy and the Principle of Charity are unable to fully accommodate the problems of interpreting children’s arguments. A lack of charity is as problematic as an excess of charity when arguing with children, and can contribute to misinterpretation of arguments. An application of moderate charity avoids the pitfalls of misrepresenting children. However, interpreting children’s arguments with the appropriate amount of charity is a challenging task. The argumentative context is relevant (...)
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  • Children, credibility, and testimonial injustice.Gary Bartlett - 2022 - Journal of Social Philosophy 53 (3):371-386.
    Several recent authors have argued that children are subject to testimonial injustice in the same way as are women, Blacks, and several other social identity groups. Testimonial injustice is standardly conceptualized, following Miranda Fricker’s seminal account, as a wrongful credibility deficit. I argue that this concept of testimonial injustice is too narrow to capture testimonial injustice against children. There is good reason to think that children are less reliable testifiers than adults, so it is not necessarily wrong to assign a (...)
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  • Youth Voting, Rational Competency, and Epistemic Injustice.Michael Baumtrog - 2021 - Informal Logic 42 (4):41-55.
    In 1970 the voting age in Canada changed from 21 to 18. Since then, there have been calls to lower it further, most commonly to age 16. Against the motion, however, it has been argued that youth may lack the ability to exercise a mature and informed vote. This paper argues against that worry and shows how restricting youth from voting on the basis of a misbelief about their abilities amounts to an epistemic injustice.
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  • Marshaling Normative Pragmatic Force to Secure Autonomy.Beth Innocenti - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (3):290-305.
    ABSTRACT Speakers’ autonomy as arguers is impaired when they are not recognized as arguers, they can’t get their arguments heard, and their arguments are ignored, dismissed, or used against them. How do speakers cultivate conditions to secure their autonomy as arguers? This article submits that they marshal normative pragmatic force or the practical efficacy of normative materials. To support this claim, this article explains what speakers’ autonomy as arguers comprises. The article then describes three legitimate sources of force in arguing (...)
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  • “Las niñas no son pequeñas toda la vida: crecen y son mujeres fuertes que destruyen tu mundo.” Injusticia testimonial en el caso Larry Nassar.Miriam Jerade - 2023 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12 (2):279-288.
    El presente artículo interroga la posibilidad de que la justicia, entendida como institución, se transforme al reconocer como injusticias estructurales las injusticias epistémicas relacionadas con el abuso sexual. Para ello analizaré la decisión de la jueza Rosemary Aquilina de invitar a más de 150 sobrevivientes de abuso sexual a dar su testimonio en el juicio a Larry Nassar. Sostengo que este acto de escucha y acompañamiento de las sobrevivientes durante las audiencias reconoce el valor de narrar la experiencia de abuso (...)
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