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The Vital Illusion

Columbia University Press (2000)

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  1. (1 other version)Genetinis diskursas medijų kultūroje: Gundymas prekiniu nemirtingumu.Vytautas Rubavičius - 2009 - Problemos 76:52-65.
    Straipsnyje grindžiama nuomonė, jog postmodernybė yra iš modernybės kylantis kapitalizmo sistemos būvis, kuriam būdinga gyvybės suprekinimas ir suišteklinimas. Postmodernybę charakterizuoja populiariosios ir medijų kultūros išplitimas. Tos kultūros apima ne tik kultūros prekes, bet ir vartojimo būdus, įgūdžius ir jų lavinimą. Pastaruoju metu jos kuria nemirtingumo vaizdiniams bei nuojautoms palankią kultūrinę, intelektinę ir pasaulėvaizdinę terpę, kurioje struktūriškai įsitvirtina genetinis diskursas ir jo nustatomos žmogaus ir jo gyvenamo pasaulio aiškinimo gairės. Svarbus šio diskurso bruožas yra technologinis inžinerinis jo pobūdis, išryškėjęs susiejant nano (...)
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  • The Genomic Imperative: Michel Houellebecq's The Possibility of an Island.Christian Moraru - 2008 - Utopian Studies 19 (2):265 - 283.
    "The Genomic Imperative" focuses on French writer Michel Houellebecq's 2005 dystopia The Possibility of an Island (La possibilité d'une île). In its introduction, the essay links Houellebecq's work to the recent tradition of postmodern fiction (on the one hand) and to modern philosophies of the "human" (on the other). The introduction is followed by an analysis of the cultural-existential predicament of Houellebecq's "neohuman" world with particular emphasis on the cloning theme. "Neohumanism," I argue, rests on a radical abolition of difference. (...)
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  • Modern Violence: Heavenly or Worldly—Or Else?Erik Meganck - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):291-309.
    Violence is often considered through its causes or effects, but seldom by its source. As to that, opinion is also divided. Some say that human culture is the source of violence and that love and peace can only come from ‘outside’; others claim that precisely this ‘outside’ is the source of violence and that love can only blossom in a society that cancels all arbitrary reference to any ‘outside’. These positions are articulated by, respectively, René Girard and Gianni Vattimo. This (...)
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  • Conquering illusions: Don Quixote and the educational significance of the novel.Wiebe Koopal & Stefano Oliverio - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    In this article we want to rethink the educational significance of the novel from the perspective of a ‘metanovelistic’ reading of Don Quixote, often acclaimed as the ‘first modern novel’. Our point of departure is two-fold: on the one hand, there is the controversial contemporary phenomenon of de-reading, and all the educational discussions it entails; on the other hand, there is the existing tradition of literary education, which has already extensively reflected upon the (moral, epistemological, ontological) relations between novel reading, (...)
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  • Cyber Citizen or Cyborg Citizen: Baudrillard, Political Agency, and the Commons in Virtual Politics.Andrew Koch - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (2-3):159-175.
    The ethical commitment to democracy requires creating the public space for a rational discourse among real alternatives by the population. In this article, I argue that the Internet fails in this task on 2 fronts. Inspired by the work of Jean Baudrillard, the work argues that the Internet reinforces a structure of passive political agents through its 1-way form of communication. The Internet is designed to deliver political text, not engage the public in dialogue about the direction of collective decision (...)
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  • The spectacular anthropocene.Andrew Kalaidjian - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):19-34.
    Geologists propose the term Anthropocene to reflect the dramatic changes that humans have made to the planet. While scientists pursue the reality of our current epoch, technology and media create an increasingly spectacular narrative surrounding environmental events. I look to critiques from Guy Debord and other media theorists as well as Patrick Modiano’s In the Café of Lost Youth to outline modes of détournement and resistance to an increasingly mediated world. Contemporary environmental aesthetics must face the challenge of critiquing technological (...)
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  • ‘I keep a close watch on this child of mine’: a moral critique of other-tracking apps.Katleen Gabriels - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (3):175-184.
    Smartphones and mobile applications are omnipresent in our lives. At the core of this article are ‘other-tracking apps’, i.e. mobile applications that make it possible, via location technology, to track others. These apps ensure that we are never unconnected from the network of ubiquitous information and, via that network, from others. In specific, focus lies on apps designed for parents to remotely track the whereabouts of their child. This particular case can be considered as one example of broader reflection on (...)
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  • The Meanings of Science: Conversations with Geneticists. [REVIEW]Yulia Egorova - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (1):51-58.
    It is often suggested in the mass media and popular academic literature that scientists promote a secular and reductionist understanding of the implications of the life sciences for the concept of being human. Is adhering to this view considered to be one of the components of the notion of being a good scientist? This paper explores responses of geneticists interviewed in the UK, the USA and Russia about the cultural meanings of their work. When discussing this question the interviewees distinguished (...)
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  • Against Brain-in-a-Vatism: On the Value of Virtual Reality.Jon Cogburn & Mark Silcox - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (4):561-579.
    The term “virtual reality” was first coined by Antonin Artaud to describe a value-adding characteristic of certain types of theatrical performances. The expression has more recently come to refer to a broad range of incipient digital technologies that many current philosophers regard as a serious threat to human autonomy and well-being. Their concerns, which are formulated most succinctly in “brain in a vat”-type thought experiments and in Robert Nozick's famous “experience machine” argument, reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of the way that (...)
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  • Reality, Fiction, and Make-Believe in Kendall Walton.Emanuele Arielli - 2021 - In Krešimir Purgar (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 363-377.
    Images share a common feature with all phenomena of imagination, since they make us aware of what is not present or what is fictional and not existent at all. From this perspective, the philosophical approach of Kendall Lewis Walton—born in 1939 and active since the 1960s at the University of Michigan—is perhaps one of the most notable contributions to image theory. Walton is an authoritative figure within the tradition of analytical aesthetics. His contributions have had a considerable influence on a (...)
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  • History Begins in the Future: On Historical Sensibility in the Age of Technology.Zoltán Boldizsár Simon - 2018 - In Stefan Helgesson & Jayne Svenungsson (eds.), The Ethos of History: Time and Responsibility. [New York, New York]: Berghahn Books. pp. 192-209.
    The humanities and the social sciences have been hostile to future visions in the postwar period. The most famous victim of their hostility was the enterprise of classical philosophy of history, condemned to illegitimacy precisely because of its fundamental engagement with the future. Contrary to this attitude, in this essay I argue that there is no history (neither in the sense of the course of human affairs nor in the sense of historical writing) without having a future vision in the (...)
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  • The Transformation of Historical Time: Processual and Evental Temporalities.Zoltán Boldizsár Simon - 2019 - In Marek Tamm & Laurent Olivier (eds.), Rethinking Historical Time: New Approaches to Presentism. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 71-84.
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