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The Normative Grounds of Social Criticism: Kant, Rawls, and Habermas

State University of New York Press (1991)

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  1. The Colonization Thesis: Habermas on Reification.Timo Jütten - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (5):701 - 727.
    Abstract According to Habermas' colonization thesis, reification is a social pathology that arises when the communicative infrastructure of the lifeworld is 'colonized' by money and power. In this paper I argue that, thirty years after the publication of the Theory of Communicative Action, this thesis remains compelling. However, while Habermas offers a functionalist explanation of reification, his normative criticism of it remains largely implicit: he never explains what is wrong with reification from the perspective of the people whose social relations (...)
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  • A Political Account of Corporate Moral Responsibility.Wim Dubbink & Jeffery Smith - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (2):223 - 246.
    Should we conceive of corporations as entities to which moral responsibility can be attributed? This contribution presents what we will call a political account of corporate moral responsibility. We argue that in modern, liberal democratic societies, there is an underlying political need to attribute greater levels of moral responsibility to corporations. Corporate moral responsibility is essential to the maintenance of social coordination that both advances social welfare and protects citizens' moral entitlements. This political account posits a special capacity of self-governance (...)
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  • (1 other version)A precis of a communicative theory of the firm.Jeffery D. Smith - 2004 - Business Ethics 13 (4):317-331.
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  • (1 other version)A précis of a communicative theory of the firm.Jeffery D. Smith - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (4):317-331.
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  • Toward a New Feminist Liberalism: Okin, Rawls, and Habermas.Amy R. Baehr - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (1):49 - 66.
    While Okin's feminist appropriation of Rawls's theory of justice requires that principles of justice be applied directly to the family, Rawls seems to require only that the family be minimally just. Rawls's recent proposal dulls the critical edge of liberalism by capitulating too much to those holding sexist doctrines. Okin's proposal, however, is insufficiently flexible. An alternative account of the relation of the political and the nonpolitical is offered by Jürgen Habermas.
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  • Contesting algorithms: Restoring the public interest in content filtering by artificial intelligence.Niva Elkin-Koren - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In recent years, artificial intelligence has been deployed by online platforms to prevent the upload of allegedly illegal content or to remove unwarranted expressions. These systems are trained to spot objectionable content and to remove it, block it, or filter it out before it is even uploaded. Artificial intelligence filters offer a robust approach to content moderation which is shaping the public sphere. This dramatic shift in norm setting and law enforcement is potentially game-changing for democracy. Artificial intelligence filters carry (...)
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  • Politics and morality in Habermas' discourse ethics.Gulshan Khan - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (2):149-168.
    In this article I argue that Jürgen Habermas’ notion of morality (moral norms) has more in common with Hegel’s notion of ‘ethical life’ as a ‘ sittlich ’ relation – understood as a socially integrative force – rather than Kant’s supreme principle of personal morality. I show that Habermas and Hegel, each in his own way, make a distinction between morality and ethics. However, I make the case that Habermas’ conception of ‘morality’ incorporates aspects of Hegel’s notion of ‘ethical life’, (...)
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  • Rawls: Construction and Justification.Stefan Bird-Pollan - 2009 - Public Reason 1 (2).
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  • Particularity and Perspective Taking: On Feminism and Habermas's Discourse Theory of Morality.Charles Wright - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (4):47-74.
    : Seyla Benhabib's critique of Jürgen Habermas's moral theory claims that his approach is not adequate for the needs of a feminist moral theory. I argue that her analysis is mistaken. I also show that Habermas's moral theory, properly understood, satisfies many of the conditions identified by feminist moral philosophers as necessary for an adequate moral theory. A discussion of the compatibility between the model of reciprocal perspective taking found in Habermas's moral theory and that found in María Lugones's essay (...)
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  • Mundo da Vida, Ethos Democrático e Mundialização: A Democracia Deliberativa segundo Habermas.Nythamar De Oliveira - 2008 - Dois Pontos 5 (2).
    O artigo procura mostrar em que sentido a democracia deliberativa proposta pelateoria discursiva de Jürgen Habermas dá conta do problema dos reducionismos econômicose juridificantes da mundialização ou globalização, entendida como uma colonização técnico-sistêmica do mundo da vida. Recorrendo a sua concepção de um ethos democráticotransnacional embasado na soberania popular, a teoria habermasiana logra resgatar ocaráter normativo da mundialização através da irredutibilidade de valores humanos como aliberdade, a dignidade e os direitos humanos, inerentes às mais diferentes e incompatíveisautocompreensões de mundos da (...)
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  • Particularity and Perspective Taking: On Feminism and Habermas's Discourse Theory of Morality.Charles Wright - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (4):49-76.
    Seyla Benhabib's critique of Jürgen Habermas's moral theory claims that his approach is not adequate for the needs of a feminist moral theory. I argue that her analysis is mistaken. I also show that Habermas's moral theory, properly understood, satisfies many of the conditions identified by feminist moral philosophers as necessary for an adequate moral theory. A discussion of the compatibility between the model of reciprocal perspective taking found in Habermas's moral theory and that found in Maria Lugones's essay “Playfulness,‘World’-Travelling, (...)
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  • Kant, Rawls, Habermas and the Metaphysics of Justice.Howard Williams - 1999 - Kantian Review 3:1-17.
    We can distinguish between those political philosophers who are concerned to carry the original Kantian project further, like Wolfgang Kersting, Otfried Höffe, Ernest Weinrib and Fernando Teson, and those contemporary political philosophers who have given up the original project but seek to draw inspiration from Kant's thinking. Two political philosophers who belong to this latter trend are Habermas and Rawls.
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  • The Idea of Public Reason: Can It Fulfill Its Task? A Reply to Catherine Audard.Percy B. Lehning - 1995 - Ratio Juris 8 (1):30-39.
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  • The coherence of Rawls's plea for democratic equality.Percy B. Lehning - 1998 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 1 (4):1-41.
    In 1971, John Rawls published A Theory of Justice, the burden of which was strongly egalitarian. But Rawls eventually came to the conclusion that the project of working out a stable, well‐ordered society as argued in A Theory of Justice had failed. In 1993, in Political Liberalism, Rawls sought to establish a sounder theoretical foundation for a stable, well‐ordered society. Rawls was widely viewed, however, as having given up egalitarianism in Political Liberalism ‐ the commitment to a fair distribution, or (...)
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  • Habermas, modernity and law: A bibliography.Mathieu Deflem - 1994 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 20 (4):151-166.
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  • Insanity ascriptions: A formal pragmatic analysis.David Southgate - 1995 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 25 (3):219–235.
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  • Habermas’ neue Phänomenologie des Geistes: Zwei Jahrhunderte nach Hegel.Seyla Benhabib - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (4):507-528.
    Jürgen Habermas’s opus magnum, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, synthesises his impressive work of the last half century. His thesis is that the modern project of the normativity of “rational freedom” can be reconstructed as a learning process of the conflictual dialogue between reason and faith, philosophy and religion in the West. Furthermore, under conditions of a world society, cross-cultural communication across lifeworlds, based on such normative principles, is possible. I argue that Habermas’s argument recapitulates a claim first made in (...)
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  • El problema de la confianza desde la hermenéutica filosófica: comprendiendo sus rendimientos interpretativos en la sociedad contemporánea.César Maríñez Sánchez - 2018 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 74:139-152.
    Resumen:El objetivo del siguiente artículo es observar los rendimientos de la hermenéutica filosófica para interpretar el problema de la confianza en nuestras relaciones sociales. En primer lugar, se identifican sus fundamentos para comprender a través de esta tradición filosófica su giro lingüístico e importancia para estudiar dicho concepto (I); en segundo lugar, se analiza desde la idea del ‘lenguaje’ y del ‘diálogo’ el problema de la confianza en las relaciones contextuales (II). Por último, se reflexiona sobre cómo la racionalidad científica (...)
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  • Justification and Application: The Revival of the Rawls–Habermas Debate.Jørgen Pedersen - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (3):399-432.
    The Rawls–Habermas debate is having a revival. In this article I argue that both philosophers develop different freestanding conceptions of political legitimacy, and show how they diverge when it comes to how political legitimacy can be justified. Habermas is looking for a deeper justification than Rawls will allow for. I then proceed to show how the different meta-ethical positions yield two different versions of democratic theory, focusing in particular on rights and popular sovereignty. I demonstrate how both conceive of the (...)
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  • Multiculturalism and Equal Human Dignity: An Essay on Bhikhu Parekh.Joshua Broady Preiss - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (2):141-156.
    Bhikhu Parekh is an internationally renowned political theorist. His work on identity and multiculturalism is unquestionably thoughtful and nuanced, benefiting from a tremendous depth of knowledge of particular cases. Despite his work’s many virtues, however, the normative justification for Parekh’s recommendations is at times vague or ambiguous. In this essay, I argue that a close reading of his work, in particular his magnum opus Rethinking Multiculturalism and the selfproclaimed sequel A New Politics of Identity, reveals that his claims frequently rely (...)
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  • Democracy after Deliberation: Bridging the Constitutional Economics/Deliberative Democracy Divide.Shane Ralston - 2007 - Dissertation, University of Ottawa
    This dissertation addresses a debate about the proper relationship between democratic theory and institutions. The debate has been waged between two rival approaches: on the one side is an aggregative and economic theory of democracy, known as constitutional economics, and on the other side is deliberative democracy. The two sides endorse starkly different positions on the issue of what makes a democracy legitimate and stable within an institutional setting. Constitutional economists model political agents in the same way that neoclassical economists (...)
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  • O Supremo Tribunal Federal E A Anencefalia: Uma Reflexão Sobre A Legitimidade Democrática Do Judiciário À Luz De Rawls, Habermas E Nino.Maria Eugenia Bunchaft - 2011 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 10 (3):55-82.
    O debate entre Habermas e Rawls representa uma contribuição fundamental para a compreensão das questões sobre reconhecimento, multiculturalismo e pós-secularismo, introduzindo diferentes concepções filosóficas que podem contribuir sobre a temática acerca do uso público da razão, a fim de elucidar as diferentes percepções teóricas capazes de atender aos desafios propostos pelas sociedades pluralistas. Carlos Santiago Nino, por sua vez, estabeleceu uma estratégia teórica denominada “construtivismo epistemológico”, delineada a partir do debate Habermas-Rawls. Por conseguinte, pretendemos articular os fundamentos filosóficos atinentes à (...)
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