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  1. Mullā ṣadrā on the problem of natural universals.Muhammad U. Faruque - 2017 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 27 (2):269-302.
    This study investigates the problem of the natural universal in the works of Mullā Ṣadrā. The problem of universals made its way into Arabic/Islamic philosophy via its Greek sources, and was transformed into the problem of natural universals by Avicenna. Weighing in on this problem, Ṣadrā reinterprets the nature of natural universals against the backdrop of his doctrine of “the primacy of being.” As he argues, a natural universal or quiddity qua quiddity is an “accidental being” that requireswujūdfor its existentiation. (...)
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  • Avicenna’s Theory of Supposition.Allan Bäck - 2013 - Vivarium 51 (1-4):81-115.
    Although he does not have an explicit theory of supposition as is found in the works of Latin medieval philosophers, Avicenna has two doctrines giving something equivalent: the threefold distinction of quiddity, corresponding to a division of simple, personal and material supposition, and his analyses of truth conditions for categorical propositions, where sentential context determines in part the reference of their terms. While he does address which individuals are being referred to by the universal terms used there, Avicenna concentrates more (...)
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  • Relevantnost Kantovog prigovora ontološkim argumentima i Avicenino istraživanje postojanja kao alternativnog utemeljenja.Ayşenur Ünügür Tabur - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):5-27.
    U ovom radu analizirat će se tri najistaknutije formulacije ontološkog argumenta, uključujući klasični argument prema kojemu je postojanje jedno od savršenstava, modalna verzija argumenta Normana Malcoma prema kojemu savršenstvo nije postojanje, već nužno postojanje, te modalna verzija argumenta koju nudi Alvin Plantinga koja se poziva na semantiku mogućih svjetova. Prema Kantovom prigovoru, ontološki argument pretpostavlja da je postojanje predikat koji dodaje još jedno savršenstvo pojmu Boga i time implicira problem referencije između stvarnog predmeta i njegovog pojma ili tautološki povlači da (...)
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  • Power and Possibility in Early Arabic Philosophy: Three Innovators Between Philoponus and Avicenna.Nicholas Allan Aubin - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    "The world is a finite body, and therefore has finite power." John Philoponus is remembered for using this Aristotelian premise to break ranks with Aristotle and argue that the world is not everlasting. This investigation reconsiders Philoponus’s arguments from finite power, and then explores the aftermath of this line of thinking in the works of three lesser-known Arabic intellectuals active in the generation before Avicenna (d. 1037): Abū l-Ḫayr Ibn Suwār (d. after 1017), Abū al-Ḥasan al-ʿĀmirī (d. 992), and Abū (...)
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  • Necessary Existence and the Doctrine of Being in Avicenna's Metaphysics of the Healing: On the Function of the Fundamental Scientific First Principles of Metaphysics.Daniel De Haan - 2014 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    This thesis is concerned with answering the question, what is the central argument of Avicenna’s Metaphysics of the Healing that brings its opening ontological approach to the subject of first philosophy to its ultimate theological goal and conclusion? This dissertation contends that it is the function of the fundamental scientific first principles of metaphysics, and in particular the fundamental primary notion necessary, to provide the intelligible link that Avicenna employs to demonstrate the existence and true-nature of the divine necessary existence (...)
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  • An Islamic Subversion of the existence‐essence distinction? Suhrawardi's visionary hierarchy of lights1.Sajjad H. Rizvi - 1999 - Asian Philosophy 9 (3):219 – 227.
    The distinction between existence and essence in contingent beings is one of the foundational doctrines of medieval philosophy. Building upon Neoplatonic precursors, thinkers such as Avicenna and Aquinas debated its nature. However, one Islamic philosopher, who had an enormous influence on the development of philosophical discourse in Iran, subverted the traditional Peripatetic vision of reality and disputed the ontological nature of existence. Through a critique of the Peripatetic notion of existence, Suhrawardi demonstrated the irrelevance of the distinction for metaphysical inquiry, (...)
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  • Intencionalidad e intentio en Avicena.Julio César Vargas Bejarano - 2022 - Universitas Philosophica 39 (78):43-81.
    A pesar de los reparos de algunos especialistas, Avicena es un punto de referencia insoslayable en la historia de la intencionalidad. Este trabajo se propone determinar la manera en que el intelecto toma posición con respecto a la realidad de los objetos con los que se relaciona. Abordamos la relación intencional centrando nuestra atención en el nexo entre lógica y ontología y enfatizando el papel que juegan la conceptualización y la estimación en la determinación de lo que es real y (...)
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