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  1. Technoscience Rent: Toward a Theory of Rentiership for Technoscientific Capitalism.Kean Birch - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (1):3-33.
    Contemporary, technoscientific capitalism is characterized by the configuration of a range of “things” as assets or capitalized property. Accumulation strategies have changed as a result of this assetization process. Rather than entrepreneurial strategies based on commodity production, technoscientific capitalism is increasingly underpinned by rentiership or the appropriation of value through ownership and control rights, monopoly conditions, and regulatory or market devices and practices. While rentiership is often presented as a negative phenomenon in both neoclassical and Marxist political economy literatures—and much (...)
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  • Disruption and dislocation in post-COVID futures for digital health.Alessia Costa & Richard Milne - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In this piece we explore the COVID pandemic as an opportunity for the articulation and realization of digital health futures. Our discussion draws on an engagement with emergent discourse around COVID-19 and ongoing work on imaginaries of future care associated with digital tools for the detection of cognitive decline and the risk of dementia. We describe how the post-COVID futures of digital health are narrated in terms of the timing and speed with which they are being brought into being, as (...)
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  • Circular Economy as Fictional Expectation to Overcome Societal Addictions. Where Do We Stand?Roberta De Angelis & Giancarlo Ianulardo - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (2):133-153.
    Circular economy thinking has become the subject of academic enquiry across several disciplines recently. Yet whilst its technical and business angles are more widely discussed, its philosophical underpinnings and socio-economic implications are insufficiently investigated. In this article, we aim to contribute to their understanding by uncovering the circular economy role in shaping a new vision, highlighting the social and economic dimensions of future imaginaries and the mechanisms that can enable them to bring about change in the social context. We believe (...)
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  • Closing the Future: Environmental Research and the Management of Conflicting Future Value Orders.Erik Westholm & Jenny Andersson - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (2):237-262.
    This paper examines a struggle over the future use of Nordic forests, which took place from 2009 to 2012 within a major research program, Future Forests—Sustainable Strategies under Uncertainty and Risk, organized and funded by Mistra, The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research. We explore the role of strategic environmental research in societal constructions of long-term challenges and future risks. Specifically, we draw attention to the role played by environmental research in the creation of future images that become dominant for (...)
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  • Multilateralism and Megaregionalism from the Grounds-of-Justice Standpoint.Mathias Risse - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (1).
    This paper considers the trend towards megaregionalism that became prominent in the trade domain in the last years of the Obama administration. While megaregionalism has fallen by the wayside since Trump’s inauguration, the underlying rationale for such treaties will most likely reassert itself rather soon. So there are structural issues that need to be discussed from a standpoint of global justice. In all likelihood, megaregionalism is detrimental to global justice. TTIP in particular, or anything like it, might derail any possibility (...)
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  • Analyzing the culture of markets.Frederick F. Wherry - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (3-4):421-436.
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  • Intellectual property and industrialization: legalizing hope in economic growth.Laura R. Ford - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (1):57-93.
    This article draws on theoretical resources from economic sociology and sociology of law to intervene in economic debates about the relationship between intellectual property and industrialization. Utilizing historical evidence from the earliest period of American intellectual property law and from a formative company in the New England textile industry, I propose a social process of influence that connects intellectual property law to industrialization. I argue that, consistent with the findings of New Economic Sociology, social relationship structures and social capital are (...)
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  • Ups and downs of art commerce: narratives of “crisis” in the contemporary art markets of Russia and India.Nataliya Komarova - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (4):319-352.
    This article develops an analytical framework to study the role of narratives in markets and argues that there is a relationship between the structure and composition of narratives produced by market actors and market dynamics. With respect to theory, the article bridges the perspectives that study markets as cultures and as fields and draws from the organizational studies approach to the analysis of narratives. Two empirical cases of the crises narratives in the emerging contemporary art markets of Russia and India (...)
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  • Habitual Leadership Ethics: Timelessness and Virtuous Leadership in the Jesuit Order.Jose Bento da Silva, Keith Grint, Sandra Pereira, Ulf Thoene & Rene Wiedner - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (4):779-793.
    This paper is about the relationship between leadership, organisational morals, and temporality. We argue that engaging with questions of time and temporality may help us overcome the overly agentic view of organisational morals and leadership ethics that dominates extant literature. Our analysis of the role of time in organizational morals and leadership ethics starts from a virtue-based approach to leading large-scale moral endeavours. We ask: how can we account for organizational morality across generations and independently of the leader? To address (...)
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  • TTIP, ‘Truth’ and the Future of Global Trade.Amy Janzwood - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (1).
    Review: Ferdi De Ville and Gabriel Siles-Brügge, TTIP: The Truth about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
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  • Metáforas tecnocientíficas en el discurso mediático: análisis hermenéutico e impacto socio-educativo.Elena Jiménez García, Juan R. Coca, Francisco J. Francisco Carrera & Jesús Valero Matas - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a171.
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  • Risky businesses: economic crisis in Argentina and the generative power of generations.Sonia Prelat - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (4):653-684.
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  • Is the New Monetary Consensus Still Alive? A Critical Economic and Philosophical Appraisal.Marc Pilkington - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (2):7-49.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons une analyse critique du nouveau consensus monétaire (NMC) d’un point de vue méthodologique, afin d’évaluer sa pertinence. Bien que les mantras du consensus ne soient pas contestables en tant que tels, nous soutenons l’idée que les fondements méthodologiques du NMC expliquent son échec paradigmatique à prévoir la crise financière de 2008, et à constituer une source d’inspiration fiable pour les politiques post-crise 2008. Nous mettons particulièrement l’accent sur la nature problématique des modèles pré-crise 2008. Nous (...)
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  • AS SOMBRAS CEGAS DE NARCISO (um estudo psicossocial sobre o imaginário coletivo).Roberto Thomas Arruda (ed.) - 2020 - Terra à Vista.
    No presente trabalho, vamos abordar algumas das questões essenciais sobre o imaginário coletivo e suas relações com a realidade e a verdade. Devemos encarar esse assunto em uma estrutura conceptual, seguida pela análise factual correspondente às realidades comportamentais demonstráveis. Adotaremos não apenas a metodologia, mas principalmente os princípios e proposições da filosofia analítica, que com certeza serão evidentes ao longo do estudo e podem ser identificados pelos recursos descritos por Perez[1] : Rabossi (1975) defende a ideia de que a filosofia (...)
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  • Die zwei Soziologien des Marktes.Jan Sparsam - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 2 (2):255-284.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 2 Heft: 2 Seiten: 255-284.
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  • Speculative Societies – Towards a new Research Agenda.Manuel Reinhard - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (2):51-81.
    En ces temps d’avenir perdu, les sociétés sont des sociétés spéculatives, qu’elles le veuillent ou non. Alors que la crise financière de 2007–2008 s’est transformée en une myriade de crises politiques dans les années qui ont suivies. En effet, l’esprit d’un âge néo-biedermeierien et les programmes politiques axés sur la stabilité sont devenus le modus operandi de l’Occident dans les contextes économiques et bien au-delà. Le désenchantement du néolibéralisme et son eschatologie politique dans un large éventail de domaines socioculturels perdurent (...)
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