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Going Public

Political Theory 37 (5):595-622 (2009)

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  1. Feminist political philosophy.Noëlle McAfee - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • A Commonwealth of Freedom: Response to Beltrán.Harry C. Boyte - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (6):870-876.
    This response to Cristina Beltrán’s essay “Going Public” endorses Beltrán’s effort to sustain a concept of politics as free action by unique agents against the grain of a technicized, marketized world. Beltrán illuminates the “festive anger” of undocumented workers coming out of the shadows of invisibility to assert their humanity in the demonstrations of 2006. Yet, building on aspects of Hannah Arendt , Beltrán mistakenly sunders public actions from the organizing work which led up to them. Her argument about labor (...)
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  • When the Nation Conquered the State: Arendt’s Importance Today.Kathleen R. Arnold - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (2):355-381.
    This essay focuses on the contemporary relevance of Hannah Arendt’s work insofar as it relates to US racism, imperialism, and migration. While Arendt denied that US migration policy and racism were linked or even similar to exercises of racialized sovereignty, totalitarian tactics, and mass displacement in Europe, I suggest that her analyses help us to understand important racialized dialectics between prison and camp, citizen and stateless, and external displacement and internal displacement. In effect, this essay suggests that many of Arendt’s (...)
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  • What is asylum? More than protection, less than citizenship.Nanda Oudejans - 2020 - Constellations 27 (3):524-539.
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  • Desposesión y producción de irregularidad: la gestión de las migraciones en la era del neoliberalismo.Noelia González Cámara - 2012 - Arbor 188 (755):559-572.
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  • The aesthetics of political resistance: On silent politics.Katariina Kaura-aho - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 165 (1):120-135.
    This article analyses the aesthetics of silent political resistance by focusing on refugees’ silent political action. The starting point for the analysis is Jacques Rancière’s philosophy and his theorisation of the aesthetics of politics. The article enquires into the aesthetic meaning of silent refugee activism and interprets how refugees’ silent acts of resistance can constitute aesthetically effective resistance to what can be called the ‘speech system’ of statist, representative democracy. The article analyses silence as a political tactic and interprets the (...)
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  • Juxtaposition, Hemispheric Thought, and the Bounds of Political Theory: Juliet Hooker’s Theorizing Race in the Americas.Neil Roberts, Anne Norton, James Martel, Keisha Lindsay, Inés Valdez & Juliet Hooker - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (4):604-639.
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  • A Politics of Indifference: Reading Cavarero, Rancière and Arendt.Timothy J. Huzar - 2019 - Paragraph 42 (2):205-222.
    This article compares the accounts of politics found in the work of Adriana Cavarero and Jacques Rancière. It argues that when Cavarero offers a formal account of politics she thinks politics with...
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  • Jacques Rancière’s Lesson on the Lesson.Samuel A. Chambers - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (6):637-646.
    This article examines the significance of Jacques Rancière’s work on pedagogy, and argues that to make sense of Rancière’s ‘lesson on the lesson’ one must do more but also less than merely explicate Rancière’s texts. It steadfastly refuses to draw out the lessons of Rancière’s writings in the manner of a series of morals, precepts or rules. Rather, it is committed to thinking through the ‘lessons’ of Rancière in another sense. Above all, Rancière wants to ‘teach’ his readers something absolutely (...)
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  • The animal condition in the human condition: Rethinking Arendt’s political action beyond the human species.Diego Rossello - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (2):219-239.
    This article puts Arendt’s conception of non-human animal appearance into a productive dialogue with recent developments in critical animal studies and animal rights theory within which notions such as agency, zoopolis, and animal agora play an important role. By reinterpreting the animal condition in Arendt’s account of the human condition, it demonstrates her potential contribution to political theory in a world where non-human-animals and nature are seen as making claims of entry into the political community. By emphasizing Arendt’s later work, (...)
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  • Everyday Acts of Greatness: Reply to Boyte.Cristina Beltrán - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (6):877-883.
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  • Translating Politics.Samuel Chambers - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (4):524-548.
    My title could be taken to name an object, the politics of translation, but here I emphasize something related yet quite distinct: the practice that the title also identifies—the process of translating politics. This procedure remains bound up with the basic question of how to translate politics, how to put into English what Rancière means when he talks or writes about “politics.” Since the publication of Disagreement in English translation nearly twenty years ago, Rancière’s English-speaking audiences have been much exercised (...)
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  • Rethinking Arendt’s Theory of Necessity: Humanness as ‘Way of Life’, or: the Ordinary as Extraordinary.John Lechte - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (1):3-22.
    If genuine political activity can only be undertaken by citizens in the public sphere in a nation-state, what of stateless people today – asylum seekers and refugees cut adrift on the high seas? This is what is at stake in Hannah Arendt’s political theory of necessity. This article reconsiders Arendt’s notion of the Greek oikos (household) as the sphere of necessity with the aim of challenging the idea that there is a condition of necessity or mere subsistence, where life is (...)
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  • The Right to Have Rights as the Right to Asylum.Nanda Oudejans - 2014 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 43 (1):7-26.
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