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  1. Technoscientific approaches to deep time.Marco Tamborini - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 79:57-67.
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  • Science, responsibility, and the philosophical imagination.Matthew Sample - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-19.
    If we cannot define science using only analysis or description, then we must rely on imagination to provide us with suitable objects of philosophical inquiry. This process ties our intellectual findings to the particular ways in which we philosophers think about scientific practice and carve out a cognitive space between real world practice and conceptual abstraction. As an example, I consider Heather Douglas’s work on the responsibilities of scientists and document her implicit ideal of science, defined primarily as an epistemic (...)
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  • From ecological records to big data: the invention of global biodiversity.Vincent Devictor & Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (4).
    This paper is a critical assessment of the epistemological impact of the systematic quantification of nature with the accumulation of big datasets on the practice and orientation of ecological science. We examine the contents of big databases and argue that it is not just accumulated information; records are translated into digital data in a process that changes their meanings. In order to better understand what is at stake in the ‘datafication’ process, we explore the context for the emergence and quantification (...)
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  • Reflections on science and technoscience.Hugh Lacey - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (SPE):103-128.
    Technoscientific research, a kind of scientific research conducted within the decontextualized approach (DA), uses advanced technology to produce instruments, experimental objects, and new objects and structures, that enable us to gain knowledge of states of affairs of novel domains, especially knowledge about new possibilities of what we can do and make, with the horizons of practical, industrial, medical or military innovation, and economic growth and competition, never far removed from view. The legitimacy of technoscientific innovations can be appraised only in (...)
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  • Object lessons: towards an epistemology of technoscience.Alfred Nordmann - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (SPE):11-31.
    Discussions of technoscience are bringing to light that scientific journals feature very different knowledge claims. At one end of the spectrum, there is the scientific claim that a hypothesis needs to be reevaluated in light of new evidence. At the other end of the spectrum, there is the technoscientific claim that some new measure of control has been achieved in a laboratory. The latter claim has not received sufficient attention as of yet. In what sense is the achievement of control (...)
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  • Three Challenges for the Cosmopolitan Governance of Technoscience.Matthew Sample - manuscript
    Promising new solutions or risking unprecedented harms, science and its technological affordances are increasingly portrayed as matters of global concern, requiring in-kind responses. In a wide range of recent discourses and global initiatives, from the International Summits on Human Gene Editing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, experts and policymakers routinely invoke cosmopolitan aims. The common rhetoric of a shared human future or of one humanity, however, does not always correspond to practice. Global inequality and a lack of accountability (...)
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  • Im Blickwinkel der Technik: Neue Verhältnisse von Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.Alfred Nordmann - 2012 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 35 (3):200-216.
    Changing Perspectives – From the Experimental to the Technological Turn in History and Philosophy of Science. In the 1960s the philosophy of science was transformed through the encounter with the history of science, resulting in a collaborative venture by the name of “History and Philosophy of Science” (HPS). Philosophy of science adopted ever more regularly the format of the case study to reconstruct certain episodes from the history of science, and historians were mostly interested in the production of scientific knowledge. (...)
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  • The becoming of the experimental mode.Astrid Schwarz - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (SPE):65-83.
    Francis Bacon's experimental philosophy is discussed, and the way in which it not only shapes scientific methodology but also deeply pervades all philosophical and social learning. Bacon draws us in to participate in an experiment with experience. The central driving force is the idea that learning how to learn is necessary in order to know. To meet this requirement, he considers the relation of form and content of pivotal importance, and therefore the selection of the literary form and the form (...)
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  • Animals and Technoscientific Developments: Getting Out of Invisibility.Arianna Ferrari - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (1):5-10.
    Animals and TechnoscienceThe essays in the section “Animals in technoscientific developments” have been collected from the submissions to the 3rd European Conference of Critical Animal Studies that I organized in Karlsruhe on 28–30 November 2013. The aim of the conference was to stimulate critical scholars to engage on the multifaceted relationships between animals and technosciences, an under-researched topic.Technoscience has become an important concept in the current debate on the epistemic and normative changes taking place in how scientific and technological research (...)
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  • Engineers of Life? A Critical Examination of the Concept of Life in the Debate on Synthetic Biology.Johannes Steizinger - 2016 - In Toepfer Georg & Engelhard Margret (eds.), : Ambivalences of Creating Life – Societal and Philosophical Dimensions of Synthetic Biology. Springer. pp. 275−292.
    The concept of life plays a crucial role in the debate on synthetic biology. The first part of this chapter outlines the controversial debate on the status of the concept of life in current science and philosophy. Against this background, synthetic biology and the discourse on its scientific and societal consequences is revealed as an exception. Here, the concept of life is not only used as buzzword but also discussed theoretically and links the ethical aspects with the epistemological prerequisites and (...)
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  • Enrolling the Toggle Switch: Visionary Claims and the Capability of Modeling Objects in the Disciplinary Formation of Synthetic Biology.Clemens Blümel - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (3):269-287.
    Synthetic biology is a research field that has grown rapidly and attracted considerable attention. Most prominently, it has been labelled the ‘engineering of biology’. While other attempts to label the field have been also pursued, the program of engineering can be considered the core of the field’s disciplinary program, of its identity. This article addresses the success of the ‘engineering program’ in synthetic biology and argues that its success can partly be explained by distinct practices of persuasion that aim at (...)
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  • (1 other version)Toward a philosophy of technosciences.Bernadette Bensaude Vincent & Sacha Loeve - 2018 - In Bernadette Bensaude Vincent, Xavier Guchet & Sacha Loeve (eds.), French Philosophy of Technology: Classical Readings and Contemporary Approaches. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 169-186.
    The term " technoscience " gained philosophical significance in the 1970s but it aroused ambivalent views. On the one hand, several scholars have used it to shed light on specific features of recent scientific research, especially with regard to emerging technologies that blur boundaries (such as natural/artificial, machine/living being, knowing/making and so on); on the other hand, as a matter of fact " technoscience " did not prompt great interest among philosophers. In the French area, a depreciative meaning prevails: " (...)
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  • Plantas luminiscentes y máquinas vivas. Hacia una crítica de la biología sintética.Martin Müller - 2016 - Isegoría 55:465.
    Este artículo aborda críticamente 1) los aspectos especificamente tecnocientíficos de la biología sintética, 2) la función de las promesas biotécnicas y biopolíticas de perfectibilidad de la «vida en sí»1, y 3) el problemático concepto de «biología digital». La biología sintética rechaza la idea de una naturaleza dada: la «vida en sí» se define como un ámbito de potencialidades, con materiales adaptables y estructuras flexibles que pueden utilizarse para rediseñar y «perfeccionar» la naturaleza. Los bioingenieros dicen crear organismos vivos desde cero, (...)
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  • Os vários tipos de objetos que são os objetos tecnocientíficos.Hugh Lacey - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (1).
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  • Probing technoscience.Karen Kastenhofer & Astrid Schwarz - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (2-3):61-65.
    Probing technoscience Content Type Journal Article Category Editorial Pages 61-65 DOI 10.1007/s10202-011-0103-0 Authors Karen Kastenhofer, Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Strohgasse 45/5, 1030 Wien, Austria Astrid Schwarz, Department of Philosophy, TU Darmstadt, Schloss, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany Journal Poiesis & Praxis: International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science Online ISSN 1615-6617 Print ISSN 1615-6609 Journal Volume Volume 8 Journal Issue Volume 8, Numbers 2-3.
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  • Knowledge Objects of Synthetic Biology: From Phase Transitions to the Biological Switch.Thorsten Kohl & Johannes Falk - 2020 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 51 (1):1-17.
    Following Hans-Jörg Rheinberger’s epistemological concept we show how a generic element of synthetic biology, the “biological switch”, can be integrated into an experimental system. Here synthetic biology is assumed to be a technoscience. Hence, the biological switch becomes a technoscientific research object. Consequently, the experimental system has to be analyzed in a technoscientific experimental setting, showing differences in comparison with the former. To work out the specific properties of the technoscientific experimental system, biological switching behavior is compared with the scientific (...)
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  • Deliberating responsibility: a collective contribution by the C’Nano IdF Nanoscience & Society Office.Stéphanie Lacour, Sacha Loeve, Brice Laurent, Virginie Albe, Aurélie Delemarle, Bernard Bartenlian & Sophie Lanone - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (3):225-245.
    The very existence of explicit techno-scientific controversies in the “nano” arena is often denied on behalf of a conception of science, risks, public engagement and responsibility which borders on a disembodied idealism and merits at least serious discussion. The recurrence of this view prompted us to clarify our position regarding our common field of research, in order to avoid being trapped in the seemingly clear divide between the universal and neutral pursuit of pure science, on the one hand, and on (...)
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  • Reconciling Science and Nature by means of the Aesthetical Contemplation of Natural Diversity.Jorge Marques da Silva - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 59:93-113.
    In this paper, I argue that a reconciliation between science and nature is possible by way of the role played by ecological sciences on the aesthetical and ethical appraisal of natural diversity. First, I show that the aim of science – namely natural sciences – is to dominate nature and contend that environmental ethics was founded to support nature’s protection from the perils of science. I then show that when environmental ethics is supported by environmental aesthetics, a different role may (...)
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  • Imagining Responsibility, Imagining Responsibly: Reflecting on Our Shared Understandings of Science.Matthew Sample - manuscript
    If we cannot define science using only analysis or description, then we must rely on imagination to provide us with suitable objects of philosophical inquiry. This process links our findings to the particular ways in which we philosophers idealize scientific practice and carve out an experimental space between real world practice and thought experiments. As an example, I examine Heather Douglas’ recent work on the responsibilities of scientists and contrast her account of science with that of “technoscience,” as mobilized in (...)
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  • “Hier bin ich Mensch, hier darf ich’s sein!”—Partaking in the Nanoworld.Astrid Schwarz & Alfred Nordmann - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (2):233-243.
    Images from the nanoworld are not at all disorienting or bewildering, as one might expect from contemplating the strange and surprising features that arise where classical physics comes to an end and quantum effects begin to appear. Instead, we see the traces of explorers in a world that appears to be infinitely malleable. The paper shows that the capability to visualize processes and phenomena at the nanoscale is a matter not only of research technologies and the advancement of observational techniques, (...)
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  • From self-organization to self-assembly: a new materialism?Bernadette Bensaude Vincent - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (3).
    While self-organization has been an integral part of academic discussions about the distinctive features of living organisms, at least since Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgement, the term ‘self-assembly’ has only been used for a few decades as it became a hot research topic with the emergence of nanotechnology. Could it be considered as an attempt at reducing vital organization to a sort of assembly line of molecules? Considering the context of research on self-assembly I argue that the shift of attention (...)
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  • Epistemic bricolage: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger: Spalt und Fuge: Eine Phänomenologie des Experiments. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2021, 289pp, 22€ PB. [REVIEW]Alfred Nordmann - 2022 - Metascience 32 (1):145-150.
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