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Comedy Has Issues

Critical Inquiry 43 (2):233-249 (2017)

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  1. ‘It was just a joke!’ Comedy and freedom of speech.Simeon Goldstraw - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Debates about controversial comedy are rife in public discourse. However, despite a great interest in wider issues surrounding freedom of expression, political philosophers have had curiously little to say about comedy. This is a costly omission because in mainstream public debates, many of the worries about the potential harms of comedy are often confused or conflated, and both the defences of comedians to use controversial material and calls for censorship of such material are usually under-theorised. This paper takes a step (...)
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  • It’s funny because it’s true? Reflections on laughter, deception, and critique.Patrick T. Giamario - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (1):60-80.
    This essay challenges the prevailing view among critical theorists that laughter’s emancipatory power stems from its ability to speak the truth. The disparate accounts of laughter offered by Plato, Hobbes, and Nietzsche exemplify an alternative strategy for theorizing laughter as a performance of deception, or an experience that mystifies rather than enlightens. While a view of laughter as deceptive may at first appear to reduce laughter’s critical leverage over ideology, I argue that this approach offers a stronger account of its (...)
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  • The limits of satire, or the reification of cultural politics.Nicholas Holm - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 174 (1):81-97.
    In the first decades of the 21st century, humour has been increasingly embraced as a legitimate means by which to cover, analyse and intervene in political issues. Most frequently, this political application of humour has been interpreted through the lens of ‘satire’: a term that evokes an idea of humour as a politically meaningful cultural act. Such an account of humour connects satire with the long-standing theoretical tradition of ‘cultural politics’ that explores the ability and mechanism of cultural forms to (...)
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  • How to feminist affect: Feminist comedy and post-truth politics.Jana McAuliffe - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (2):230-242.
    Under the shifting epistemic and political norms of post-truth politics, the conditions of feminist solidarity and agency are increasingly threatened. This article argues that feminist humour provides models for affective orientations that sustain feminist work and survival during such periods of political crisis. First, I explore a potential issue post-truth politics poses for feminists: That information overload can lead to truth burn-out that threatens intersectional feminist thinking and action. Next, I explain why comedy is well-suited to help maintain feminist work (...)
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  • Humanistic Ethics of Humor: The Problematics of Punching Up and Kicking Down.Jarno Hietalahti - 2024 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 5 (1):91-119.
    This article discusses the very common moral guideline “Punch up, do not kick down.” Our approach is based on humanistic ethics, and through rigorous philosophical analysis, we will show that while the guideline is commendable and well-intentioned, it does not work as a universal rule and should not be used as an ideological tool. Due to the complexity of our social reality and the fluid nature of hierarchies, there may be cases when punching up is problematic, and kicking down is (...)
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