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  1. The Unity of Intellect in Aristotle's De Anima.Lloyd Gerson - 2004 - Phronesis 49 (4):348-373.
    Desperately difficult texts inevitably elicit desperate hermeneutical measures. Aristotle's De Anima, book three, chapter five, is evidently one such text. At least since the time of Alexander of Aphrodisias, scholars have felt compelled to draw some remarkable conclusions regarding Aristotle's brief remarks in this passage regarding intellect. One such claim is that in chapter five, Aristotle introduces a second intellect, the so-called 'agent intellect', an intellect distinct from the 'passive intellect', the supposed focus of discussion up until this passage.1 This (...)
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  • Embodiment, Disembodiment and Re-embodiment in the Construction of the Digital Self.Federica Buongiorno - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (36).
    In this article I will show that the problem of embodiment goes back to the question of the mind-body split, as this has been established and discussed by the philosophical tradition. With the digital turn and the advent of ubiquitous computing the problem of embodiment has taken new forms that have led scholars to introduce the notion of a “new digital Cartesianism.” Subjectivation processes within digital culture have mostly been explained by resorting to what I will call the “E-D-R scheme,” (...)
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  • In Search of Aristotle’s Third Man.Timothy Clarke - 2024 - Phronesis 69 (3):279-315.
    Aristotle thinks that the Platonic theory of Forms is vulnerable to the Third Man regress. According to Alexander of Aphrodisias, the regress arises from the conjunction of three Platonist claims, which I label ‘Exemplification’, ‘Similarity’, and ‘Distinctness’. It is clear why, taken together, these three claims generate an infinite regress of Forms. What is not clear is why Aristotle thinks that a Platonist should have to accept each of the claims. My answer begins from the fact that, in Metaphysics A (...)
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  • Hermodorus of Syracuse and Sextus Empiricus' 'Pythagoreans' on Categories and Principles.Roberto Granieri - 2023 - Classical Quarterly (1):1-15.
    Hermodorus of Syracuse, a Sicilian disciple of Plato, is reported by Simplicius to have set out a classification of beings, which is of a piece with an argument for principle monism (in Ph. 247.30–248.18 > F 5 IP2; 256.28–257.4 = F 6 IP2). A similar classification appears in Sextus Empiricus’ Aduersus mathematicos X (262–75), where it is officially ascribed to some ‘Pythagoreans’ (Πυθαγορικοί) or ‘children of the Pythagoreans’ (Πυθαγορικῶν παῖδες), but seems ultimately based on Early Academic material. Virtually all commentators (...)
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  • Será preciso de novo falar de humanismo?Marcelo Perine - 2016 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 37 (114):49.
    Esta comunicación toma como punto de partida un conflicto paradigmático entre las concepciones de Isócrates y de Platón sobre la educación y el ideal de hombre que las guiaba, para delinear los trazos de otro conflicto entre el humanismo inspirado por la tradición griega, asumido y transformado en el interior de la tradición cristiana, y un “humanismo” que, en el marco del pensamiento liberal, intenta recrear el ideal de hombre en términos de individuo aislado, con desdoblamientos consecuentes en la concepción (...)
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  • Some Aspects of the Theory of Abstraction in Plotinus and Iamblichus.Claudia Maggi - 2015 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9 (2):159-176.
    _ Source: _Volume 9, Issue 2, pp 159 - 176 The purpose of this paper is the analysis of the Plotinian and Iamblichean reading of the Aristotelian theory of abstraction, and its relationship with the status of mathematical entities, as they were conceived within a Platonic model, according to which mathematical objects are ontological autonomous and separate.
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  • Entre peripatos et kepos.Giulia Scalas - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:85-115.
    L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner l’hypothèse selon laquelle la quarta natura, théorisée par Épicure pour rendre compte des activités de l’âme et décrite par Lucrèce (DRN III, 237-244), résulte de l’appropriation par Épicure d’un argument aristotélicien afin de répondre aux critiques d’Aristote à l’égard de la théorie démocritéenne de l’âme. Pour ce faire, on analysera le témoignage de Cicéron (Tusc. I, 10, 22) sur le quintum genus attribué à Aristote et on rendra compte des débats sur ses sources possibles. (...)
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  • Los primeros principios en Sobre la filosofía.Claudia Seggiaro - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 27:125-153.
    RESUMEN Sobre la filosofía es una obra exotérica que se conserva de forma fragmentaria. Se cree que tenía tres libros. En los dos primeros Aristóteles habría realizado un compendio sobre las diferentes concepciones de la filosofía y su respectivo objeto; en el tercero habría presentado sus propias concepciones sobre los temas abordados en los libros precedentes. Los escasos fragmentos conservados y la disparidad de las fuentes por las cuales estos son transmitidos representan una dificultad para establecer cuáles son esas concepciones. (...)
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