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  1. Unidimensional theories are superstable.Ehud Hrushovski - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 50 (2):117-138.
    A first order theory T of power λ is called unidimensional if any twoλ+-saturated models of T of the same cardinality are isomorphic. We prove here that such theories are superstable, solving a problem of Shelah. The proof involves an existence theorem and a definability theorem for definable groups in stable theories, and an analysis of their relation to regular types.
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  • Almost orthogonal regular types.Ehud Hrushovski - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (2):139-155.
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  • Constructing ω-stable structures: Rank 2 fields.John T. Baldwin & Kitty Holland - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):371-391.
    We provide a general framework for studying the expansion of strongly minimal sets by adding additional relations in the style of Hrushovski. We introduce a notion of separation of quantifiers which is a condition on the class of expansions of finitely generated models for the expanded theory to have a countable ω-saturated model. We apply these results to construct for each sufficiently fast growing finite-to-one function μ from 'primitive extensions' to the natural numbers a theory T μ of an expansion (...)
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  • Small Stable Groups and Generics.Frank O. Wagner - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):1026-1037.
    We define an $\mathfrak{R}$-group to be a stable group with the property that a generic element can only be algebraic over a generic. We then derive some corollaries for $\mathfrak{R}$-groups and fields, and prove a decomposition theorem and a field theorem. As a nonsuperstable example, we prove that small stable groups are $\mathfrak{R}$-groups.
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  • On Lascar rank and Morley rank of definable groups in differentially closed fields.Anand Pillay & Wai Yan Pong - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1189-1196.
    Morley rank and Lascar rank are equal on generic types of definable groups in differentially closed fields with finitely many commuting derivations.
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  • Le Carre de l'egalite.Bruno Poizat - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):1339-1355.
    Ni konstruas korpojn de Morleja ranko du, kiuj estas ricevitaj per memsuficanta amalgameco de korpoj kun unara predikato, lau la Hrushovkija maniero.
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  • Superstable differential fields.A. Pillay & Ž Sokolović - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):97-108.
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  • Unidimensional theories are superstable.Katsuya Eda - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 50 (2):117-137.
    A first order theory T of power λ is called unidimensional if any twoλ+-saturated models of T of the same cardinality are isomorphic. We prove here that such theories are superstable, solving a problem of Shelah. The proof involves an existence theorem and a definability theorem for definable groups in stable theories, and an analysis of their relation to regular types.
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  • Classification and interpretation.Andreas Baudisch - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (1):138-159.
    Let S and T be countable complete theories. We assume that T is superstable without the dimensional order property, and S is interpretable in T in such a way that every model of S is coded in a model of T. We show that S does not have the dimensional order property, and we discuss the question of whether $\operatorname{Depth}(S) \leq \operatorname{Depth}(T)$ . For Mekler's uniform interpretation of arbitrary theories S of finite similarity type into suitable theories T s of (...)
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  • CM-Triviality and stable groups.Frank Wagner - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (4):1473-1495.
    We define a generalized version of CM-triviality, and show that in the presence of enough regular types, or solubility, a stable CM-trivial group is nilpotent-by-finite. A torsion-free small CM-trivial stable group is abelian and connected. The first result makes use of a generalized version of the analysis of bad groups.
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  • Semisimple stable and superstable groups.J. T. Baldwin & A. Pillay - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (2):105-127.
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  • The classification of small weakly minimal sets. III: Modules.Steven Buechler - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (3):975-979.
    Theorem A. Let M be a left R-module such that Th(M) is small and weakly minimal, but does not have Morley rank 1. Let $A = \mathrm{acl}(\varnothing) \cap M$ and $I = \{r \in R: rM \subset A\}$ . Notice that I is an ideal. (i) F = R/I is a finite field. (ii) Suppose that a, b 0 ,...,b n ∈ M and a b̄. Then there are s, r i ∈ R, i ≤ n, such that sa + (...)
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  • Isogeny in superstable groups.James Freitag - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):449-461.
    We study and develop a notion of isogeny for superstable groups inspired by the notion in algebraic groups and differential algebraic notions developed by Cassidy and Singer. We prove several fundamental properties of the notion. Then we use it to formulate and prove a uniqueness results for a decomposition theorem about superstable groups similar to one proved by Baudisch. Connections to existing model theoretic notions and existing differential algebraic notions are explained.
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  • There is no sharp transitivity on q 6 when q is a type of Morley rank 2.Ursula Gropp - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (4):1198-1212.
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  • On the definability of radicals in supersimple groups.Cédric Milliet - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (2):649-656.
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  • On Bad Groups, Bad Fields, and Pseudoplanes.Ali Nesin - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):915-931.
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  • Groupes Fins.Cédric Milliet - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (4):1120-1132.
    We investigate some common points between stable structures and weakly small structures and define a structureMto befineif the Cantor-Bendixson rank of the topological space${S_\varphi }\left} \right)$is an ordinal for every finite subsetAofMand every formula$\varphi \left$wherexis of arity 1. By definition, a theory isfineif all its models are so. Stable theories and small theories are fine, and weakly minimal structures are fine. For any finite subsetAof a fine groupG, the traces on the algebraic closure$acl\left$ofAof definable subgroups ofGover$acl\left$which are boolean combinations of (...)
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  • On properties of (weakly) small groups.Cédric Milliet - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):94-110.
    A group is small if it has only countably many complete n-types over the empty set for each natural number n. More generally, a group G is weakly small if it has only countably many complete 1-types over every finite subset of G. We show here that in a weakly small group, subgroups which are definable with parameters lying in a finitely generated algebraic closure satisfy the descending chain conditions for their traces in any finitely generated algebraic closure. An infinite (...)
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  • On superstable CSA-groups.Abderezak Ould Houcine - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (1):1-7.
    We prove that a nonabelian superstable CSA-group has an infinite definable simple subgroup all of whose proper definable subgroups are abelian. This imply in particular that the existence of nonabelian CSA-group of finite Morley rank is equivalent to the existence of a simple bad group all whose definable proper subgroups are abelian. We give a new proof of a result of Mustafin and Poizat [E. Mustafin, B. Poizat, Sous-groupes superstables de SL2 ] which states that a superstable model of the (...)
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  • On superstable groups with residual properties.Abderezak Ould Houcine - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (1):19-26.
    Given a pseudovariety [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL C], it is proved that a residually-[MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL C] superstable group G has a finite seriesG0 ⊴ G1 ⊴ · · · ⊴ Gn = Gsuch that G0 is solvable and each factor Gi +1/Gi is in [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL C] . In particular, a residually finite superstable group is solvable-by-finite, and if it is ω -stable, then it is nilpotent-by-finite. Given a finitely generated group G, we show that if G is ω (...)
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  • Missionary mathematics.Bruno Poizat - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):132-145.
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  • European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.E. -J. Thiele - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):282-351.
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  • A note on subgroups of the automorphism group of a saturated model, and regular types.A. Pillay - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):858-864.
    Let $M$ be a saturated model of a superstable theory and let $G = \operatorname{Aut}(M)$. We study subgroups $H$ of $G$ which contain $G_{(A)}, A$ the algebraic closure of a finite set, generalizing results of Lascar [L] as well as giving an alternative characterization of the simple superstable theories of [P]. We also make some observations about good, locally modular regular types $p$ in the context of $p$-simple types.
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  • Differential Galois theory II.Anand Pillay - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 88 (2-3):181-191.
    First, it is pointed out how the author's new differential Galois theory contributes to the understanding of the differential closure of an arbitrary differential field . Secondly, it is shown that a superstable differential field has no proper differential Galois extensions.
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  • On the structure of stable groups.Frank O. Wagner - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (1):85-92.
    In this paper, we shall survey results about the group-theoretic properties of stable groups. These can be classified into three main categories, according to the strength of the assumptions needed: chain conditions, generic types, and some form of rank. Each category has its typical application: Chain conditions often allow us to deduce global properties from local ones, generic properties are used to get definable groups from undefinable ones, and rank is necessary to interpret fields in certain group actions. While originally (...)
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  • On superstable CSA-groups.Abderezak Houcine - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (1):1-7.
    We prove that a nonabelian superstable CSA-group has an infinite definable simple subgroup all of whose proper definable subgroups are abelian. This imply in particular that the existence of nonabelian CSA-group of finite Morley rank is equivalent to the existence of a simple bad group all whose definable proper subgroups are abelian. We give a new proof of a result of Mustafin and Poizat [E. Mustafin, B. Poizat, Sous-groupes superstables de SL2 ] which states that a superstable model of the (...)
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