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  1. Reconstructing Philosophical Genealogy from the Ground Up: What Truly Is Philosophical Genealogy and What Purpose Does It Serve?Brian Lightbody - 2023 - Genealogy 7 (4):1-20.
    What is philosophical genealogy? What is its purpose? How does genealogy achieve this purpose? These are the three essential questions to ask when thinking about philosophical genealogy. Although there has been an upswell of articles in the secondary literature exploring these questions in the last decade or two, the answers provided are unsatisfactory. Why do replies to these questions leave scholars wanting? Why is the question, “What is philosophical genealogy?” still being asked? There are two broad reasons, I think. First, (...)
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  • Purity and Practical Reason: On Pragmatic Genealogy.Nicholas Smyth - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10 (37):1057-1081.
    Pragmatic Genealogy involves constructing fictional, quasi-historical models in order to discover what might explain and justify our concepts, ideas or practices. It arguably originated with Hume, but its most prominent practitioners are Edward Craig, Bernard Williams and Mathieu Queloz. Its defenders allege that the method allows us to understand “what the concept does for us, what its role in our life might be” (Craig, 1990), and that this in turn can ground practical reasons to preserve or further a conceptual practice. (...)
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  • The Force of Truth: Critique, Genealogy, and Truth-Telling in Michel Foucault.Daniele Lorenzini - 2023 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    A groundbreaking examination of Michel Foucault's history of truth. Many blame Michel Foucault for our post-truth and conspiracy-laden society. In this provocative work, Daniele Lorenzini argues that such criticism fundamentally misunderstands the philosopher’s project. Foucault did not question truth itself but what Lorenzini calls “the force of truth,” or how some truth claims are given the power to govern our conduct while others are not. This interest, Lorenzini shows, drove Foucault to articulate a new ethics and politics of truth-telling precisely (...)
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  • Genealogy, Evaluation, and Engineering.Matthieu Queloz - 2022 - The Monist 105 (4):435-451.
    Against those who identify genealogy with reductive genealogical debunking or deny it any evaluative and action-guiding significance, I argue for the following three claims: that although genealogies, true to their Enlightenment origins, tend to trace the higher to the lower, they need not reduce the higher to the lower, but can elucidate the relation between them and put us in a position to think more realistically about both relata; that if we think of genealogy’s normative significance in terms of a (...)
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  • Critique without ontology: Genealogy, collective subjects and the deadlocks of evidence.Daniele Lorenzini & Martina Tazzioli - 2020 - Radical Philosophy 207:27-39.
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  • Schwerpunkt: Nietzsches genealogische Methode: Historismus, Relativismus und Anthropologie.Martin Kusch & Markus Wild - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (3):414-417.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 67 Heft: 3 Seiten: 414-417.
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  • The Practical Origins of Ideas: Genealogy as Conceptual Reverse-Engineering (Open Access).Matthieu Queloz - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Why did such highly abstract ideas as truth, knowledge, or justice become so important to us? What was the point of coming to think in these terms? This book presents a philosophical method designed to answer such questions: the method of pragmatic genealogy. Pragmatic genealogies are partly fictional, partly historical narratives exploring what might have driven us to develop certain ideas in order to discover what these do for us. The book uncovers an under-appreciated tradition of pragmatic genealogy which cuts (...)
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  • A genealogy of the modern state.Quentin Skinner - 2009 - In Skinner Quentin (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 162, 2008 Lectures. pp. 325.
    This lecture presents the text of the speech about the genealogy of the modern state delivered by the author at the 2008 British Academy Lecture. It explains that to investigate the genealogy of the state is to discover that there has never been any agreed concept to which the word state has answered. The lecture suggests that any moral or political term that has become so deeply enmeshed in so many ideological disputes over such a long period of time is (...)
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  • Transcending the Realism/Anti-Realism Divide in the Philosophy of History.Sina Talachian - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (2):183-206.
    In this essay an attempt is made to transcend the divide between realists and anti-realists in the philosophy of history by proposing an alternative account of understanding the past, one based on the nature of testimonies, specifically theirscopeanddepth. This is done through a critical engagement with the works of prominent realist and anti-realist philosophers of history ; other philosophers working on relevant topics such as epistemology, and historians who have written on historical method. The alternative account thus developed is then (...)
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  • Inklusion. Genealogie und Dispositivanalyse eines Leitbegriffs der Gegenwart.Anne Waldschmidt & Tobias Peter - 2017 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 14 (1):29-52.
    Zusammenfassung In der soziologischen Diskussion spielen Begriff und Konzept der Inklusion – verstanden als umfassende Teilhabe aller Gesellschaftsmitglieder – aktuell eine große Rolle. Gleichzeitig gibt es eine entsprechende Konjunktur in den politischen, medialen und pädagogischen Diskursen. Über das Bildungssystem hinaus, wo Inklusion vor allem mit Blick auf die schulische Erziehung behinderter Kinder diskutiert wird, ist der Inklusionsgedanke auch in anderen Lebensbereichen, etwa im Sport oder Arbeitsleben, von Bedeutung. Insgesamt fällt auf, dass die soziologische Theorie und die gesellschaftliche Diskussion zwar lose (...)
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  • History as Philosophy? Genealogies and Critique.Andrius Gališanka - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 9 (3):444-464.
    _ Source: _Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 444 - 464 Are genealogies of our beliefs relevant to the truth of these beliefs? Drawing on Bernard Williams’s _Truth and Truthfulness_, I argue that genealogies, or historical narratives showing how a set of beliefs came about, can be either critical or vindicatory of these beliefs. They can be critical by denaturalizing beliefs, showing their continued inability to solve explanatory problems, revealing the origins of these beliefs in assumptions that we no longer accept, (...)
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  • Excellence and Frontier Research as Travelling Concepts in Science Policymaking.Tim Flink & Tobias Peter - 2018 - Minerva 56 (4):431-452.
    Excellence and frontier research have made inroads into European research policymaking and structure political agendas, funding programs and evaluation practices. The two concepts travelled a long way from the United States and have derived from contexts outside of science. Following their conceptual journey, we ask how excellence and frontier research have percolated into European science and higher education policies and how they have turned into lubricants of competition that buttress an ongoing reform process in Europe.
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  • A genealogy of political theory: a polemic.James Alexander - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (3):402-423.
    Here is a sketch of a genealogy of political theory for the last century. This is a genealogy in Nietzsche’s sense: therefore, neither unhistorical taxonomy, nor a history of political theory as it is written by historians, but a typology in time. Four types of modern political theory are distinguished. These are called, with some justification, positive, normative, third way and sceptical political theory. Seen from the vantage of the twenty-first century, they form an instructive sequence, emerging as a series (...)
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  • Introducing geological wonder: Planetary thinking as a disruption of narcissism.Jeremy Bendik-Keymer & Stefan Pedersen - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (6):648-664.
    Since its origin in 15th century European imperialism, the globe has been an object of conquest involving regimes of territorial exclusion and various forms of land abstraction now known as nationalism, colonialism, capitalism, and industrialism. Coming to think like the Earth system and generating politics grounded in it could pose a welcome disruption of these systematically controlling orders only if such planetary thinking is grounded in a nondominating orientation. We propose that this grounding be geological wonder, the open consideration of (...)
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