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  1. Model theory of adeles I.Jamshid Derakhshan & Angus Macintyre - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (3):103074.
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  • Topological differential fields.Nicolas Guzy & Françoise Point - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (4):570-598.
    We consider first-order theories of topological fields admitting a model-completion and their expansion to differential fields . We give a criterion under which the expansion still admits a model-completion which we axiomatize. It generalizes previous results due to M. Singer for ordered differential fields and of C. Michaux for valued differential fields. As a corollary, we show a transfer result for the NIP property. We also give a geometrical axiomatization of that model-completion. Then, for certain differential valued fields, we extend (...)
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  • Some supplements to Feferman–Vaught related to the model theory of adeles.Jamshid Derakhshan & Angus Macintyre - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (11):1639-1679.
    We give foundational results for the model theory of AfinK, the ring of finite adeles over a number field, construed as a restricted product of local fields. In contrast to Weispfenning we work in the language of ring theory, and various sortings interpretable therein. In particular we give a systematic treatment of the product valuation and the valuation monoid. Deeper results are given for the adelic version of Krasner's hyperfields, relating them to the Basarab–Kuhlmann formalism.
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  • Anneaux de fonctions p-adiques.Luc Bélair - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (2):484-497.
    We study first-order properties of the quotient rings C(V)/P by a prime ideal P, where C(V) is the ring of p-adic valued continuous definable functions on some affine p-adic variety V. We show that they are integrally closed Henselian local rings, with a p-adically closed residue field and field of fractions, and they are not valuation rings in general but always satisfy ∀ x, y(x|y 2 ∨ y|x 2 ).
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  • More on imaginaries in p-adic fields.Philip Scowcroft - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1):1-13.
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