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Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man

New York: Branch Line (1977)

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  1. Apie šiuolaikinę naratologiją.Gerald Prince - 2014 - Žmogus ir Žodis 16 (2).
    Geraldas Prince’as remiasi tokiu naratyvo apibrėžimu: objektas yra naratyvas, jei jis yra logiškai nuosekli bent dviejų asinchroninių įvykių, kurie nesuponuoja arba nenumano vienas kito, reprezentacija. Atkreipdamas dėmesį į svarbius klausimus apie naratyvo pobūdį, jo formą ir funkcionavimą, Prince’as pastebi, jog reikia mėginti aiškintis ir kokia yra mūsų suvokimą veikianti santykių sistema, galinti paaiškinti naratyvo semiozės pobūdį ir jos bruožus, naratyvų ir atskirų naratyvinių momentų reikšmę bei prasmingumą. Kalbėdamas apie naratologijos ateitį ir aptardamas įvairias jos šiuolaikines atmainas, jis iškelia keletą uždavinių (...)
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  • Goal-Directed Systems and the Good.Mark Bedau - 1992 - The Monist 75 (1):34-51.
    We can readily identify goal-directed systems and distinguish them from non-goal-directed systems. A woodpecker hunting for grubs is the first, a pendulum returning to rest is the second. But what is it to be a goal-directed system? Perhaps the dominant answer to this question, inspired by systems theories such as cybernetics, is that goal-directed systems are distinguished by their tendency to seek, aim at, or maintain some more-or-less easily identifiable goal. Cybernetics and the like would hold that physical systems subject (...)
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  • Knowledge-based systems and issues of integration: A commercial perspective. [REVIEW]Karl M. Wiig - 1988 - AI and Society 2 (3):209-233.
    Commercial applications of knowledge-based systems are changing from an embryonic to a growth business. Knowledge is classified by levels and types to differentiate various knowledge-based systems. Applications are categorized by size, generic types, and degree of intelligence to establish a framework for discussion of progress and implications. A few significant commercial applications are identified and perspectives and implications of these and other systems are discussed. Perspectives relate to development paths, delivery modes, types of integration, and resource requirements. Discussion includes organizational (...)
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  • AI — and everything else.Godela Unseld - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (3):280-287.
    One of the most common misunderstandings in dealing with the world is the notion that you can do it piece-meal, that in understanding and shaping one part you can safely ignore the rest. One of the oldest wisdoms is the insight that in reality everything is knitted together, that to meddle with one part is always to meddle with the whole. AI as a social phenomenon is a good example for both findings. In trying to understand this new event in (...)
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  • A sociotechnical perspective for the future of AI: narratives, inequalities, and human control.Andreas Theodorou & Laura Sartori - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1):1-11.
    Different people have different perceptions about artificial intelligence (AI). It is extremely important to bring together all the alternative frames of thinking—from the various communities of developers, researchers, business leaders, policymakers, and citizens—to properly start acknowledging AI. This article highlights the ‘fruitful collaboration’ that sociology and AI could develop in both social and technical terms. We discuss how biases and unfairness are among the major challenges to be addressed in such a sociotechnical perspective. First, as intelligent machines reveal their nature (...)
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  • AI and human society.Petros A. M. Gelepithis - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (3):312-321.
    This paper considers the impact of the AI R&D programme on human society and the individual human being on the assumption that a full realisation of the engineering objective of AI, namely, construction of human-level, domain-independent intelligent entities, is possible. Our assumption is essentially identical tothe maximum progress scenario of the Office of Technology Assessment, US Congress.Specifically, the first section introduces some of the significant issues on the relational nexus among work, education and the human-machine boundary. In particular, based on (...)
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  • The ontological status of computers or what is a computer?John Kelly - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (4):305-323.
    The development of computers as ‘mind tools’ has generated intriguing and provocative views about their potential human-like qualities. In this paper an attempt is made to explore the ‘real’ nature of computers by an examination of three widely different perspective, (1) the common-sense view of computers as tools; (2) the provocative view of computers as persons; and (3) the challenging view of computers as texts. In the course of the discussion an extended critique of the use of anthropomorphic terms in (...)
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  • Moral dimension of man and artificial intelligence.Adam Drozdek - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (3):271-280.
    Steady technological and economic progress gives science and the scientific method a distinguished position in today's culture. Therefore, there may be an impression that areas not belonging to science may hamper this progress of humanity. The views of Dean E. Wooldridge exemplify this position. The only hope is seen in the rational dimension of man in which there is no room for ethical considerations. This rational dimension is also the sole representation of man in the image created by artificial intelligence. (...)
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  • Freedom and Enforcement in Action: A Study in Formal Action Theory.Janusz Czelakowski - 2015 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Situational aspects of action are discussed. The presented approach emphasizes the role of situational contexts in which actions are performed. These contexts influence the course of an action; they are determined not only by the current state of the system but also shaped by other factors as time, the previously undertaken actions and their succession, the agents of actions and so on. The distinction between states and situations is explored from the perspective of action systems. The notion of a situational (...)
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  • Remarks on Receiving the Covey Award.Margaret A. Boden - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (3):333-339.
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