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  1. The linked legal data landscape: linking legal data across different countries.Erwin Filtz, Sabrina Kirrane & Axel Polleres - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (4):485-539.
    The European Union is working towards harmonizing legislation across Europe, in order to improve cross-border interchange of legal information. This goal is supported for instance via standards such as the European Law Identifier and the European Case Law Identifier, which provide technical specifications for Web identifiers and suggestions for vocabularies to be used to describe metadata pertaining to legal documents in a machine readable format. Notably, these ECLI and ELI metadata standards adhere to the RDF data format which forms the (...)
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  • Natural language processing for legal document review: categorising deontic modalities in contracts.S. Georgette Graham, Hamidreza Soltani & Olufemi Isiaq - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-22.
    The contract review process can be a costly and time-consuming task for lawyers and clients alike, requiring significant effort to identify and evaluate the legal implications of individual clauses. To address this challenge, we propose the use of natural language processing techniques, specifically text classification based on deontic tags, to streamline the process. Our research question is whether natural language processing techniques, specifically dense vector embeddings, can help semi-automate the contract review process and reduce time and costs for legal professionals (...)
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