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  1. Logical exceptionalism: Development and predicaments.Bo Chen - 2024 - Theoria 90 (3):295-321.
    This paper examines the conceptions of logic from Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein and Ayer, and regards the six philosophers as the representatives of logical exceptionalism. From their standpoints, this paper refines the tenets of logical exceptionalism as follows: logic is exceptional to all other sciences because of four reasons: (i) logic is formal, neutral to any domain and any entities, and general; (ii) logical truths are made true by the meanings of logical constants they contain or by logicians' rational (...)
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  • ‘Qinghua School of Logic’: Mathematical Logic at Qinghua University in Peking, 1926–1945.Jan Vrhovski - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 42 (3):247-261.
    Mathematical logic was first introduced to China in early 1920s. Although, the process of introduction was facilitated by the lectures of Bertrand Russel at Peking University in 1921 and continued by China’s most passionate adherents of Russell’s philosophy, the establishment of mathematical logic as an academic discipline occurred only in late 1920s, in the framework of a recently reorganised Qinghua University in Peking. The main aim of this paper is to shed some light on the process of establishment of mathematical (...)
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  • Russell and Jin Yuelin on Truth: A Comparative Study.Chen Bo - 2021 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 52 (1-2):43-78.
    Jin Yuelin’s logical and philosophical thought was deeply influenced by the philosophy of Bertrand Russell. The same influence existed also in the case of his view on truth, which was considerably close to the views maintained by Russell in his phase of logical atomism. In their investigations, Russell and Jin not only focused on similar topics, but also occupied similar philosophical positions, such as realism in the domain of ontology, empiricism in epistemology, and the correspondence theory in the domain of (...)
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