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  1. Class, consciousness, and the fall of the bourgeois revolution.David A. Bell - 2004 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 16 (2-3):323-351.
    Abstract The Marxian vulgate, which long dominated the historiography of the French Revolution, and which was broadly accepted in the social sciences, is no longer sustainable. But newer attempts to frame the issue of class in entirely linguistic terms, producing the claim that France had no bourgeoisie because few people explicitly described themselves as ?bourgeois,? are not entirely convincing. The Revolution brought into being, and helped to sustain, a new social group: the ?state bourgeoisie,? which defined itself by its education (...)
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  • (1 other version)The hatred of public schooling: The school as the mark of democracy.Maarten Simons - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):666-682.
    This article takes up a text that Rancière published shortly after The Ignorant School Master appeared in French, 'École, production, égalité'[School, Production, Equality] (1988), in which he sketched the school as being preeminently the place of equality. In this vein, and opposed to the story of the school as the place where inequality is reproduced and therefore in need of reform, the article wants to recount the story of the school as the invention of a site of equality and as (...)
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  • Institutional Pedagogy and Semiosis: Investigating the missing link between Peirce's semiotics and effective semiotics.Sébastien Pesce - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1145-1160.
    My aim in this paper is to show the relevance of an ‘effective semiotics’; that is, a field study based upon Peirce's semiotics. The general context of this investigation is educational semiotics rather than semiotics of teaching: I am concerned with a general approach of educational processes, not with skills and curricula. My paper is grounded in a field study that I carried out in a school, L'Ecole de la Neuville, implementing Institutional Pedagogy in France. I first investigate the relevance (...)
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  • De l’expérience formatrice à l’expérience apprenante : genèse et perspectives pour une mise en récit d’un processus de professionnalisation.Lucie Roger, Anne Jorro & Philippe Maubant - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):28-37.
    The different situations encountered by a professional make up the frame of the analysis of the working activity. These situations are analyzed as learning potentiality and as development of the workers and learners . We hypothesize that different situations are to be mobilized to rethink a personal and professional route whose finality is learning and development of the worker . These situations have to be thinking like a set of opportunities to learn and to grow, in other words, as carriers (...)
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  • Class and Pedagogies: Visible and Invisible∗.Basil Bernstein - 1975 - Educational Studies 1 (1):23-41.
    ? This article is reproduced by kind permission of the author and O.E.C.D. (Paris) who are publishing the material in the series Studies in the Learning Sciences (Paris, O.E.C.D., 1975).
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  • The democratisation of the education system in France after the second world war: A neo-Weberian glocal approach to education reforms.Julia Resnik - 2007 - British Journal of Educational Studies 55 (2):155-181.
    The structural reforms of the education system in France (1959, 1963, and 1975) were part both of a global process of democratisation of education launched after the Second World War and of a larger modernisation project in which knowledge producers (experts, scholars and consultants) played a crucial role. Instead of a national approach or a world system approach to education reforms I propose a neo-Weberian glocal perspective that focuses on knowledge producers as a status group, education discourse structuration and education (...)
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  • The Social And Political Construction Of Early Childhood Education.Michel Vandenbroeck, Filip Coussée & Lieve Bradt - 2010 - British Journal of Educational Studies 58 (2):139-153.
    We analyse two foundational social problems regarding early childhood education. The first, in the late nineteenth century, is infant mortality, a social problem that constituted the historical legitimation for the first crèches. The second, the prevention of school failure, is very topical today. By analysing these examples in their historicity, taking into account social, political, economical and scientific contexts, it becomes clear that early childhood education can contribute to the individualisation and decontextualisation of social problems. Yet acknowledging this also means (...)
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  • Triadic distributions and contrepied strategies: A contribution to a pure theory of expressive behaviour.Philippe Van Parijs - 1977 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 7 (2):129–160.
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  • Inquiring into Communication in Science: Alternative Approaches.Anton Oleinik - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (4):613-646.
    ArgumentThis article focuses on a problematic character of communication in science. Two solutions are compared: paradigm-based science and the semiotic solution developed in the arts and social sciences. There are several parallels between the latter approach and Marxist dialectics. A third, original, approach to solving communication problems is proposed; it can be labeled “transactional.” It represents a version of the semiotic solution with particular emphasis on interactions, both face-to-face and depersonalized, and the imperative of negotiating and finding compromises. Communication problems (...)
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  • Le cas français ou les tensions sur l'instruction et la socialisation quand on passe d'un modèle éducatif, républicain, à un autre, d'inspiration néolibérale.Yves Careil - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):14-35.
    Résumé: L’école républicaine « à la française » se donnait officiellement pour objectif de former le citoyen. Elle a connu de multiples réformes durant ces dernières décennies, et on perçoit mieux aujourd’hui sa transformation (d’ores et déjà bien avancée) en une école d’inspiration néolibérale visant la fabrication d’individus aptes à s’incorporer dans la machine économique. La façon dont l’école publique et laïque s’acquittait de ses missions principales se voit ainsi malmenée, ce qui se traduit par des zones de tension, tant (...)
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  • Socio‐economic background, parental involvement and teacher perceptions of these in relation to pupil achievement.Joep Bakker, Eddie Denessen & Mariël Brus‐Laeven - 2007 - Educational Studies 33 (2):177-192.
    Parental involvement and teacher perceptions of parental involvement in the education of children were studied in relation to level of parental education and pupil achievement. A questionnaire was administered to 218 parents and 60 teachers. Correlational analyses and paired?sample analyses showed teacher perceptions to be weakly related to parental reports of their own involvement and to operate at a different level. Regression analyses and analyses of variance showed teacher perceptions of parental involvement to affect pupil achievement more strongly than parental (...)
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